Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 893: Owen's Illusion

The world of shadows is as dark and gloomy as ever, and the pitch-black rock exposed on the ground can give people a sense of depression that can't breathe.

On a bare hill in the Andokla Forest, with a few snow-white flowers swaying between the cracks of the rocks, the rocky mountain like a giant beast has a somewhat "natural" meaning.

However, the heavy hills are unexpectedly not quiet at this moment. Even if there is no whistling hurricane among the rocks to create a haze like a ghost crying, the inside of this "stone mountain" still emits a faint sound. Yoo's tremor clearly released a terrifying rumbling "roar".

At the same time, along with this low "roar", there were horrible mental power fluctuations spreading freely. In this area, except for the immovable plants that continue to grow, almost all animals have disappeared and fled. ... In the shadow of the shadows, there was only a horrible wailing sounding through the mountains, and the white trees whose branches and leaves were trembling because of the tremors made the whole hill look a little eerie and weird.

It is of course impossible for a small mountain to wailing continuously, and it is impossible for it to continuously release painful mental power fluctuations, so the reason for making a huge noise must be inside the mountain.

In fact, if someone could dig a hole in this hill now, he would be surprised by the sight of the inside.

Because now the hills are no longer complete rocks, a lot of irregular gravel has replaced the whole piece of solid black rock and filled in the solid black rock shell, and it is accompanied by a sound that does not sound like a human voice. Screaming, these rubbles are still being tumbling and stirring, and become more finely broken.

Obviously, the culprit that caused a hill to turn into a "gravel stuffed bun" was still in the belly of the mountain without a trace of air.

"Ah ah ah ah ah"!


Another wailing full of pain shook the rocks. A large number of rubbles squeezed and creaked indiscriminately because of a powerful force. Among the gravel piles that left a certain amount of space, one was covered in black, red and dirty. The "creature" was violently hammering a large pile of sharp rocks in front of him with his only old fist. As the entire hill shook up, the large pile of fist-sized stones immediately shattered. The size of your finger.

There is no doubt that this "human" who is bathing in the screaming wailing of sharp stones is the old mage Owen who is being searched all over the world by the enforcers. As a severely injured legendary powerhouse, he is already on this dark hill. Yau has been living inside for a long time.

The injury caused by the morning star level attack has no possibility of self-healing, and even as the damage of the law energy to the wound like a bone-attached maggot further increases, Owen’s soul injury does not show any signs of healing, but a day Deteriorating faster than a day,

The poor "inscription sage" now has ten seconds of sane time every day, and at the same time he has to endure the intense pain of being eaten by a worm in his brain.

In order to avoid hunting down, Owen could only use a chance of sane return to get into this humble hill, and then simply buried himself alive in a pile of rocks in order to prevent "instinct" from exposing himself under painful drive.

Even if the old mage is still able to smash hard rocks with a punch now, his power is already weakening rapidly. According to vague calculations, after a while and aimlessly, he will break the broken rocks even more. , The injury of the soul should force Owen into an immobile dormant state.

By the time…………

"Those evil dogs don't want to find me, never think about it! But the power of the shadows can't block the prophecy spells of the Throne of the Sun. Messul will definitely be able to take me away easily. Soon... Soon the old man will be there. You can be free from this hell."

While trembling from the pain of the soul, the embarrassed old mage encouraged himself with the dim reason that he woke up today.

What else can he do?

Using hope and memories to numb the pain is the only choice. Owen didn’t know that Messoul had no intention of entering the plane of shadow, and with the defeat of Ankazan, he had also lost the rescued. may.

At this moment, the "inscription sage" is still dreaming about what he will do after being rescued from the rubble. After all, his mental state can no longer support too much thinking. He can only comfort himself with fantasy:

"The old man is going to eat some Edoc barbecue. Yes, apply the sweet and sour spices on the barbecue, and taste the delicious clam soup... Use master-class monsters as ingredients, and then have a good meal Now, there is not even a bit of soup left..."

Fuzzy thoughts are like a pool of ink floating and spreading in the water. Maybe it’s because after two years of eating shadow monster meat and half a month of stone, the thoughts that have been constantly surfacing in Owen’s mind at this time are all delicious food feasts. Related, even he began to vaguely smell a trace of fragrance that seemed to exist...

The scent is so charming and intoxicating. When the wisps of ultimate deliciousness linger on the tip of his nose, the "inscription sage" even once appeared various absurd and unstoppable hallucinations.

He only felt that he had once returned to the youngest childhood... At that time, Owen was only a three or four-year-old boy, because the play did not recite the obscure Byron language, he was caught by his own The trainee-level tutor was punished for not having But when he was hungry while copying words in the middle of the night, the little man with tears in his eyes was suddenly surprised to find that his tutor was softhearted and gave him a delicious meal. vegetable soup…………

Yes, that was the only time in Owen's life that he was hungry. The vegetable soup that was delivered to his mouth when he was starving was also the most delicious thing he had ever eaten in his memory.

But now, this delicacy is reproduced in this pitch-black and suppressed pile of gravel............

"Teacher...Teacher, I know you definitely can't bear my starvation. I have memorized all the grammar on the third list. Now...I...I can enjoy this vegetable soup with peace of mind, right? "?

The embarrassed old man repeated the conversation of his childhood, while using his sharp nails to pierce the cavernous rock wall... He was completely unaware of his current environment. In the illusion of the "sage", the pain he felt was the uncomfortable feeling when his stomach was hungry. The sound of the rock hanging was the breeze blowing the paper, and in the direction that the fragrance came, he walked with graceful steps and face. The beautifully smiling "Tutor Big Sister" is already waiting for herself to pass with a delicious vegetable soup...

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