Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 907: The twisted world of Muse

The research site for legendary spells is still in the vast astral space. Punk also carried two bottles of alchemy potions and some spell-casting materials as the basic magic materials needed for research, just like when he was learning "Singularity Disintegration".

It is true that the legendary alchemy spell "Muse Fortune Twisting the World" is not as dangerous as the "Singularity Disintegration". After all, its auxiliary nature is far greater than its offensive nature. However, for the sake of safety, the prudent legendary wizard decided to use some precious ones. After the magic resource has produced the spelling materials, practice and study.

In any case, legendary spells are legendary spells. There are too many details to pay attention to during the practice process, and the construction of spell models is too cumbersome. Every rune can be presented without errors, and every trace of magic must be perfect as an anchor. Fit.

In such a complicated process of magic research, any mistakes that appear are undoubtedly very dangerous. According to the "news reports" of the great austrians in the era of Netheril, we can know that there are always some stingy and self-righteous legendary mages for Save some magic materials and choose to practice legendary spells empty-handed, and then made a mess of mistakes and was wounded and killed... There was even a Huiyue spellcaster who died out of control while practicing Huiyue's ultimate move. Under the explosion of the bright moon spell............

It can be seen that magic research is very risky. No matter what the level of strength, one cannot relax one's vigilance. While expressing curiosity about knowledge, one must not forget the existence of the word "awe".

The famous Yaori-level Great Austrian "Gate of Haze" Krollaf once said:

"As a legendary powerhouse, your own power is worth keeping in awe of yourself, because it can be used not only to kill enemies, but also to kill yourself"!


Standing on a small and desolate plane, punk felt the magic in his soul rushing endlessly, while cautiously admonishing himself to be cautious. A sensible strong man only saves resources when he should save resources. Don't forget that the value of magical materials is for use.

"Calm the mind... calm the magic... calm the soul... well, now we begin the first "Muse's Distorted World" construction experiment."

Following the "triple stability" principle that Nai must keep in mind when practicing legendary spells for the first time, Punk took a deep breath while taking out a small group of dirty liquid that was constantly squirming from the storage ring.

That is a standard unit of "Muse's Twisted World" casting aid-Rainbow Blood.

Accompanied by this group of dark-toned liquid gleaming with various colors intertwined and changed into various irregular shapes in the palm of the hand, punk also felt the tranquility of the soul and slowly closed his eyes.

The brilliance of distant stars shone on the deep and dark robes, and the huge magical fluctuations made the structure of the space appear distorted. Ruoyouruowu's mysterious spell seems to be being conveyed from the chaotic dream, carrying a glowing blue light. The fingertips also turned into weird pen points and slid through the gaps in the rules...


Like a match struck on the matte, an almost insignificant candlelight also began to show a spot of light on the violently twisted and dirty liquid ball, and soon the whole gloomy "rainbow blood" became A brightly colored light cluster was formed, and the colorful brilliance that gradually appeared quickly illuminated a large area in the dark starry sky.

As the construction of the spell model gets closer and closer, the "Alchemy Legendary Spell" has also officially announced that it is "ready to go"!

"The interweaving of laws is the essence of the world, and the twisted world is the pinnacle of art"-the muse of the "Twisted Heart" of Master Chenxing!

Combining the aid of "casting materials", magic spells, and casting gestures, plus the memory of successful spellcasting of the Great Oman Vedrasha as a reference, punk's new legendary spell was successfully released the first time.

Although due to his lack of proficiency, the "Muse's Twisted World" he released this time was a bit of a waste of magic power, and its power is significantly different from the theoretical "perfect body" spell, but this complex spell was actually presented in a pitiful way. Small plane of test product.

I saw a bunch of dense, colorful silk threads that seemed to burst open, centered on the punk body, and the dense filaments quickly covered nearly one-third of the space of this small plane. , The silk thread rooted in the law not only merges with the soil and rock, but also makes the astral dust in space and even the vacuum a part of this "distorted world".

It was also after the spell was released that punk fully understood why this spell was called the "twisted world of the Muse"-because all the places that were soaked with fine silk threads had become abnormal!

As the name describes, "twisting" is the main theme of "twisting the world". At the beginning, a large number of slender silk threads quickly become insignificant after being incorporated into laws and substances. Only a few flickering colored light spots make This area seems quite different, but as time passed, the powerful effects of legendary spells quickly showed an amazing side.

In the perception of the caster, the laws incorporated by the silk thread have begun to become more chaotic and disordered. Various physical constants have begun to change drastically in a very short time. This phenomenon of distortion of the laws is manifested on the outside. The above showed a ridiculous and peculiar sight.

I saw a large number of light rays that should have followed a straight line and began to change speed unscrupulously ~ The sudden rise and fall of the temperature quickly created and destroyed the complete structure of the ground rock, the form of matter and energy even in In the solid state, it also begins to become unstable, but this kind of unfixed change will be "corrected" by the normal laws of nature from time to time... The entire area seems to be constantly distorted visually, The harsh sounds of collisions of various energies and matter are even higher.

"It is indeed a spell invented by a wizard of the chaotic camp. This distorted world completely subverts the conventional visual logic in the senses. Maybe the Muse is an "abstractist" artist, but that is not necessarily true!"

Seeing the "world" in front of me become a large piece of distorted irregular shapes and chaotic colors, the visual impact punk felt on the scene is completely different from the scenery observed from Vedraxia's memory, although As the release of the spell, he can also control this "twisted world" that is becoming more chaotic to stop twisting, but doing so will consume mana and is unnecessary.

Generally, in battle, the caster only needs to concentrate on controlling the laws around himself and the enemy. The main function of automatic "distortion" in other places is to keep the laws of nature from being completely repaired, and then to facilitate the caster to use less magic and energy Just exert influence.

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