Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 903: Appalling prison

After leaving the oasis area, the town "immigrant" team of the Karoo Kingdom was forcibly dispersed by soldiers led into small teams of about a thousand people. These scattered small teams were all transported through the super-large transmission set at the oasis border. The door went to the kingdoms located in all parts of the plane of Faerun, and those small countries also allowed this group of people to enter the more populous towns and cities without complaint, and even each immigrant was given a local kingdom distribution. Good town housing and basic manual work.

In this way, a vigorous but silent ultra-large-scale immigration operation was declared complete in just one month, and the people who left from the Karoo Kingdom had only lived a life of no more than two days of living and sleeping, and had a new one. Housing, new neighbors, new nationality, and even many farmers have got better jobs and lived in better houses.

In this case, the poor people who always regard survival as their first goal and highest pursuit naturally have no complaints. Everyone including Angelo’s parents accepted it happily after a period of panic. The arrangements of the "noble lords" led to a new life.

For the young Angelo at the time, she was just moving from a dilapidated house to another beautiful house, and then met a group of new children’s playmates, although her parents No more farming, but the work of port transportation still needs to work from 9 to 5, and all the life trajectories seem to have not changed.

Even because of the higher wages for port transportation and lower prices in the new country, Angelo’s quality of life in the “new home” has improved a lot. Her parents even gritted their teeth to save money when she was ten. Sent her to learn a literacy class run by a bankrupt businessman.

It is this key literacy lesson that gave Angelo, who has always listened to his parents, the opportunity to recognize words, and for the first time learned from some borrowed knights that the professionals except for "Master Master" and "Master Warrior" There is also the magical existence of "Warlock"............

Judging from the results alone, perhaps for most of the laboring peasants who suddenly moved from the "oasis area" this time the unprovoked "kingdom disintegration incident" is not a bad thing, but a substantial improvement in living standards. They have With the opportunity to live in a small town from a small village, the future of the children is much brighter.

It is precisely because of such a "good life" that from the beginning to the end, few peasants doubted the reason for the sudden disintegration of the Karoo Kingdom, and no one thought about the weirdness of this "immigrant action" that was both fanciful and concealed and quick Because the Karoo Kingdom has never instilled the concept of "patriotism" into its subjects in any way during its tens of thousands of years of rule, the masses who left their hometowns soon forgot the sudden establishment and The small kingdom that suddenly disappeared.

As for the legend of the "Granted Land", no one knows...

Angelo later naturally awakened the bloodline, and then became a green dragon warlock. Her strength grew extremely fast. The awakening of various talented spells even gave her the fighting strength of most professionals of the same level. .

With great strength, she became an adventurer, and within a few hundred years, she reached the official level and began the attempt to "break out of the cage".

Angelo, who was still a girl warlock at the time, chose to "purify" her heart by traveling close to nature and realize the true meaning of "self", so in a period of two thousand years, she left like this and has no family members alive. In his hometown, he was successfully promoted to the master level while traveling aimlessly in the wilderness.

For the former Angelo, the increase in level seems to be a natural thing. Until entering the master level, this "wandering warlock" did not even drink a drop of alchemy potion, but her strength growth did not stagnate for a minute or a second. , The talented spells that originally looked at luck can awaken what you want, and even when she is promoted to the master level five thousand years later, the number of various master-level talent spells she has mastered has exceeded most master-level mages Up.

It’s just a pity... Angelo’s "breaking out of the prison" has not made any progress. The evil nature in her bloodline is stronger than one day as her level rises. Whether it is painful self-harm or peaceful sleep, she can’t suppress her bloodline. The roar.

It can be known from Angelo's memory that at that time she had actually realized that her blood was not right.

Ordinary warlocks as long as they work hard to persist in using reason to restrain their desires, even if they can't complete the "breaking out of the cage", they will not have no effect after five or six thousand years. Anyway... Right?

But for Angelo, this theory seems to have no effect. She found that the influence of her bloodline was so huge that she could be called boundless for whatever reason. No matter how hard she struggled with her self-consciousness, she would never want to surpass it. The surge of blood.

Even as time passed, Angelo was shocked to find that his soul was trying to abandon basic IQ and thinking ability. The madness that originated in the depths of the soul was not like the blood of a dragon at all. Like the blood of a demon!

"My bloodline has a big problem! Dragons, your bloodline shouldn't be like this at all"!

At that time, the warlock almost went crazy on the empty Since she had collected knowledge about warlocks during thousands of years of travel, she knew that the five-color dragon was evil and chaotic. I will never throw away IQ and basic thinking ability. The magic creatures that hate thinking in the entire multiverse are only the demons in the abyss!

At the same time, Angelo also knew very well that his blood was just a "green dragon". Where did the devilish craziness come from?

Of course, a master warlock cannot perceive the legendary level abnormality carried in her soul. She can only contact the warlock organization as much as possible to gain more knowledge, while continuing to travel silently on the edge of madness.

It was also at this stage that the warlock, who didn't know where he went, saw the iconic legendary magic tower, and then came to the Kingdom of Khatak without hesitation.

From this memory, it can be known that Angelo, who was already unconscious at the time, actually wanted to fight his luck to seek help from the legendary legendary mage, but it is a pity...The punk magic tower does not welcome any so-called guests.

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