Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 922: Robe completed

Light and shadow are intertwined and reflected like dreams, and colors are woven in ethereal. The robes of stars are hung on the cold metal iron frame, and a large number of lines of laws are woven together and linked to clothing.

Standing in front of the experimental platform, punk, wearing only a dark black long-sleeved leather jacket and trousers, is carefully adjusting the complex energy circuit. The azure blue hair slowly dances with the fluctuations of the magic, in the next work process , He wants to graft a brand new solidification spell structure to the core of the original structure of the star robe, and then make the new solidification spell work perfectly while ensuring the stability of the overall structure.

Since the "legendary energy absorption" spell belongs to the "persistent" spell system spell, in theory, as long as the caster keeps releasing magic power or is attacked by the outside world, the effect of the spell can continue indefinitely. The number of consecutive uses of this curing spell is too carefree. It is enough to use it once in a big battle, which can also reduce a lot of alchemy difficulty.

You must know that it is difficult and troublesome to allow a certain spell solidified in magic equipment to be used multiple times. Even if the most important energy supply and storage problem is solved, in order to ensure that the fragile energy circuit can withstand the internal With the huge load of the law, the caster usually needs to pay a lot of magic materials and superb skills to build a solid alchemy structure.

Needless to say, the degree of trouble in the whole process, one can easily destroy the stability of the original energy structure.

All in all, it is a very "amazing" alchemy skill to be able to repeatedly use the curing spell on a piece of magic equipment two or three times continuously. Like the creator of the "Pale Scepter", curing a moon-level spell that can be used continuously, "Power Pause" "It is a powerful creation that can be called a masterpiece. Now punk's technology is still in an embarrassing stage where it is a bit inadequate. It is too high and far-reaching, and it is too self-knowledge to think of yourself as an alchemist.

"Tsk tsk, Mimi Beizi called me "the alchemist", but in fact she just hasn’t seen what a real expert alchemist is like. I still stumbled on the road of alchemy spells, complementing each other. The method of enchantment is that one bottle is dissatisfied and half bottle is sloshing............ The road ahead is long, so you can't carry something."

He laughed at himself in his heart, calmly watching the hooded robe hung on the iron frame and "watching" himself like an empty ghost. Punk also took a deep breath and got ready for work.

It is time for the second phase of transformation of the Star Robe to begin.


Involving the law, contacting the runes, bits and pieces of magical brilliance formed a needle and thread that was invisible to the naked eye and wandered continuously on the dark and bright robe like the night sky.

Even if the dense energy structure is in nanometers, in order to keep the integrity of the overall energy circuit from being destroyed, punk must consider where the "legendary energy absorption" spell model should be solidified on a more macro level. , And in order to ensure that the characterization of the rune will not be conflicted by the original energy, the caster also needs to drain tens of millions of energy rhythms.

In the process of performing this transformation, punk looks externally like a musician immersed in music playing an instrument, light and dark silk threads spread one by one, the legendary mage’s slender white fingers Then they are gathered, converged, intertwined, and the light or dark brilliance shuttles between the runes, and the shining nine-color brilliance spreads along the lines.

In order to create the core change of the internal structure, the entire star robe has been carefully disassembled into pieces of cloth-each single piece is as beautiful and brilliant as a piece of starry sky has been intercepted.

I don't know when, the entire robe can no longer see its true form now, it almost turned into countless black and bright fragments densely covered in the air in front of the experimental platform...

However, this chaotic scene only looks chaotic. In fact, the transformation steps from beginning to end are all in an orderly manner. The "Destroy Whisper" with perfect savvy and talent is almost perfect in this work. Presented all his ideas.

With the passing of more than 1,800 years of short time, the "enhanced version of the star robe" once again assembled by lines has been transformed!

After the completion of this "Legendary Equipment" transformation study for the first time in the life of the caster, the improvement of the soul level is not unexpectedly as promised. After nearly two thousand years of serious practice and careful research, punk He has deeply grasped his inspiration, mastered a brand-new knowledge, and further realized the mystery of magic and law. This brand-new practice has also fully exercised his soul and greatly promoted his level.

The current "Whisper of Destruction" is already a thirty-third level legendary spellcaster.


"Very good, this is a satisfying legendary creation, this inspiration is really suitable for application in alchemy... The "guildmaster" is really helpful"!

Taking off the clothes from the metal shelf, punk nodded in satisfaction while feeling the more full magic in his soul.

The whole process of transforming the robe went smoothly. Punk did not encounter the many difficulties and surprises he had previously imagined... The "inspiration" presented to him by the "guildmaster" was just as appropriate and beneficial as it was specially confirmed and considered. The difficulty involved in the technology is stuck in a state of "not so difficult that ordinary legends can't understand it, and it's not too simple to form exercise".

It is precisely because of the existence of this moderately difficult "inspiration" can successfully complete the transformation of the robe and upgrade the level.

"President" really deserves to be "President", the kind of mystery that is always elusive is really quite remarkable. "

While solemnly putting on a brand new robe and a beautiful hood, punk said to himself secretly in his heart:

"... But anyway, this matter is very beneficial to me. I can't guess what the "chairman" is thinking for now. Next... I should try the new robe as soon as possible. Function".

Optimistically, I temporarily put aside the unanswered questions, and after finally reforming the robe, "Destroy Whispers" began to focus on the new equipment he had just acquired.

The method to test the new features of the robe is very simple, just hit a few shots of "Destruction Rift" on your first layer of "Legendary Mage Armor".

So thinking of this, the "cruel-hearted" spellcaster did not hesitate to directly complete the spell model, and then released three consecutive attacks that just smashed the defense structure of the "legendary wizard armor" on his body.

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