Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 980: Identification

"Chairman" is undoubtedly a powerful person with richer life experience than Great Osher Vidrasha, and his warnings are more subtle and euphemistic, but in this euphemistic short story, it belongs to the core of the category of "caution" The thought is very clear.

This warning is nothing more than a reminder to punk-even if you have improved your strength and get powerful magic equipment, you still have to be vigilant and guard against any possible dangers, and don't forget that there are stronger people in the world.

As for the end, the existence of the "Archmage" Messoul stated by the Yaori Throne can be used as an argument for this exhortation, because punk really didn't know that the boss of the Wizard Guild had returned to the plane of Faerun.

In fact, if you don’t know this information, the behavior of the caster to hunt Ankazan is actually not risky. After all, the strength of the "burner" is just like that, leaving the powerful power of the Huiyue-class eye pupils behind. After that, the two Anka Zanga were not opponents of the punk with many cards.

But if one considers that their immediate boss, Messul, lives in the magic tower of the Offit Empire, even an angry "arch mage" may rush to the battlefield to rescue his subordinates at any time... ……Then this time the punk "hunting" action is really deadly…………

Killing in an open and honest manner in other people's turf is equivalent to provoking the Yaori Throne!

"Meswuer is back? No one tells this hell, who knows."

After carefully reading the "guild leader"'s teachings, punk felt that the first thing he had to express helplessness was the lack of intelligence. It is conceivable that the injuries suffered during the last battle with the "guild leader" are still not clear." "Archmage" will certainly not expose his whereabouts too blatantly, even if the powerful and ancient Yaori powerhouse has the courage to leave the protection of his Yaori Magic Tower is a question, but anyway, this Information is not something a punk-level legend can know, and of course he can't put things he doesn't know into his plans.

But apart from the fact that it was rather helpless, the warning from the "chairman" also made punk calm down and think about his shortcomings.

Because even the caster himself has to admit that he does have a little overconfidence now...or inflated.

The explosive growth of strength and the geometric increase of magic equipment inevitably make people full of confidence. Even punk is no exception. Even with three pieces of Lunar magic equipment at the same time, he can’t judge whether his current strength is sufficient. Supporting some "special adventurous" actions, it is precisely for this reason that after killing Ankazan, he still wants to move the opponent's magic tower home............

But now after being splashed with cold water, calm down and think about it... "Whisper of Destruction" has to admit that his strength is far from "expansion".

Not to mention anything else, just talk about the three moon-level magical equipment that are now in the hands of the legendary mage-with these three "extraordinarily powerful" hole cards, today's spellcasters have the capital and even the most ordinary Morningstar professionals World War I?

The answer is no!

Absolutely not!

How much water the barrel can hold depends on the shortest plank length, and the improvement in strength brought about by the improvement of a big realm is all-round and all-field. The enemy will never foolishly use his own shortcomings to touch the opponent's strengths. So maybe holding a few "divine outfits" can hit others by surprise at first, but as long as the legendary mage who exposes too many huge shortcomings and is targeted by opponents after one or two tentative fights, there is no way to rely on one or two. The advantage of each piece of equipment continues to fight.

Therefore, if today's punk encounters the morningstar mage's sniper, he can still only turn around and escape. Level is the decisive factor of strength, which can not be compensated by a few pieces of equipment.

It is true that the warning from the "guild leader" does smell like cold water, but this warning is also a reminder. Even if you become a legend or even Morningstar or higher, you need to seriously reflect on any of your own shortcomings and make corrections. It is the correct forward thinking of a spellcaster!

"Cautious, cautious, cautious, especially when you are going to be promoted to the Morningstar level next. The necessary cautiousness can't be relaxed at all. The status quo that there are few Morningstar professionals in the multiverse is absolutely for a reason, and strength is confidence The source, but not the capital of confidence"!

Putting the magic crystal card into his pocket, punk soon fully understood the importance of "precaution" again, and wanted to be in today's "legendary island"


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