Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 927: meet

Even though nearly 20,000 years have passed since the end of the last adventure, Kane's Golden Palace has never changed from beginning to end. This magnificent and tall building is still so sloppy and vulgar.

The glittering floor, the glittering ceiling, the glittering pillars, the glittering decorations............ The air and light that these ubiquitous "golden glitter" have already set off are beginning to look a little "golden", really It is hard to imagine that Mr. Bethadas has lived in such a gleaming environment for tens of thousands of years without getting tired of crookedness.

It can only be said that the crazy knight really likes golden yellow. Apart from these golden glitters in his residence, it is golden glitter. If he wears the golden armor and picks up the spear, then even the crazy knight himself is golden glitter. …………

But punk doesn't care about this golden palace of gold. What he really cares about is what is hidden behind the bright golden palace of gold, especially the golden gate that I saw last time... Punk knows Kane and his beautiful maid team relies on a simple master portal to enter and exit the palace, so the existence of the door that seems useless but has the ability to interfere with perception seems strange and abrupt.

"Maybe the mad knight used legendary materials with interference detection effects to make the door? The outer layer of bling should be just a layer of "packaging", but after all, it is impossible for him to use legendary shielding spells, so now I only need Use perception to penetrate the gate constructed by a layer of magical material to see the secret hidden behind."

Thinking so calmly, after using the projection to enter the Golden Palace, the caster immediately turned around and began to perceive the door with full strength.

There is no need to be polite or polite. The punk of the neutral chaotic camp will not take into account the so-called guest.

If the mad knight stayed in the palace like last time and pretended to wait for the caster to "visit" him, then punk would have the confidence to manipulate his perception to penetrate this "golden" gate and see what is hidden behind!

You know, "Tranxiu Perception Specialization Projection" is a very powerful perceptual spell. Just rely on some magical materials that have the effect of shielding prophecy. Don't want to block the real spell detection. Punk can complete all the work with confidence for one second. It doesn't need to be used. After all, in order to explore how weird this thing looks, he has specially practiced controlling the perception ability to cluster and penetrate the legendary metal.

But this time, Kane didn't put on airs like the last time.

Maybe it's been guarding the caster to explore his golden palace, maybe this guy has finally learned the so-called "hospitality"? Anyway, before punk controlled his perception projection to touch the door, the legendary knight's vindictiveness had already come out and covered the door perfectly.

"Wow, wow~ see who is here? Isn’t this my old friend Punk-Sean? You always keep the time and have an adventurous spirit like this, um, this is one of your many advantages, if you You can also get rid of the little peeping habit, then you are a perfect adventure partner as the hero of the knight."

The pompous and public voice came from behind, and the words mixed with caution and ridicule sounded a bit of "relaxed" feeling unexpectedly, although punk did not hear the slightest "friend meeting" emotional color from it, but For the familiar "Instant Kill Gun", it is normal to just call friends when you meet people you know.

Speaking of... Kane among the "executors" seems to have always called himself a friend of "Destroy Whispers", and the caster doesn't know where this guy fell on the ground wrong and he has to be so familiar with himself. , He only knew that what was hidden under the mad knight's carefree appearance was no less inferior to his own careful calculations. The care and caution of this guy could not be underestimated.

For example, during this meeting, punk's exploration plan failed at the very next moment it just started.

Kane, who had been taught a lesson, had long been at the gate of the palace, and the punk projection was after all a projection. It is completely impossible to expect to use a projection to explore the secret in front of a legendary knight.

What's more, after 10,000 years of adventure and 10,000 years of precipitation, "Instant Kill Gun" is not a little lacking in growth, and his combat rank has obviously improved a lot, and you can find it with a little perception. ,This guy…………

"This guy who has never concealed his professional level has now reached the thirty-second level?"


"I'm just curious and openly exploring a mysterious and obvious thing. It is the least interesting that you interrupt my behavior."

Turning around, keeping a calm attitude, the projection of the legendary mage is still such a gray, cold and hazy image.

He didn't worry about arguing with the knight on a plan that could no longer be carried out. At this moment, punk's attention had been successfully attracted by the astonishing level increase of the "Instant Kill Gun".

At the end of the adventure 10,000 years ago, punk still remembered that this guy’s career level had just reached level 29, and now it’s only 10,000 years. I don’t know if the so-called crazy knight has even reached level three. Thirty level, think about it carefully............ Isn't the upgrade speed of "Instant Kill Gun" almost the same as your own? Could it be that the rapid increase in level these years has become a universal "objective law"?

"Speaking of, it seems illogical that my strength has improved quickly. Then think about it carefully. What is the reason for such a rapid breakthrough in key nodes"? What are the key factors that helped me quickly break through the level bottleneck that should have been stuck for a long time? "

After perceiving Kane's level, the caster between the electric light and flint has already thought of the most critical "breakthrough reason".

It stands to reason that it is most reasonable for the average legendary professional to get stuck severely every time one or two levels increase. Then the external factor that helps oneself quickly get through the "card-level state" is "unreasonable." The crux of the problem............

Thinking of this, a gray-black mysterious sphere suspended on a white high platform flashed out of the legendary mage’s mind...

Without giving Kane time to react, the straightforward punk suddenly asked the mad knight in front of him:

"Kane Besadas, tell me what is the "gift" the "President" gave you?"

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