Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 916: Archduke Oakley

Hell, in the territory of the Archduchess of Oakris.

This is a typical devil's territory. The dark clouds envelop the whole city. The gloomy old castle presents an uncomfortable dark red hue in the gray brilliance. Various biological skulls are made. The lamp is suspended above the fence, and the ever-distorting thorns and vines act as scenery in the garden.

And in the courtyard comparable to the large square, a team of devil maids in extremely exposed dress endured the whip-like sting brought by the dancing of thorns to clean the courtyard.

Although the owner of this castle is an evil devil, as a devil aristocrat, he loves to be very clean. Even the courtyard of the castle is required to be spotless, so these poor maids can only endure hard work. An inch of dark red bricks were polished brightly, and then I prayed that there would be no omissions in the area that I was responsible for.

You know, the devil door with strict classes and strict rules never likes to tolerate mistakes. If it is in an ordinary aristocratic devil residence, as a servant of a lower devil doing something wrong, it may just be relegated to a slave "only." In this more eerie territory, the servants who make mistakes will only be mercilessly killed.

Anyway, there are too many demons in hell. The demons who are physically strong and often organize messy parties can always make the population continue to skyrocket from the day the "devil" race was born. An inferior devil who has been recognized as a devil and has been a slave for generations. The entire **** is now completely "full of ghosts." If **** battles are used as cannon fodder, it will be consumed and unclean. A devil and nobleman will kill his servants casually. Will not say much.

After all, this place is full of evil hell, and it is normal for evil demons to do evil things.

What's more... This "adult" who lives in the castle of Aubaron is not an "ordinary devil noble", he is a real legendary devil, and a noble devil lord!

But compared to most devil grand princes with extravagant and chaotic life styles, this legendary devil named Oakris looks rather different.

In his castle, he would neither hold banquets day and night, nor would he nurture a group of beautiful slaves for abuse and pleasure like most demons and nobles.

This territory always appears to be exceptionally quiet in the hustle and bustle of hell, even if the **** moon that represents evil still spills the scarlet brilliance on every brick, but the silent and quietness can always make the ancient The castle became more mysterious and cold, and the thick rock gate seemed determined to isolate the outside from the inside.

However, this day is different from the "old days" of thousands of years, because a "unexpected" and "expected" visitor has reached the territory of Oakris.

"Boom boom boom"!

"Open the door quickly and let me in."

I don't know when, a petite figure in a hooded cloak appeared at the entrance of the castle hall. He just reached a height of 1.6 meters and this figure looked like a child.

But the sound of her knocking on the door is not "childish" at all... With every contact of her white fingers with the thick stone door, the sound and shocking sound like a heavy hammer hitting the ground makes the carving full of cumbersomeness. Cracks appeared on the patterned rock door frames.

And after the knock on the door that was enough to make any creature in a castle heard, the heavy cover door opened slowly amidst the sound of deep rock friction............

"Da da da"!

Entering the door unceremoniously, with the sound of leather boots touching the floor, the petite figure walked into the hall as if returning to his own home.

It is worth mentioning that the castle hall behind the heavy stone gate is completely different from the "room decoration" style of most devil grand princes. In most traditional devil aristocratic hospitality halls, various decorations show evil and "art". The products must be indispensable. The chandelier made of at least one thousand skulls of intelligent creatures is the most basic lighting facility. The beautiful slaves whose limbs have been cut off are the "exhibition racks" of various gorgeous accessories, full of blood and terror. The atmosphere is always sought after by every devil.

But in the castle of Archduke Oakles, none of these "traditional" decorations exist. There are neither chandeliers to show evil, nor slaves tortured, and there is not even a single piece on the first floor of the huge castle. For decorative objects or practical furniture, there is only darkness and silence in his hall that fills the empty space. Only above the throne at the end, two volleys of blue flames illuminate a small area there... ...

It was a dark throne with large metal thorns deliberately carved out. Sitting on this thorns seat was a naked upper body and extremely pale skin, but looked ordinary-just the one on his head. The two huge machete-shaped horns prove the difference between him and most demons.

And at this moment, the thorns on the throne had gleamed into his skin with a faint light, and a drop of dark red blood was flowing down the pattern carved on the metal............

There is no doubt that this boy is the master of Obalon Castle-the Devil Archduke of Oakris!


"Your injury is more serious... Until now, you still refuse to tell me what is going on with this terrible injury"?

Stopped about ten meters away from the throne, the petite figure took off his hood, and his long dark red hair glowed with blood in the dark The dark green eyes are as if a pool of quiet lake water is deep and beautiful-if you ignore the obvious legendary fluctuations, anyone will think that this exquisite and beautiful devil is just a little girl.

But at this moment, the eyes of the "little girl" looking at the devil are full of heartaches and worries that shouldn't belong to the devil. The flowing blood and gleaming metal thorns seem to have filled her entire pupils. After discovering what Grand Duke Oakles looked like at this time, her anxiety could hardly be concealed.

However... the pale boy who slowly opened his eyes on the throne did not show any irritation. Even after hearing the urgent questioning, he just leaned back deliberately while gasping gently. Let the thorns on the back pierce further into the flesh...

In the end, Grand Duke Oakles, who even looked weak with a smile, replied to the "little girl" with a wry smile:

"Oh, do you mean the stabbings from these thorns? Don't worry, I just used a little pain to make my mind sober. This little injury is nothing to a legendary devil, and I have never Don’t be afraid of pain, don’t you know that? dear sister."

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