Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 905: Wind up

The outline of the conspiracy has gradually emerged, but the doubts in it have not diminished at all. The purpose of the Mage Guild cannot be guessed, and the study of "gray energy" still has no clue.

Just 20,000 years ago, the "praise of life" project officially started. And at that time, it happened to be shortly after the Amoda Flame Claws merged with evil psychic energy and went mad...Has that sad legendary red dragon become a test product for the final stage of "Gray Energy"?

Just 10,000 years ago, the "chairman" held the first "executor" meeting. That is, shortly after that meeting, the Karoo Kingdom in an "oasis" announced its disintegration and forcibly dismissed hundreds of millions of "gray energy" carriers... Is this because after that "meeting" , The Wizard Guild realized that it might have been exposed before speeding up the execution of the plan?

None of these things can be confirmed, they can only exist as speculation in the mind of the legendary mage.

As the saying goes, "Siyun begins to sink into the pavilion at the beginning, and the mountains and rain are about to come and the wind will fill the building."

A succinct verse is enough to describe the quiet situation on the plane of Faerun...and also enough to describe the mood of punk at this moment...

Speaking of it, it is not surprising that Messoul can continue to conceal his conspiracy to this day. According to the status quo of the "legendary island" of this era, even if the "arch mage" will one day usher in "exposure" in the future. , It can only be because of his own "detonation" or "fate" punishment.

First of all, for the Mage Guild, which claims to be the “largest legendary organization”, it is not difficult to conceal the gods. On the entire plane of Falun, only the Church of the “God of Justice” and the Church of the “God of Life” dispatched the legendary pastor Chang Chang. Resident Phelan, as long as you think of a way to prevent these two guys from discovering clues, the master-level "bishops" in the churches of the gods of other good camps don't want to discover anything.

You know, even punks who want to detect gray energy need legendary spells as support. Those gods who don't use their bodies to descend on Faerun still count on several master priests to submit detailed reports to themselves?

In addition to concealing the good deities of the camp, it is obviously not too troublesome work where most legendary professionals get through.

After all, with the exception of punk legends who have magic towers and are quite confident in their own strength, most legendary powerhouses are more inclined to settle in the barren astral space. According to the estimation of "Destroy Whisper", the entire plane of Faerun The number of legendary powerhouses living in it was originally not many. Counting him, this number could reach "twenty".

The legendary professionals known to the caster, such as Kane, the Plague Box, and even the "guildmaster", do not actually live on the plane of Faerun. Even the Wizards’ Guild has only stationed five people in Faerun to prepare for the conspiracy, like the truth. There are no legendary members in Faerun in small and medium-sized legendary organizations like Si.

Such a small number of people combined with the way of thinking of the legendary power to consider the plan with the ten thousand year unit, it is inevitable to produce some "disturbance" in the "humanistic observation", which makes a group of legendary mages who are enthusiastic about research or legendary fighters who don't understand alchemy. Discovering the anomalies of several warlocks really needs "coincidence" as a catalyst.

Moreover, there are only a few remaining legendary existences, and most of them are low-key "hermits". Let alone those "dead houses" who have not been out of the gate for tens of thousands of years and have never communicated with other legends. Doubting the motives of the Mage Guild, even if they accidentally discovered the existence of weird energy in the souls of certain warlocks like Punk, and they also investigated some information about the "praise of life" oasis, and found that this matter involves the Mage Guild What reason do they have to get involved in this behemoth?

Look at how many forces are involved in this little "grey energy".

The Wizards’ Guild, the "god" of the Aimoda Faith, Tiamat, who has launched the life's tribute plan, turned to the "noisy" Silent Alliance... I want to come to the "Santalin Society" with the largest number of legendary warlocks and eyeliner It's impossible for the densely packed gods of the good camp to stay out of the matter...

Faced with such a complicated situation, even if he changed to punk himself, if it were not because he had the identity of an "executor" and had already participated in two executor missions, he would definitely have the right to ignore everything like knowing nothing." Guess”.

After all, such a huge "plan" may have a lot to do with the arrival of the so-called "fate tide" and even the "wheel of extinguishment" mentioned by the "dirty bird". It is really possible to get involved in it casually. I don't know how to die!


This is a huge conspiracy. The instigator's madness and purpose are secretly shocking. The benefits and secrets contained in it may also exceed ordinary people's imagination, but think about it...For ordinary legends who are not strong enough... …It seems that that's all there is to it.

"It doesn't matter to oneself, hang up high", this is the normal state of most legendary powerhouses, and the attitude that punk agrees with. Even the legends of the good camp are only enough to manage their own one-third of an acre. Most curious professionals don’t live long...

For example, at this moment, the "Whis of Destruction" that had already received a lot of warlock souls into magic gems was quietly considering, he even doubted that he would continue to follow the "guildmaster" in this upcoming scene. Is it correct to "mix up" in the storm.

Although he didn't know why the "guildmaster" had to face Messoul, the punk who participated in the operations "Bone Shattering" and "Shadow Crow" could feel that the "guildmaster" was against the Mage Guild. That kind of firm attitude that is almost "immortal."

The existence of the Silent Alliance is more mysterious than the Wizards Guild. Who knows what kind of "winds and turns" between these two legendary organizations?



In the third second after the spellcaster finished finishing and reporting the information" the answer was sent to the punk crystal card.

The Byron text above reads:

"Hello, Mr. "Destroy Whispers", first of all, I would like to thank you for your report, but I have known this information in advance, so you will not be able to get extra rewards, but as the "chairman", I hope you pay attention to safety and Do not conduct any reckless investigations or actions without authorization, please wait patiently for the start of the next mission, above".

Concise, clear, in line with the president's style, and also in line with the expectations of the legendary mage.

"Sure enough, the "guild leader" knew about this for a long time..."

Silently muttering to himself in his heart, the punk expression took the magic crystal card back into the storage ring.

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