Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 931: Extinction

Kane is worthy of being a legendary knight who is always shrouded in mystery. Just as he can always find all kinds of opportunities inexplicably and learn all kinds of fighting skills inexplicably, he can always inexplicably contaminate many inexplicable ways. The "mysterious" factor.

Although because of the "long river of fate" operation method of "whoever troubles me, I will trouble him", such as punk, who like to stir up trouble, ambitious and never afraid to retreat, is contaminated by a lot of legendary professionals. All kinds of troubles are normal, but it is still extremely rare for a guy like Kane who can fill himself with mystery and entangle many "mysterious" roots.

After discovering the existence of gray energy, punk knew that the mad knight might be doing something "big event" again. Although this guy had a certain gap in his strength, his ability to kill was not different.

Now it’s hard to imagine a confused spellcaster—more than 90% of them may not recognize or detect the existence of gray energy at all. How did the "instant kill gun" bring this thing into your palace? , And then still contaminated with a little maid? In this matter, how important is the influence of the "long river of fate"? Is this mysterious golden palace and the "smile" that hasn't shown up also related to this anomaly?

All kinds of connections are unreasonable, and all kinds of speculations are unreasonable. After a headache, even punk has no choice but to give up conjecture.

Destiny is like a large precision net. It uses all kinds of "coincidences" and "accidents" to weave many legends that are drifting through the wind one by one. The more you struggle, the more silk threads are wound around your body, and the more you dance with silk threads. The easier it is to interweave and collide with other silk threads. In the end, everyone who is wrapped in a silk cocoon will become a prisoner of fate, and every silk cocoon surrounded by filaments will become a part of the big net!

Until now, punk can’t even guess whether he’s already in this big net...

"Baron Bethadas, your words will never be true after tens of thousands of years. In contrast, your little maid may know the value of honesty better."

Not paying attention to the crazy knight's increasingly cold expression and words, punk calmly controlled the projection and walked directly to the cat-eared girl with rain in Ewha.

Then, the punk, who leaned over, continued to question in a "peaceful tone":

"Remember, cute little girl, have any other unusual people come in in this beautiful palace? By the way... the "unusual" people I mean are equal to your master like me Those of you who are talking, think about it, as one of the maids who are treated as decorations on the exhibition, you must have the opportunity to appear on such an important occasion..."

Dim spiritual power radiated from the projection, they formed many slender tentacles and plunged into the little maid’s soul. Although the "Theseus Perception Projection" had many flaws, it could neither release spells nor read them. The function of memory, but it is fine to release a gentle mental power to hypnotize a little student with only three levels of warlock.

Believe that it only takes a second, and the little girl whose eyes have begun to lose sight will tell everything she knows.


"Yes...some... just a few years ago, when I was young... but I saw... saw..."

The pupils were dilated and the voice was dim. Under the hypnotism of the legendary mage, the timid cat-eared girl had no resistance at all. She soon fell into a drowsy state of half asleep and half awake, and a word containing important information was about to blur out.



Accompanied by a violent sonic boom, a sudden powerful shock wave swept across the hall of the Golden Palace in an instant, but in the blink of an eye, the sleepy-eyed girl Alena turned into a body under the impact of the explosion mixed with golden vindictiveness. There was a **** mist, and at this time, the other beautiful maids who were beautifully dressed and acted as decorations on both sides of the hall carpet were crushed by the kinetic energy transmitted at the speed of light and instantly turned into **** flesh.

Before even letting out an exclamation, Kane's maid group was completely destroyed, and the whole cracked and messy golden palace finally showed a dazzling color other than "golden sparkle", which was splashed with blood and crimson. After removing the clean column, a piece of viscous mixture of flesh and blood slid down the mad knight’s vindictive armor--it only took one ten thousandths of a second, and the gloomy "Instant Kill Gun" drew out the lance. Aiming at the center of his palace and smashing it down, leaving no opportunity for the caster to stop or interfere with the projection, the cruel legendary knight decisively and viciously killed all the maids including Alena.

"Tsk tusk tusk, the **** taste of the beautiful girl is really stronger... alas, this uncle accidentally taught the little cutie this time~ the start is heavy, it seems that the Anitaren Kingdom is also time to organize a new talent show. Yeah".

Kane shook his golden riding lance without a trace of blood, tilted his head and shrugged his shoulders indifferently.

As a legendary knight in an evil chaotic camp, his "hands to destroy flowers" is really quick and decisive, and because the projection of punk is after all a projection that has no attack or defense power, so in such an outburst of fighting spirit, the caster also Can't do any effective blocking action, even the fragile Theseus perception images are shattered and dissipated in the violent vindictive cutting. Of course, the legendary knight also smoothly cleaned up a large number of maid harems including Alena. .

At this moment, no one can "help" the mad knight speak out information...

"Killing? This is indeed a good way to hide ulterior things, right"?

A hazy gray mist reappeared in the center of the hall where the crater appeared, and once again summoned a projection of your punk, and was not surprised by the behavior of the mad knight.

Although until now, he still doesn’t know what the "discovering the unreasonable existence of gray energy" means to him, and even the existence of this "fate intuition" may be of little use to him, but it is for the whole body. As far as the "Instant Killing Gun" is secret, this matter cannot be easily revealed!

Facing the secret about to be leaked The mad knight's decisive killing is just normal.

"Although I don't know what is going on, or why your reaction is so intense...but I will report this matter to the "chairman" truthfully, Mr. Bisadas!"

Coldly perceiving the completely broken souls of more than a dozen maids and quickly dissipating, the punk at this time certainly knew what the most advantageous choice he should make.

There is never any "keep-tight" in the dictionary of a profit-oriented person.

But something surprised the caster... The mad knight, who had lost his smile on his face, showed no fear or other special emotions.

He just slammed the lance on the cracked floor, and responded loudly in a very impatient tone:

"My uncle said that I don't know, but I don't know. You can tell anyone you want. Do you think you, a greedy bastard, can get something from my uncle? Hmph, my uncle is not afraid of shadows."

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