Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 912: New proposal

"No, it’s not surprising. It’s just that as a legendary spellcaster, I happened to be more interested in the demon race recently. You know, the secret of the abyss can always clearly attract any mage who loves to explore, so if you can If so, I hope I have the opportunity to get the soul fragments of the demon lord you mentioned as a research sample."

Facing the question that Mimibez was already slightly skeptical, Punk answered with a calm and non-emotional monotonous tone.

He knows that the "grey energy" and the conspiracy of the wizard guild are absolutely secret secrets, and the connection between these things and the abyss cannot be guessed, so even if the "Candy Merchant" expresses doubts, the caster's reaction is only Perfunctorily found an excuse as the answer.

Under the circumstances where the "chairman" has spoken out, some information cannot be disclosed and sold casually.

Anyway, the way the legendary mage usually speaks is always this cold and inhumane look, so no matter how experienced and insightful the "businessman" is, don’t even try to hear any flaws in his tone, Mimibez’s doubts Doomed to not get any useful information

What's more, for a legendary mage, does it need a reason to study something because of sheer curiosity?

In the end, Mimibezi, who didn't find Duan Rui on the hazy projection of punk, didn't know any information, and only "heard" a little one-sided rumor, could only temporarily dispel his doubts with a nod.

Although punk suddenly stated that he was interested in the soul of the demon lord, it was a bit abrupt, but...for small merchants who want to buy alchemy potions for a long time, it is always good to be able to use more things as "currency", other things It doesn't seem to be important. After all, asking a legendary spellcaster's "top secret research project" is a very offensive behavior.

And because the demonic sub-lords who rushed over from the abyss to participate in the "blood battle" generally never thought about "going back", so the legendary demons who fell in the battle can be said to be one after another, and the devil princes get the second time. There are naturally many opportunities for the soul fragments of level lord.

Anyway, this kind of soul, which is inherently full of chaos and abyssal energy, is difficult to use and cannot be thrown away casually, will always be of ordinary value in the hands of the devil who is generally not good at alchemy. If it can be exchanged for precious potions with practical value... At least the "Candy Merchant" thinks it is worth it.

So after hearing that punk was willing to purchase soul fragments as a reward, the shrewd Mimibezi immediately nodded and said:

"Okay, then we will happily finalize this matter, eh... How about three copies of **** special magic materials plus one demon sub-lord's soul fragment in exchange for a "bright potion of life"? In the multiverse, this price is considered very fair."

"...Although I know that the devil never speaks "fair", the price is pretty good, I accept it.

Raising his eyebrows slightly, Punk quietly admitted Mimibezi's offer.

He didn't expect this little businessman to be so happy. The caster who was ready to deal with the cunning devil was still imagining a bargaining between words, but now it seems...Mimibezi's offer is actually higher than his. Psychological expectations are a little higher............

"When is the character of the greedy devil so good? This guy should have something to say."

Thinking so silently, the punk who agreed to the deal did not say a single word. He just watched quietly at the projection of the delicate face of the "Candy Merchant", and then waited for the response from the other party.

Now Mimibez, who doesn't know what to think about, is asking people, "Destroy Whisper" but not in a hurry.

The facts are no different from punk guesses.

After finalizing the agreement with a generous drug transaction price, the "Candy Merchant" did not "show off the guests" like last time. Instead, she put on a "sincere" smiling face in embarrassment and pretended to be a joke. He also made another proposal to the "Master Alchemist" in front of him:

"Did you know that the demons in the abyss have invaded more frequently recently, and the intensity of the **** battles has increased again, but the selfish old undead devil grand princes have also found various excuses for not performing their "extra duties" to help alone Facing the poor young devil in the demon army, the next **** battle in my hometown is really troublesome... But according to the rules of hell, the devil grand prince who is responsible for guarding the "extra-large" abyss gap can invite at most one evil camp. The legendary "foreign aid" of "foreign aid" helped in the fight, and the "foreign aid" invited will also get half of the "blood war" reward, so I want to ask for that friend of are willing to go "in your spare time" Take a stroll around the battlefield of "Blood Wars"? Even if you don't trust the "Devil's Contract", we can also sign the Judgment Eye Contract."

It seems that the little businessman is very aware of how bad her family’s "Devil Contract" is, so in order to attract the help of the powerful legendary experts in front of her as much as possible, she even directly disgusts most demons, but they are the most secure. The "Judgement Eye Contract" was moved out.

I have to admit that this question raised by the "Candy Merchant" is very interesting.

According to the "blood battle" tradition, the devil's corpses and souls killed by the fighters themselves can be counted as personal trophies. If you want to quickly get a lot of demon souls, going to the blood battle battlefield as a "foreign aid" is the best shortcut. Fighting with one or two silly demonic sub-lords is not too dangerous. As long as you don’t stand so stupid as to stand in front of you, the death rate of the legendary powerhouse in the "bloody battle" can be almost infinitely close to zero.'s a pity that punk himself definitely has no time to "walk the battlefield" in hell.

The caster has too many things at hand now, why is he busy over here?

In the next ten thousand years, he plans to practice legendary spells, try the production of legendary golems, and discuss "new adventures with Kane" ~ and be serious in ten thousand years. Plan time to ensure that you don’t miss the "chairman" task.

Although the current legendary mage really wants to get some soul fragments of the sub-lord of the demon of the 523-layer abyss for research, but... there is no time, there is no time. The "blood battle" that lasts for 20,000 to 30,000 years is the most All it takes is time.


"It's a pity, I don't have much leisure, so..."

After thinking about his situation a little bit, Punk wanted to reject Mimibez's proposal.

The time of the legendary powerhouse is also very precious, and there are always opportunities to have to give up.

But just before this sentence was spoken, "Destroy Whispers" quickly stopped the transmission of mental power............

Because it suddenly occurred to him............Although he was busy going round and round, there was a guy who had lived in his magic tower for almost tens of thousands of years, and seemed to be very leisurely!

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