Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 924: Explosion and failure


On a clear and quiet early morning, a huge and unexpected sound erupted from the always quiet central plain of Khatak. The large fragmented space even cracked the sky above the vast wilderness. The dissipated clouds were torn into pieces by the powerful shock wave, and the violent energy fluctuations instantly left dense cracks on the cracked ground. A scorching wave of wantonly crushing all the animals and plants within a few kilometers burned the soil into glass. …………The arrival of the disaster was extremely sudden and rapid. After the thunderous sound spread throughout the Kingdom of Khatak, the ice and snow accumulated on the central plain due to the cold winter were also transformed by the high temperature. The steam explosion dissipated.

The source of such a earth-shattering sound does not need to be doubted. The source of such an "accident" in the Kingdom of Khatak can only come from one location-that is, in the magic tower where punk is located.

In fact, if someone can see the scene within a few kilometers of the tower as the center through the crack in the emergency shield of the magic tower at this time, he will find that the magic tower at this time has appeared very shocked. Change, because the alchemy wall that should have been extremely tough has already appeared a huge wound, and a large number of chaotic laws and storms are spinning and rolling around the torn wound. The torn and crushed metal fragments and some different colors Semi-energy matter is falling drippingly from a height of tens of thousands of meters to the ground. From a distance, the wavy crystal color is as beautiful and colorful as the stars floating in the sky against the light of the lavender shield.

However, as the owner of the magic tower, the creator of a major accident, and one of the participants in the falling material, the punk who is falling to the ground with a lot of magical material remains is definitely not in the mood to appreciate this beautiful scenery, because Now he was maintaining a sullen expression and letting himself and a lot of fragmented materials that "originally very precious, but now scrapped" fall to the ground.

Then... after a sound of a heavy object falling that was not worth mentioning compared to the shocking sky just now, the legendary mage, who had recovered his expressionless state, lay quietly in the pit he had smashed out, piece by piece. The magic remnants that were still falling down hit his magic shield and were easily bounced away............

Soon, the glazed ground next to Punk was filled with a lot of colorful but radiant irregular fragments.


Lying quietly in the scorching dirt pit, the appearance is not embarrassed, but the "Whisper of Destruction" with a dazed look in his eyes can't help but begin to recall the entire process of this time, the great accident that could not have been failed.

Just a few minutes ago, he was still trying to make golems in his clean and tidy laboratory. The headless corpse of "Inscription Sage" Owen was the outer material of the golem, and pieces of Aimo The flesh and blood of Da-Yanclaw is used by the caster as a suture material.

At this time, the legendary mage intends to make a legendary golem with the ability to cast spells. According to his vision, this powerful golem will help him in battle to give the enemy amazing fire suppression like a fort that can continuously pour spells. As a result, the energy core from the magic fan lock will continuously supply energy for it. The golem body made from Owen’s corpse will have a very good energy conduction function, and the flesh and blood of Imoda will also load the powerful energy. Circulation, and the "In-Depth Construction Theory of Living Golem Structure" found in the memory of Great Austrian Master Vedraxia will become the guiding plan for this super weapon.

For the sake of caution, this plan chosen by punk is actually the theoretical basis for Vedraxia's application when making golems at level 33!

The production of the legendary golem is undoubtedly a very troublesome big project. In order to make the first legendary golem in his life, punk took out nearly half of the warehouse’s magic materials to conduct experiments over and over again to confirm the concept and study the energy structure. Only after making sure that he is fully prepared will he move forward with the production schedule.

In this way, it took a full three thousand years, and the sleepless spellcaster finally produced the prototype of a legendary golem. Even in order to continue to complete this project in the next time, punk has decided to leave the storage room. Half of the magic resources were also used.


As the saying goes, the sky is unpredictable, the moon is cloudy, sunny and round............In such a calm and unremarkable morning, an accident that was completely unexpected by the caster happened without warning.

In the process of grafting an extremely complex rune module to the core structure of the legendary golem, a small energy retention suddenly blocked an important rune connection, and the entire structure of the structure that was instantly affected was violent law riots. It was faltering in it.

And it wasn't until the accident that Great Osher Vidracia had never experienced appeared in front of him that the hapless punk suddenly realized an extremely terrifying fact-he seemed incapable of handling such a troublesome accident that shouldn't have occurred!

Obviously, no matter how powerful the legendary mage is, it is not all-knowing and omnipotent. When the structure of the massive legendary runes is complicated to a certain extent, even the punk who is good at alchemy will feel to mention this large-scale The sudden collapse of the energy structure makes it impossible for unprepared casters to defend against.

Seeing that the temperature of the tens of thousands of main energy circuits near the core of the construction rose to billions of degrees Celsius within one millionth of a second, the good semi-finished golem turned into a terrifying "finished bomb" in an instant. , The "Destroy Whisper", who realized that the situation was irreversible, could only hold a series of emotions that could not be described in words, such as extreme helplessness, irritability, distress, gnashing teeth, etc., activated the "powerful pause" on the pale scepter.

Then... Then he was accompanied by a terrifying shock wave and a large amount of instantaneously crushed metal fragments flying out of the big hole that was broken open, and finally after a short burst of energy quickly subsided because of the subsequent weakness It fell to the ground vertically.

According to estimates, the power of the terrorist explosion that lasted less than one hundredth of a second is at least equivalent to ten offensive legendary spells released together! The walls of the defensive laboratory were directly crushed by the horrible laws. The magic tower that urgently activated the defensive function also showed obvious huge wounds under such damage, and the leaked energy aftermath even made the outermost layer of protection. The cover is like a lamp that has been struck, showing large cracks... If there is not such a protective cover, it is estimated that the entire Kingdom of Khatak will be razed to the ground under the torrent of horrible laws. .

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