Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 929: Weird intuition

Warlock is actually a kind of profession that is not very common in the multiverse. After all, most magic races are either extremely rare as dragons or titans, or the whole race stays just like the devil rarely leaves **** and the devil rarely leaves the abyss. Can't live in a fixed place.

As for those warlocks who only possess a part of the magic bloodline... they are even rarer. In the multiverse, most ordinary planes can't even find a magic creature, so how can "hybrid warlocks" appear? ?

Well, although there are indeed many warlocks on the plane of Faerun, it is not because of natural reasons, but because Faerun has been the gathering place of the wizard civilization since the time of Netheril. There are 90% of the ancestors of the mixed blood warlocks. The above are all "outstanding works" left by the casters who were still groping for the truth to transform themselves or transform other creatures. After all, to this day, there are still no knowing how many wizards on the plane of Faerun refuse to give up creating "super monsters." The outrageous dream of the world, lest the world will not be chaotic, the Santarin Society has been fueling the flames............ Various human factors are the main reason for the high number of Faerun Warlock professionals.

If you leave the true "center of the universe", Faerun, and step into other unknown planes, it will not be easy to find a warlock with magical blood, and the place where Kane lives is completely ordinary. For ordinary marginalized minor planes, it is quite surprising that a beautiful warlock professional appeared in his "harem" collection.

Don’t look at the greed for pleasure every time the mad knight shows up, but it’s not difficult to infer from the level of his rapid improvement that the "Instant Kill Gun" usually does not exercise less effort than a research madman like punk. In other words, this guy shouldn’t be able to waste time going all the way to Falun to find a beautiful girl warlock just to fill the harem. This beautiful girl with the blood of "Shadow Cat" should be a rare "ordinary small plane." The owner of the magic bloodline.

"Mr. Besadas, call your servant with cat ears and cat tail to show me."

There is no need to be polite and polite at all, punk always speaks so straightforwardly.

But after hearing the caster's request, he looked at his group of maids, Kane, silently raised his eyebrows.

Although he has long been accustomed to the cold punk way of speaking, the words of the legendary mage who treat himself as illiterate in the lines are a bit uncomfortable. At the same time, the crazy knight is also a bit strange... Why is a spellcaster who is always like an iceberg suddenly interested in his little maid?

"Your tone is really upsetting to this uncle. What is called "a slave with cat's ears and cat's tail"? This uncle also knows the bloodline of the shadow cat.... In other words, your wood is a fancy to the country and the city. Is Miss Alena? Well~ If it’s another girl, it’s okay to give it to you, but this cute little cat girl hasn’t played enough yet, you know her little mouth is really... ..."

"The idiot's mind is empty except for reproduction and play. I just need to check her soul and blood."

Completely ignoring Kane's ridiculous answer, punk's contempt and sarcasm has been veiled.

In this world of slavery, although it is normal for nobles to give each other beautiful women as gifts, how can a cautious spellcaster accept something from a sinister knight? Kane knew this well, his words were just malicious ridicule.

In fact, the legendary mage who sees nothing but magic simply wants to take this opportunity to check whether the gray energy that is almost all over Faerun also exists here, and check the soul of the warlock in the Kane palace. Whether it is still kept clean is undoubtedly the best way.

Of course, from the basic logic, it is not difficult to judge that it is impossible for a small maid to be contaminated with gray energy. After all, the small plane where Kane lives is very remote and hidden, and there is absolutely no reason or method for the wizard guild to come. The seeds of the conspiracy are spread here. It stands to reason that such inspections are purely useless waste of time and suspiciousness. Even if the special results are really found, it seems to be meaningless............

But punk did not hesitate to make such a "superfluous" behavior, because it was a short moment...punk who saw the cat-eared girl suddenly felt a kind of weird intuition that "it is necessary to check the golden palace warlock"!

The existence of this "intuition" is really abrupt, but in a flash, the caster has discovered the abnormality of this intuition-it is not his own intuition in any way, whether it appears Both the timing and the state are particularly unnatural. I have no reason to feel such so-called "intuition"?

So, where does this intuition that suddenly appeared in the hearts of the legendary powerhouse come from?

Without thinking, the caster already has the answer in his heart.

While getting the answer, he also quickly made his choice.

Although I don’t know the meaning of doing this, but... it’s very experimental to see what the intuition from fate can tell me from time to time. The caster is really curious about the way this weird "interference mechanism" works. , After all, the legendary red dragon Amoda-Yanclaw used this intuition to find the "black hand" hidden behind the conspiracy.

At this moment, the "Destroy Whispers" that provoked the "Destiny River" in daily life can also get the guidance of "Destiny" in the palace of "Instant Kill Gun" I have to say this is enough to be an accident. I'm so happy, it would be a shame not to take advantage of it. Who knows what secrets I can discover after borrowing this "intuition"?

With such thoughts in his arms, the punk who was stunned for less than a hundredth of a second after feeling the intuition directly said the request of "observe the little maid with cat ears", and now, the caster who ignores the surprised eyes of the mad knight is even more in control With the projection, she walked straight to the lovely maid who was shaking all over.

Then he put the palm of the gray mist condensed on his head with a pair of cute cat ears.

"Please... this lord, do you have any requirements for Alena"?

Opening her crystal eyes filled with tears, she stood still and didn’t dare to move her cat’s ears. The girl couldn’t help turning her head to look at Kane like a frightened animal, but when she saw the mad knight’s mercy without mercy, she was rather interested. When she smiled, the girl who seemed to recall some horrible memories couldn't help but tremble all over and quickly turned her head back.

It seems that Alena is even more afraid of the knight master she serves than facing a strange foggy image.

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