Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 986: Deep pool water

There is a good saying that any so-called "official discourse" must be interpreted in light of the background of the times, because its own logic is always ignorant...

Regardless of whether the description of this sentence is biased or not, at least among the piles of "condemnation notices" received by punk today, the color of this "era background" is about to overflow.

The total number of all announcements is twenty-four. After careful inspection and reading, punk has been discovered. Except for the condemnation of the Pantheon and the Wizard’s Guild, as well as one or two kind-hearted legendary organizations, the condemnation is true. Most of the other so-called condemnations are "adjectives" with weird tastes like "Thinking of Truth", and "somewhat wrong", "slightly excessive", "unsuitable" and other words that can not be ambiguous and avoid the emphasis on the light. Main language.

As for the statement of "Abolition of the "Destroy Whisper" senior mentor status" solemnly stated in the announcement by Truth Thoughts, it is full of feelings of clearing the relationship and fearing to avoid it. If this seemingly ridiculous statement is deeply interpreted, His language is nothing more than a loud declaration to the world-"Punk-Sean has nothing to do with our thinking of truth. We don't know all of his actions, and we don't want to care about anything"! That's it.

These announcements from other legendary professionals are too absurd and ridiculous, and too reasonable.

Combining his camp and the turbulent conspiracy of the Mage Guild, so far, the legendary mage almost knows what these "condemnation notices" are for.

Without him, stand in line!

"It looks like...... The hostility between the Mage Guild and the Silent Alliance is no secret. The entire multiverse probably knows that the "guildmaster" and "Meswuer" have torn their faces. I attacked Ankazan. After being publicized by the "Arch Mage", it should be interpreted by everyone as a provocation by the Silent Alliance. This gang of clowns are quickly starting to look for the team and show their posture."

After reading every "Announcement" calmly, the twenty-four letter papers were burned clean, and the punk shook his head helplessly.

In today’s multiverse, the Mage’s Guild and the Silent Alliance are definitely one of the top three or four legendary organizations. The Silent Alliance in particular has an incredible ancient and mysterious background, even though it is an “inner” Punk knows very well that the so-called "hostility between the Silent Alliance and the Mage Guild" is actually just the hostility between the "executors" and the "Oasis Project Completer", and the "executors" cannot represent the entire Silent Alliance. "The Oasis Project is completed. "Zhe" cannot represent the entire wizard guild, but presumably in the eyes of many legendary professionals from outside, the "Entire Silent Alliance" that has started hunting down the legendary members of the opponent is going to be the same as the "Entire Mage Guild" that has hunted the legendary members. Endlessly.

At least Messoul’s hype is such a concept.

The war of two top legendary organizations...For the multiverse that has been calm for a long time, like a pond of stagnant water, this news is undoubtedly a huge boulder being thrown into the pond, and the water splashed by the waves has been accompanied by a drum of war. The rumbling sound is overflowing in the air!

In this case, the relationship with the Mage Guild is better... or the legendary organization of interest must publicly express a supportive attitude in some way. That's how the pantheon's severe condemnation came from.

As for other neutral camps and reclusive legendary organizations that do not want to participate in any disputes, of course, they should also inform the warring parties that they did not support anyone's ideas, nor accept any party's solicitation or employment, so they clear the relationship + vaguely like thinking of truth. The announcement was born.

In a sense, this statement and standing in line may be the legendary "politics"...

The burnt magic letters turned into tiny sparkling light red dots and disappeared in the air. The Morris jade fruit tea served by Sebastian also gradually cooled down, but the “destruction” leaning on the alchemy wall Whispering" but not in the mood to drink tea, now he is thinking of more important things in his mind.

Things about where you are!

In the process of propaganda of the conspiracy of Messoul, punk's act of attacking and killing Ankazan was undoubtedly used. This act that originally only involved the "Whisper of Destruction" and the private vengeance of the "Burner" has now become the "League of Silents" As evidence of the declaration of war on the "Mage Guild", the wave of the storm finally completely involved the legendary mage in the whirlpool, and he has unknowingly become the "killer endorsement" of the Silent Alliance.

But beyond that, when Messoul arbitrarily manipulates public opinion, preaches war, and hides conspiracies, what is the attitude of the "chairman" as the supreme leader of the Silent Alliance?

Although a little strange, punk felt that the attitude of the "chairman" was not angry or unhappy, but turned a blind eye to Messoul's behavior!

Don’t say anything else, just say that “Whisper of Destruction” attacked Ankazan-Yanmei more than 7,000 years ago—before the incident, did the “President” really know nothing about the plan of the caster ?

It's impossible to think about it! The moon-level scroll used by punk to predict Ankazan's whereabouts was given by the "guildmaster"!

Even the current legendary mage is a little The reason why Messoul, who had returned to the plane of Faerun at the time, was indifferent to seeing his subordinates being killed is probably because he was really afraid of the "guild leader". Exist, this "private matter" might have evolved into a confrontation between two legendary organizations from the beginning.

And now, when Messoul has told so many legendary organizations of the "facts" one by one under the banner of "kindness" and "justice", the "chairman" completely ignores, ignores, and even directly acquiesces in this The struggle rose to the height of the war of the entire legendary organization.

Even punk has to admit that this kind of well-thought-out style will make people feel that the leader of the "Silent League" is in the next big game, and every move of Messoul is in his calculation. Inside!

Compared with the calm and unspoken "guildmaster", the "arch mage" with a loud voice and many "friends" fell into the lower ranks.

"Meswuer can't be a restless person. His high-profile behavior of propagating war on behalf of the Mage Guild privately... Is it forcing other legendary members of the Mage Guild to enter the battlefield at the same time? Then" "Will the chairman" let Messoul's performance be silently pressure on those silent who refuse to join the "executors"?"

Extending his fingers and rubbing his temples, the punk with his dark golden pupils burning still did not come to the conclusion he wanted.

Whether it is the "Mage Guild" or "The Silent Alliance", the water is too deep and muddy. It is by no means a quiet pond that can be seen at the bottom of the lake with the naked eye. At present, if you want to know the truth... you have to wait. A "executive" meeting will do.


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