Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 891: Delicious soup

Many kinds of magic materials are added to the cauldron, including the flesh and blood of legendary creatures, the leaves of legendary plants, and many master-level spices and monster bone meal as auxiliary materials. When these things are mixed in the cauldron After completion, punk calmly condensed a large group of water elements in the air who put it in.

Finally, the ultra-high temperature flame ignited by magical power bloomed below the cauldron like a lotus flower. The large amount of heat soon caused sunburn and heat waves in the tranquil air, accompanied by the magic soup that quickly began to boil. With patches of light yellow thick mist, the figure of the caster standing next to the cauldron looked hazy.

"It's so, this smell...this smell is really amazing. It's as delicious as a broth cooked with luxurious spices for days and nights. Just smell it and your mouth starts to secrete saliva"!

Seeing Punk quickly boiled the soup in the cauldron, Kane couldn't help but stared and stretched out his head.

Even the mad knight has to admit that with his life experience, although he has tasted all kinds of palace cuisines and usually eats the expensive snacks made by the royal chefs, he is tired of eating, but now......this is made by the caster The deliciousness of a pot of soup is far better than any food he has ever seen.

The scent that keeps coming out doesn’t come from the smell of taste, but the delicacy that acts directly on the soul. Kane only faints when he uses some natural treasures to make crude "legendary medicinal bath". I have experienced this "scent that I smell with my soul."

However, compared with the amazing aroma of cooking in the cauldron now, the "soul delicacy" he usually enjoys is as insignificant as white water with just a little salt.

"Are you making soup? Sai'an? Well, camping in the Plane of Shadows sounds particularly adventurous, but my uncle thinks that you have made too much soup. You now need someone good at tasting food. Friends from here to help share............"

The familiar legendary knight strode towards the bubbling soup pot while uttering horrible words.

When the taste of food arouses the appetite of a foodie, even the slightly cloudy pale yellow soup looks like a rare and peerless delicacy, although Kane knows that this "food" is 80% not for eating , But he was still curious about how such a delicious soup was made successfully.

But...punk obviously has no idea of ​​sharing precious magical food.

Although the caster himself usually likes to enjoy some special food, but now he is busy catching the "inscription sage" Orwen. This pot of soup is not an "entertainment" used to satisfy appetite, but an important trap ingredient.

So, after seeing the mad knight sneaking in sneakily, punk could only silently explain to him and mocked:

"It's a beast's behavior to want to put food in your mouth when you see it. Although some golden guys have the same IQ as a male dog in heat, he should at least control one mouth."


A protective shield was built directly to block the dark shadowy land, and the caster ruthlessly cut off the delivery of fragrance and the advancement of Kane.

He didn't intend to let the mad knight know what steps he needed to make a magical food, and he didn't want to let Kane, who had seen the swamp Tanren, see clearly the last ingredient he wanted to add to the soup pot-the heart powder of the master Tanren !

You know, the recipe of magical food is rarer than the recipe of alchemy potion. Even punk, as a "learned" legendary mage, knows only one or two, "Song stew Xiangquntan" and "Eberlen delicious soup" "It's in it.

And now the "magic food trap" he is making is a work that combines these two magical food production methods............

That's right, "Destroy Whispers" intends to use the most primitive "food temptation" method to get Owen into the net!

Although it seems ridiculous and whimsical to use some food with only a little more fragrant taste to attract a legendary powerhouse, after a series of careful judgments and reflections, punk thinks this method is worth trying.

Speaking of which, the caster can think of this attention thanks to the "Ghost Story" of the Shadow Demons.

Because I learned from the "Plague Box" that "Owen may be preying on the shadow demon in the central area of ​​the Andokla Forest", I have seen Babon use the morning star level spell to hit the old wizard's head directly. The reader immediately thought of the situation that the "inscription sage" might encounter at present.

You must know that the soul of a mage is the source of thought and the basis for casting spells. If the soul is destroyed by such an attack, Owen must be seriously injured even if he is not killed on the spot. The two basic external manifestations of the soul being severely injured are the loss of reason. And the loss of ability to cast spells.

At the beginning, punk hadn’t thought that the "inscription sage" would hurt so badly. After all, the old liar used the very difficult "Mioni's ultra-long-distance random teleportation technique" at the moment of his death. The soul state of the spell can't be too bad in a word.

But now... the rumors of the shadow demons have made the caster understand the powerful feature of "luck".

It can kill the magic race at the top of the food chain in the dangerous Andokla forest for a long time, and completely ignore the magical poison in the blood of the shadow demon that is enough to poison the official-level creatures and paralyze the master-level professionals. How about this monster? I think it fits the identity of a legendary creature.

If Owen’s previous escape was really based on luck, would he now completely lose his mind due to the trauma of his soul and become a beast of instinctive tendency?

Punk thinks it's possible!

This is why he took the time to make this pot of legendary magical If you can save the magic scroll of Huiyue level, you can grab Owen with just a pot of food... Then this One attempt can be called a big profit!

"Well, the delicacy that goes deep into the soul is very tempting for those no-brained idiots. Now let's take a look at what this "weird" is."

Use the long-handled soup spoon formed by condensing energy to stir the liquid in the cauldron, and use alchemy magic to incorporate the powder of Tanren’s heart into the juice formed by dissolving the legendary material. A breathtaking delicacy is instantly like a blooming flower The same burst out, and the tumbling broth could not wait to release a rich and delicious flavor. Under the attraction of such a delicious taste, many sensitive wild animals around the woodland began to impulsively and utterly made noises.

"Well, air convection rarely occurs in the plane of shadow, so you need to use a little trick to spread the deliciousness of this broth through the forest..."

Seeing the soup whose aroma had reached its limit stopped boiling, Punk nodded in satisfaction and stopped stirring the magical food.

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