Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 936: Idling hurricane

Kane was transparent about the essence of the gods, and he didn't even care about the feeling of "smiling" when he spoke. What to say in the truth, full of mockery.

However, while arguing with the "smile", the mad knight did not forget to state the business clearly, and saw that he ignored the angry eyes of the girl god, but continued to speak in a slightly ironic tone. :

"The gods are so sad and ridiculous! From top to bottom, from beginning to end, from great divine power to weak divine power, without exception, as time goes by, a deity will inevitably go from calm to madness, and then from madness. Be numb, and when in a moment of craziness and despair, even the strongest once richest in wisdom and knowledge will become paranoid and stupid."

Describing the gods with contemptuous words, Kane seems to be as dismissive of the so-called "gods" as punk and many other mages. After all, under the erosion of the priesthood, it is only a matter of time before a **** loses himself and becomes a machine, even if it is The great divine power is only slowly stepping into the abyss, all kinds of magical potions can only delay the pace of soul sinking, and the ultimate despair will never let any **** go.

And now, the "hunting target" mentioned by the "Instant Kill Gun", Atdylen is obviously a sad **** who is entering despair and madness!

"Atdylan, the **** of hurricanes, rainstorms, and frost, is an ancient god. Although his main "hurricane" priesthood belongs to the outright evil camp, it can be seen in historical records that this In fact, the deity himself is more biased towards a neutral camp character. He was once wise and broad-minded. He faced his followers in a friendly manner, avoiding all kinds of **** evil ceremonies as much as possible... In many evil spirits that can be called frenzied. Among the gods of the camp, Atdylan was once an outlandish existence."

Once again, he took out a bottle of wine from the storage ring and took a sip. The legendary knight, who was slowly pacing on the cracked golden ground, began to narrate Atdillon’s message for this adventure. He has done enough homework. In the research on the deeds of the hurricane god, Kane is already an "academic" existence.

"Atdylen was once very powerful. He has mastered more than five legendary magic arts, has a large amount of wealth and a large number of believers, and has praised frost and hurricanes in the traditional "Frost and Snow Festival" in some remote areas of Faerun. His prayers are still an indispensable and important link. Tsk Tsk Tsk, what a glorious experience Atdylan has had. His divine power level was once close to medium divine power, only a strong priesthood, this hurricane, rainstorm and frost It’s possible for the avatar to climb a higher mountain"!

An exaggerated wave of his hand, the expression of "Instant Kill Gun" was full of joy and gloating.

The evil knight will always be happy for the failures and bad luck of others. For this Mr. Atdylan who has fallen from the peak, Kane has never stinged his own irony.

I saw him continue to say in a slippery tone:

"Yes, that's right! Atdylan was indeed a remarkable guy a long time ago, but what is the meaning of those long-dead "peaks of life"? Once there was a priest of medium power in front of him, But does he dare to take it? Does he have the ability to control it? The answer is no! Not at all! When only a step away from the top of the mountain, the poor and pathetic Mr. Atdylan could only choose to let go of his hands and let himself go He fell straight into the dark valley, because his "self" disappeared too fast. If, as a god, he chooses to continue to grow stronger or even become a medium divine power, then he will lose his personality and turn into a spiritual level. Nothingness............Faced with this fact, Atdylan was destined to choose a poor path-he began to spill the precious divine power he had finally collected, bankrupted his family and went to the Pantheon to buy potions to continue his "life". He was ruthless to clean up the believers who murdered the sacrifices, and even...forcibly stripped off their two priesthoods"!

Having said this, the murder and excitement in Kane’s eyes have not been concealed. Obviously, he knows the information that Atdylan needs to conceal the most and the least that can be known by others, and it is precisely because of the existence of this information. Only the mad knight who intends to achieve some ulterior motives will have the courage to attack this hurricane **** who has reached a weak level of divine power!

Yes, it is "once", there is nothing wrong with this adjective!

After Kane’s description was over, Punk knew that he didn’t have to worry about a guy equivalent to a Morningstar level professional who would threaten him, because if Atdylen really stripped his priesthood, he would now It is definitely no longer a "weak **** of power".

For professionals, there is always only an increase in professional level, but no decline, because the level of professional strength is directly linked to the soul level, and every increase in the soul is an irreversible change, even in the era of Netheril. I have heard of a professional who can reverse the soul to achieve "demotion" under which circumstances, and those who have been tried to "degrade" will only die in the collapse of the So for the legend For the strong, an increase in level means an increase. Their strength may be weakened due to injury, but it will never be fundamentally reduced.

But for the poor gods............ such a good guarantee of strength does not exist at all.

The power level of a **** has nothing to do with the soul. I don’t know how many souls of the gods do not have any professional level at all, because the priesthood is the fundamental factor that determines the strength of a god, even if it is an ordinary intelligent creature that can get strong The words of the divine power can also be integrated within tens of thousands of years and become a powerful divine power god. In terms of power alone, the divine power is everything the **** depends on.

However, unlike the class level of the legendary professional, the priesthood of the gods can be stripped, and the gods can also be reduced in strength because of the stripping of the priesthood, just as the gods who have obtained the weaker divine position will gain the weaker divine power and lose it The gods of the weak and other divine powers will also lose the power of the weak and other divine powers. Stripping the priest requires a large amount of resources and a certain degree of pain plus a long period of weakness, just as it takes tens of thousands of years to integrate the priest!

Of course, stripping off one or two clergy will only lose power, but stripping off all the clergy will be lifeless. When the last clergy leaves the soul of the god, it will very intelligently take away the life of the deity, and use the split clergy to get rid of The identity of a **** is absolutely impossible. This kind of behavior can only be used to train "subordinates" and...slow down the rate of erosion by the priesthood!

At present, Atdylan chose to take the initiative to separate the two priests in order to delay the time of losing himself.

At the same time, he must also greatly reduce his strength!


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