Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 889: Trouble with

No matter what happens, the world of shadows will only remain silent and gloomy as always. Because the area of ​​the Andokla Forest is too large, the area affected by the battle between the two legendary wizards is actually not a big deal. After the blazing lava and fire, the black and white environment and the peacefully standing white tree forest are still the mainstream scene in the dark. The thick black clouds hide the remains of the law of fire that are still burning in the sky, and they are everywhere. The power of the shadow also made every trace of the legendary fluctuation that was intended to be transmitted to the distance disappear without a trace.

In this world of eternal night, whether it is the visit of the legendary powerhouse or the magnificent and violent battle, you can never imagine splashing a wave in the endless shadow. The boundless darkness can always engulf all foreign things without revealing it, maybe Those “intrinsic characteristics” that make people feel horrified are always obscure and misty, but as long as you put aside your self-righteous thinking and carefully feel the ubiquitous shadow, I believe that any legend who thinks that it is powerful will definitely feel this. The suffocating peace and weirdness in the mysterious world...

The longer you stay, the more punk understands that those legendary stalkers who concentrate on the law of shadows are unwilling to stay for a long time in this place where they can not blend into the night at all times. It makes sense, although the plane of shadow is not as capable as the endless abyss. It has an obvious effect on the soul and mind of creatures, but... when flying past white trees that are fragile compared to the power of the legendary professional, punk will always instinctively give birth to a little thought. Hurry up and leave the "subconscious" impulse of this shadow.

With the passage of time, the number of appearances of this "impulse" can no longer be ignored as a simple illusion.

"After completing the mission, you must leave here as soon as possible. Although since the time of Netheril, no one has ever been able to show evidence that the calm and tranquil shadow can cause any harm to the soul of any creature, but...the strangeness here can be. It is not comparable to a simple and rude abyss."

Stepping gently on a dark rock in a clearing in the forest, punk stopped, while secretly raising his vigilance, tampering with the laws of nature related to kinetic energy and making his steps silent.

After interrogating the "Plague Box" for information about the Shadow Demon, the caster left the battlefield before the arrival of "Thick Rock Formation" and "Phantom Magic Mirror", although he didn't really believe that Kesanoya really said it. He had all the information, but he couldn't really use legendary spells to give Kaisanoya a bit of cruelty because of a little suspicion of ultra vires, so it was meaningless to stay there.

And on the other hand... the "Shadow Demon Rumor" shared by the "Plague Box" is not useless at all. At least for now, the "Legend of the Anchor Who Eats the Shadow Demon" provides punk with a good one. Ideas............

Well, after inferring the fact that neither Kaisanoya nor Kane used the "moon-level prophecy scroll", Punk felt that he did not need to rush to find someone with the scroll so early. He also wanted to try it. The "good way" came out.

It’s just that before trying this method, there are still a little troublesome things that need "Destroy Whispers" to pay attention to, such as............ Now following him closely, he is chattering endlessly for a second without stopping. The knight "Kane-Bisadas" is a typical "trouble"-after leaving the battlefield, this ignorant mad knight has become a follower behind Punk.


"Kane, are you idle to this level, or do you want to grab the credit"?

Looking back impatiently, the cold-eyed punk looked at the mad knight with the same undisguised contempt and vigilance as they did thousands of years ago.

"Now we are all "silents" performing tasks under the banner of "guildmaster". Although there are no clear rules,...the act of taking advantage of teammates to find "prey" may not be recognized by our Lord of the Sun Throne Right"?

Punk's warning was very clear. He was persuading Kane to put out his idea of ​​picking up cheap as soon as possible.

A powerful spellcaster who has never failed to seize loot is not at all worried that the mad knight can take advantage of him, although from previous experience, Kane, who has nothing to do with the Three Treasures "Once he sticks to a certain goal, he doesn't know where he got a bad "opportunity" and wants to discuss it with himself... But he likes to travel alone quietly. "Destroy Whispers" still didn't want to be followed by a constant chatter.

And then, Kane’s answer perfectly proved the fact...

That is-the experience and judgment of the caster is too accurate!

"We are old friends and partners who have walked side by side from the apprentice level all the way. The uncle of Yi Bo Yuntian encountered a good thing, who can he share with you if he doesn't share it with you? It's not the uncle who is blowing with you, this time In front of you and me, there is a real chance to make a fortune... Hey, don’t go, my uncle hasn’t finished talking yet"...

The mad knight opened his mouth and opened his mouth, accompanied by a starry figure that flashed away in the black and white forest clearing ~ The caster who took a short pause has disappeared in the blink of an eye Up.

Without waiting for Kane to continue speaking, Punk turned around as if he hadn't heard anything and started to continue to the center of Andokla Forest. As for the "opportunity to make a fortune" that Kane, who is "righteous and thin", boasted What, "Whisper of Destruction" doesn't want to waste time and energy listening at all now.

Starting from the "Konora City Offensive and Defensive War", and then experiencing various "thrilling and exciting" journeys such as "The Journey to the Great Desert", "The Treasure Adventure of the God of Red Sand", and the "Adventure of Ancient Master Ruins", the world No one knows the "opportunity" routine of the unreliable legendary knight better than punk. This guy is always able to make a good plan for various changes and accidents.

Although so far, the Mad Knight is indeed the most reliable teammate the caster has ever encountered, but...

Now punk feels that it is more affordable and stable to take the task from the "chairman" side.

As a model of the legendary organization, the "executors" are as good as "medical insurance" to "guarantee wages", from "employee development" to "performance bonus". Kane's instigation of "three no extras" makes it **** Go well.

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