Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 895: Caught

In the end, Owen did not taste a delicious fresh soup. He was easily grasped in his palm by the "Legendary Conjuration Spell-Legendary Hand" used by punk, and the inscription was tattered like a piece of dried lean meat. Although the sage is struggling desperately in the imprisonment of glowing blue energy, his flesh and blood power that can only tear rocks and trees is still too unworthy in the face of the mighty power of legendary spells.

Finally, the dirty old man was forcibly dragged in front of him by the caster.

"This guy is... the "inscription sage"? How did he become like this, and the barbarians in the highlands wouldn't let himself become so dirty like a smelly monkey?"

As if worried about his armor being stained with the dirt on Owen, the golden mad knight hurriedly took a step back with a disgusting expression on his face. At any rate, as a "born and noble" nobleman, Kane was very annoying and dirty. Xi’s "wild animals" come in close contact with each other.

Of course, he does not doubt the identity of the "savage" who is wriggling in the grasp of the "legendary hand". After all, being able to be touched by the legendary spells of punk and not dying is enough to prove a legendary creature. Identity.

"Owen-Riltier...It looks like your escape didn't go well at all, did it"?

Expressionlessly holding the old mage away from him with his big magic hand, punk watched the expression of this "inscription sage" very carefully while quickly condensing a large group of water elements in his hand.


Directly splashed Owen with a cold water ball, and the caster with cold eyes continued to watch the old mage who had turned into a roar without a word.

No legend is easy to deal with. The cautious "Destroy Whisper" has always kept this sentence in mind, even though the current "Inscription Sage" seems to have completely degenerated into a "handless chicken power" beast , But punk will never let any potential threats from outside the village approach him.

After all... pretending to be crazy and stupid is not a high-tech performance skill...

Compared to punk’s caution, Kane, who has nothing to do with him, did nothing. He just glanced at Owen with a look full of malicious and insidiousness, and then quickly grabbed the fresh soup rabbit who had been squatting in the grass. Up.

Under the constraints of the rules set by the "guildmaster", it is undoubtedly not allowed to take the spoils of the "teammate", so from the time when the punk followed the alarm of the fresh soup bunny to find Owen, the greedy mad knight only Can reluctantly give up those two tempting extra rewards, now Kane, who has missed his prey, wants to take the opportunity to taste the delicious little rabbit, and then express his own cynicism with harsh words.

So, the legendary knight who grabbed the little rabbit and ate half of it in one bite, ridiculed the embarrassed "Inscription Sage":

"Haha, Lilierdi, look at your pitiful appearance now, as a legendary powerhouse, you are really embarrassing to a certain level."

Taking "Pure Evil" as a pleasure, "Instant Killing Gun" is as arrogant and joyous as the ruffians and punks of the villain, he even picked up a branch casually to poke Owen in the face. The delicious fresh soup rabbit eaten in front of the old master.

This nonchalant guy just wanted to look at the "Inscription Sage" with a humiliating and angry expression, and then satisfy himself with the pleasure of being a "villain". After all, the unscrupulous Kane never knew what it means to respect opponents and sympathize with the weak. , He would only seize all his free time to unscrupulously insult any powerless creatures that he disliked, vent his depression, and then laughed because he was a strong man and successfully bullied the weak again.'s a pity...

The current "inscription sage" does not respond to the insults of the legendary knight. Owen, who has lost the ability to think due to his severe soul injury, is still immersed in his childhood memories and cannot extricate himself, even if he is a stick of wood. With sticks poking around, he would only let out a terrifying howl because the fresh soup rabbit was easily eaten by Kane.

Until now, the poor old mage did not realize that he had been simply caught by the enemy.



Accompanied by the faint sound of a crystal being cruelly pierced, Kane, with a displeased expression, directly attached a grudge to the stick and fiercely penetrated Owen's remaining eyes.

It can be seen that the mad knight is in a very bad mood now. The jokes and smiles he showed in front of punk along the way are purely habitual disguise. In fact, this tyrannical villain is angry because he did not get the precious loot. Well, the captured Owen didn't want to live as much as he imagined. Such an unpleasant thing even made the absurd smile Kane often put on his face disappeared.

I saw the cruel eyes of the "Instant Kill Gun" stirring the blood-stained wooden stick, and rarely said to punk in a gloomy voice:

"Okay, this uncle thinks that this **** has become a rubbish. This level of mental retardation should not be pretended, you can take him back to receive the reward... If the "chairman" is also interested in a **** If you do, then you will definitely get a bounty."

I can't eat grapes and say grapes are sour, and the jealousy in Kane's tone is completely unconcealed and hidden.

Of course, he did not have the need to hide those emotions from his "old partner", because under the sunny mask of "Instant Kill Gun" is such a detrimental, unfavorable, and violent heart. Crazy guy, punk has known this fact a long time ago.

However, as a "successful person" who is fully paid, how can he care about the jealousy of a "loser" if he is happy and "Destroy Whispers"? What's more, the expressionless legendary mage has long been taken offense by Kane's malicious So, faced with the mad knight's irony, he just retorted plainly:

The "guildmaster" is far more far-sighted than some "baboons". My reward will certainly not be missed. You are not a throne of the sun, who majored in advent spells, than Mr. Thadars, that cursing garbage. Save it."

Ignoring the mad knight's sinister statement and jealous gaze, punk's icy gaze once again released a "legendary hand" and grabbed Owen's **** head.


With a **** horrible tearing sound, the old mage's head was directly torn off by the caster.

The soul is stored in the brain, and it is impossible for the legendary strong to die because of the "head drop" injury, so just take this head and go to the "guild leader". The body of legendary level magic affinity.........Thrifty "Destroy Whispers" should be carefully collected as magic materials.

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