New Age Of Summoners

Chapter 1158 - [Bonus ]Deal With The Demons?

'Prophis, store all the devourer eagle generals in his inner space before entering the inner world.'

'As for others, everyone should enter the inner world now.'

Ajax stopped his ancient protector sword at a good height as he gave his first order to the space elemental spirit to store the devourer eagle generals because, without a contract, he could not store them in his inner world.

Next, he summoned back all the elemental spirits and the contracted spirit beasts including the divine dragon.

Everything happened in less than five minutes as the special demon energy inside him was reacting more and more with each passing second and the higher he was flying into the sky.

'Looks like he is very near to the barrier of the grey dwarf world.'

Ajax muttered to himself and he could sense if anyone tried to pass through the barrier. So far, he didn't sense anyone. So, he knew it would take some more time for the emperor realm expert to reach the barrier.

Also, it would take even more time to break the barrier. So, Ajax felt the grey dwarf world was getting closer to the upgrade.

'Still, 30 minutes.'

Ajax counted the time as he flew higher into space to the barrier protecting the grey dwarf world.

'If I am closer to the barrier, the barrier will become even more powerful.'

This was the reason why Ajax was flying to the barrier and it was to support the barrier and delay as much time as possible for the emperor realm expert to enter the world.

As for whether the emperor realm expert was either good or bad, Ajax didn't want to take the risk of allowing them into the world without putting up a fight.

'System, run the count down for the world upgrade and project it to the corner of my left eye all the time. Do you understand?'

Ajax was serious as he gave an order to the system, which the system accepted without saying anything and a small timer appeared in the corner of his left eye as he asked.

'20 minutes...good.'

Seeing the time left for the world upgrade and sensing no trace of the emperor realm expert in the endless space, Ajax felt he could protect the grey dwarf world as long as he delayed a few more minutes.

Time continued to pass and when the time reached 10 minutes, Ajax saw something in the endless space that was coming at him at an incredible speed.


The two primordial demons have cultivation that exceeds the high-level king realm. Please be careful, host.

'What? Two primordial demon emperors?'

Even though those two primordial demon emperors were very far away from Ajax, he could clearly see because his view was obstructed by nothing.

So, he was shocked because he heard the system's evaluation of the two incoming primordial demons coming at him at an incredible speed.


On the other side,

"Brother Brokas, did you sense that?"

While they were only a few thousands of kilometers away from the grey dwarf world, Trokas, who was controlling his magic leaf to fly towards the world, stopped it before asking his brother Brokas.

"Yeah. I sensed it too; however, how is it possible for that energy to be inside a human?"

Brokas also felt something as he looked at Ajax with a shocked look on his face.

"How do you think that young human got his hands on that energy?"

Trokas, who usually stays cool, became serious as he asked his brother about it.

"Let's find it after we capture his divine dragon."

Soon, Brokas revealed an evil smile on his face as he replied to Trokas and asked, "Why don't you start your magic leaf."

Other than the bronze demon king's curse, both the demon emperors sensed something inside Ajax that made them shocked at first; however, they were excited because it was special demon energy that could increase their battle prowess greatly while increasing the cultivation speed.

So, not only they would be getting the divine dragon from Ajax but at the same time, they would be getting that special demon energy and the source where he got it.

If they could find the origin of the special demon energy, they would go there at any cost to collect more special demon energy.


Soon, they reached the grey dwarf world; however, they were stopped by a barrier.

"You are not allowed to enter my world."

When Ajax saw that the barrier stopped both the primordial demons, he felt a little hopeful as he warned them in a serious tone.


Hearing Ajax's words, both the primordial demon emperors looked at each other before laughing out loud because they felt funny that a level 1 elite general realm cultivator was warning two primordial demon emperors.

"So, you are the new protector of the grey dwarf world? Good."

After laughing for a while, Brokas asked Ajax as he nodded his head before Ajax could even answer his question.

"Human, even though you destroyed some of my smaller worlds, I will let you go as long as you swear your loyalty to me."

In the next second, Brokas gave an offer to Ajax with a slight smile on his face.

That's right! The primordial demon emperor gave an offer to Ajax which surprised Trokas.

Just a few moments back, they were planning to kill Ajax to take his divine dragon and the special demonic energy; however, he didn't expect his brother to change his mind so soon; however, he didn't say anything as he silently watched what his brother was going to do.

As for the barrier that was obstructing them from entering the grey dwarf world, the demon emperors didn't bother to attack it. So, it was not sure whether they could break the barrier or not.

"What? You want me to become your lackey?"

Ajax raised his brows as he asked Brokas with a question mark on his face.


Brokas nodded his head with a slight smile.

The thing is, the primordial demon emperor was so angry with Ajax for destroying some of his powerful smaller worlds; however, when he thought about how useful Ajax could be if he becomes his underling, he threw aside the idea of taking revenge.

Not only would he get the divine dragon and the special demon energy, but he could also use Ajax to infiltrate the greater human worlds.

If Ajax agreed to become his subordinate, the primordial demon emperor had many ways to control Ajax's life.

Overall, he thought like a demon as he waited for Ajax's reply.

"Young human, you have a great talent and as long as you become my brother's subordinate, your future is settled. We will make you the sole human emperor of the human world."

As for Trokas, he tried to entice Ajax with many things that no human could reject.

"If you can promise me what you have just said, I can swear my loyalty to your brother."

After some hesitation, Ajax looked at both demon emperors and replied to them, making both the demon emperors reveal slight smiles on their faces.


The author needs more motivation to release more bonus chapters.


Monthly target.

Top 10 Golden Ticket ranking:- 30 extra chapters (In the next month).

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