Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 973: Double cultivator


Accompanied by a short and crisp blast, a dagger flashing cold and sharp suddenly appeared in the shattered space and violently opened the "destructive crack" that was about to hit Ankazan's head, an ultra-high pressure shock wave Along with the trembling and buzzing of the blade, the gray-black magic blade that flew nearly ninety degrees away from the target location also deviated from its original trajectory and severely shredded the soil and rocks around the pit.

In the sound of "crashing", the rubble torn by the force of destruction rolled down the straight and steep rock wall, and the large brown-yellow soil residue also turned into a mist, and the breath became weaker and weaker. Ankazan body............

Because of the sudden appearance of this "outsider", the relaxed and smooth atmosphere after the battle has disappeared under the provocation of a knife, replaced by an indescribable, cold, solemn, solemn, pit hole. The gloomy color was stained with an obvious sense of incongruity due to the distortion of the law, and the silver-white dagger with the black translucent flame attached to the dim background flickered with a hideous brilliance!

Sure enough, hunting a "legendary level prey" is never that simple!

"Huh! Huh! Almost, almost... Fortunately to catch up, my dear friend, I have said long ago that you are absolutely lucky to meet my friend, look now, Except for the slow pile of rock fragments, there is only me in the world who will stand up and carry the knife for you"!

The voice that resembled self-talk seemed to express feelings for the "burner" who fell on the ground in an inhuman form, and at the same time, these words seemed to be simple fortune and ridicule.

However, in the almost insignificant hoarse voice, unpretentious anxiety and sadness echoed undisguisedly at the bottom of the empty and dark pit, and when the last smog of smoke dissipated, punk finally saw clearly. To this brand new enemy that suddenly appeared before his eyes.

There is no doubt that the middle-aged "uncle" who wears earthy and tattered brown leather armor, wears a nondescript cowboy hat, and still has a sighing beard and smokes is the best friend of "Ankazan"-the legendary ranger "Limang Flying Blade" Bill Kayton, his appearance without borders is also in line with the insignificant records of many national history books, and at this moment, this guy suddenly stepped into the battlefield to prevent the legendary mage from killing "Fen". The behavior of "The Burner" is naturally enough to prove his friendly relationship with Ankazan.

In punk, Mr. "Leman Flying Blade", who was waiting for his friend to visit in the Kingdom of Eero, should have felt the fluctuations in the laws that detonated when the two legendary spells were released before realizing that his friend might have been attacked.


"The power attached to that knife seems to be the flame formed by shadows, and your silent way of appearance is obviously also a proficient application of the law of shadows... As a professional with the title of Legendary Ranger, are you actually Is this a legendary stalker?"

Facing the unknown enemy who suddenly appeared in front of him, Punk did not attack at the first time, he just stood there and asked questions as if talking about the weather.

After all, for the time being, the "Legendary Ranger" who is blocking the dying Ankazan behind him hasn't even revealed his identity. The class level and hole card methods hidden by the Law of Shadows are still unknown, so face In such a sudden situation, the prudent caster decided to first try to extend his perception and explore whether there are other "foreign aids" hiding around the battlefield, and then use words to probe the enemy and think about the next action.

Anyway, Ankazan’s dying serious injury will never be able to recover in a short while, if Bill Keton, who is currently on the battlefield trying to rescue his old friend, is only alone......the current "Destroy Whisper" is not Will be afraid of enemies of any ordinary level!

"Guess what, mean fellow"!

"Carefully looking at the expressionless legendary mage, Bill, who pretended to relax and play with the dagger in his hand, did not respond directly.

It must be admitted that in the legendary magic "Muse's Twisted World" that covers the entire battlefield, the suppression from the law has begun to make the ranger who has finally arrived on the battlefield feel extremely uncomfortable. It seems that he is thinking extremely anxiously. What should I do next to save my friend? The trembling bad words are only covering up the panic in my heart.


It is estimated that if anyone is standing in front of a 39th-level legendary spellcaster staring at him, "how to take a friend who has been on the verge of death and become a burden" will definitely become the most unsolvable one in his life. problem.

What Bill can do now...seems to be chatting and delaying time.

"Dual professional practice? Or a stalker pretending to be a ranger? But these are meaningless. The above two tricks can only increase your means a bit, but the lack of strength is still an irreparable hard disadvantage."

Looking at his opponent extremely indifferently, the punk warning did not carry any emotional color in the strong words.

Bill's way of fighting that doesn't match the intelligence is indeed a bit confusing, and the timing of his arrival on the battlefield so appropriate is even more surprising to the caster.

But... the "surprise" he brought can only reach the level of "a little surprised" after all.

According to the judgment of punk, "Liman Flying Blade" is very likely to be a dual professional of "Stalker" and "Warrior" ~ He may have more than 30 levels of Stalker and With more than thirty combat ranks, this means that he can use both vindictive and shadow energy proficiently, and may even develop some special skills for matching shadow and vindictiveness.

But... what about then?

In this world, the level of strength of a professional is only linked to the level of the soul. No matter how many energy systems of different professions you have studied carefully, the level of the soul will only be equal to the highest level of the profession. For example, punk himself is one level. He is a level 39 spellcaster and is also a second-level ranger, but his level of strength is a clear and incomparable level 39, and it is impossible for the level of different classes to become "39 + 2 = 41" to advance to Morningstar.

And because a professional has only one soul, the power that a soul can create is also limited. For example, as a pure mage, you can create 100% of magic power for battle, and as a mage + warrior, you can only create 50% magic power + 50. % Fighting spirit is used for use, it is absolutely impossible to break through one's own strength level to create 100% magic + 100% fighting spirit into 200%!

Therefore, learning a few more professions can at most add some methods that can be used in combat, and the level of secondary professions can only lower the learning threshold of corresponding professional skills.

However, as a price, the "double repair" professionals have to spend a lot of extra time and energy to master additional skills, so generally, only fighters with too single methods will struggle to find ways to own some other occupations. The professional level improves your flexibility in battle.

How much strength do you really want to rely on to increase?

That's definitely too much thinking!


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