Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 898: The person who prayed

Although the area of ​​the Plane of Phelan is 10,000 times the surface area of ​​the sun in the punk universe, the legendary wizard's flight speed is faster than the speed of light, and since he passed the crystal wall, he did not have the leisure to browse around, so he went straight. The spellcaster of the magic tower quickly reached the "Hartak Central Wilderness" that was already deserted.

But when Punk lowered his flying altitude, he found that there was a gorgeous camp at the entrance of his magic tower and in the middle of the wilderness. A large group of people who appeared to be obviously great nobles or powerful lords. Several simple and small low-level portals are being used to enter and exit, and right at the gate of the magic tower, a large group of neatly dressed people seem to have been kneeling on the soft cushions over there for a long time, even kneeling. The person at the forefront, wearing a big red robe and a crown with jewels, is obviously the current king of Hatak, and the person "kneeling" by the fat middle-aged king is even a master mage.

"What's going on? Why do a group of nobles come to open the vegetable market at the gate of my magic tower"?

Slightly frowned and lowered the flight altitude, it was undoubtedly strange that such a group of "resident" punk suddenly appeared in an open field where there was no living thing.

You know, although he is indeed the ruler of the Kingdom of Khatak, as a legendary mage with versatility, the busy "Whisper of Destruction" has never been more than a word with a king more than 30,000 years ago. I have met anyone in the Kingdom of Khatak, and all issues related to the nobility and politics are "disposed at will" by Sebastian, the construct steward. It is estimated that there has never been anyone in the entire Kingdom of Khatak. Know what the strong defenders of your country look like.

But now... what's the matter with these powerful aristocrats who are completely unknown to punk kneeling here?

"What do you all kneel here for?"

Without concealing his meaning, the caster directly descended to his magic tower in a very open manner.

Although he doesn't care much about the life and death of those useless ants in the Kingdom of Hatak, because of caution and fear of the "interference mechanism", punk still chooses to be patient and ask, rather than slap it to death. Help disturb the annoying spirit of the magic tower.

In fact, the caster who hates noisy has made up his mind. If this group of nobles has made any troubles and wants to help solve them by themselves, he will simply shoot to death within his sight. All living things, thus "completely solve the problem"!

However, when the legendary mage wearing the star robes suddenly appeared in the open space, the kings and nobles who froze for a moment did not make various requests such as "Legendary master is the master of the little one".

Many of the nobles with professional ranks have recognized the "Whisper of Destruction" that does not hide soul fluctuations, so in the next moment, all the people including the king who realized the arrival of the legendary powerhouse turned out to be on the spot as if they had rehearsed countless times. Weeping and crying, I saw them whimpering as they beat their chests and feet:

"The great legendary powerhouse, the supreme "Destroy Whisper", we have made a great mistake. The Kingdom of Hatak prays for your forgiveness. Your kindness is warmer than Mira and Chikasa in the sky. You His mind is comparable to the vast sea of ​​storms. The eternal light is destined to be with you. The sad sinner prays for your mercy. We are willing to sacrifice ten thousand young and beautiful virgins to calm your anger, and only hope that the great legend is strong. Give another chance to the Kingdom of Khatak."


This paragraph of "Confessions", which is obviously changed from "Praise to the Lord of the Morning", has too many slots, and punk doesn't know where to complain...

What are these stuff? Mira and Chikassa are hot enough to burn the legend to death. How ignorant is to describe those two things as "warm"? The heart is comparable to the boundless "sea of ​​storms"? The sea of ​​storms not only has sides, but it is not big at all! As for 10,000 young and beautiful virgins, it is even more outrageous. In the eyes of this group of Hatak nobles, what has become a legendary powerhouse? Is the Cthulhu with unconscious head?

And after the king and the "court mage" began to cry and cry, a large group of subjects, lords, and even the nobles, families of nobles, servants, and guards who lived in the camp began to kneel on the dirty open space and cried. For a while, the whole silent wilderness was filled with thousands of people’s "cries", especially some brightly dressed noble girls...punk guessed that Hatak’s royal family might want these beautiful girls to come. Arouse your sympathy, but these "young ladies" obviously can't tell the difference between "crying" and "screaming"...

"Enough, shut up"!

Even if these nobles cried, it would be endless, and punk also hated the noisy environment, so he simply released a bit of legendary power to force all creatures in front of him to shut their mouths.

Although in this way, it is estimated that about one-fifth of people with too poor willpower or too low professional level will become idiots, but this high-level deterrence is undoubtedly very effective. It is only a moment, the whole movie is crazy. Ye Du suddenly fell silent.

"You come and tell me what happened."

In order to avoid being too easily misled by the "interference mechanism", punk did not immediately use prophetic spells to investigate randomly. He planned to listen to the explanations of the nobles of the Khatak Empire.

And the person designated by the caster to narrate is a master court mage who kneels in the front This is a gray-haired, solemn old mage, I saw him facing the legendary powerhouse When he called his name, he was taken aback for a moment, and then he quickly explained it in a trembling, incoherent tone:

"The great legendary powerhouses are... all because of those **** lunatic warlocks. The magic garden below was ruined for no reason. Although it has been urgently rescued,... But Morris Emerald Fruit It is temporarily difficult to produce, but in the next...I promise to work overtime to repair the magic garden and resume the production of emerald fruit as soon as possible...So please give Khatak another chance."......

As he talked, tears of the elderly mage flowed down. The difficulty of repairing a magic garden is not mentioned for the time being. It is all about repairing the seriously damaged Morris jade fruit trees and letting them reproduce within a hundred years. Regarding luck, the mentality he now holds when he says "guarantee" is more of a desperate mentality of "living a little longer is a while".

This hapless court mage did not forget the warning that the "Sebastian", who was comparable to the plague god, had sent to him some time ago-one hundred years later, he will not be able to produce enough Morris jade fruit, the Kingdom of Hatak Will usher in the anger of the legendary powerhouse!

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