New Age Of Summoners

Chapter 1166 - Harbinger Of Destruction

'System, I want to spend 10 million spirit stones to bind the complete ownership.'

Even though Ajax didn't know why the system said that he needed to spend 10 million spirit stones, he didn't want to argue with the system as he knew he could not win against it.

Moreover, to his surprise, he had exactly 10 million spirit stones in his inventory. So, Ajax felt the system once again started the extortion.

However, for him, spirit stones were not as valuable as they were to other cultivators as he could not increase his cultivation through them.


10 million spirit stones are deducted from the host's inventory and the system is used to remove the traces of previous owners of the ancient trading mirror.


The ancient trading mirror is completely bound to the host.

Just as he gave permission to the system to spend the 10 million spirit stones, he received two system notifications.

After reading the system notification, Ajax understood why the system needed 10 million spirit stones and nodded his head.

However, there was another system notification that made Ajax raise his brows.


Before starting the trading, the host has to create a virtual avatar to enter the Trading realm to train. Do you want to create it now?

'System, what is this virtual avatar? Also, what about the trading realm?'

Ajax knew what this virtual avatar meant; however, he didn't know what this virtual avatar was. So, he asked the system about it and the trading realm.


A virtual avatar is an avatar that is shown to other traders like yourself. The virtual avatar is designed on the host's preference.

Note:- Once the host creates his virtual avatar in the 'Trading realm'


The trading realm is a place where the owners of the ancient trading mirrors and other similar types of items enter to trade with others.


Even though he didn't understand completely, Ajax felt it was interesting and hurriedly said, 'I want to create the virtual avatar.'


To create the virtual avatar, the host's consciousness has to enter the mirror and he will be guided by someone there.


Ajax nodded his head and closed his eyes before imagining his spirit consciousness entering the ancient trading mirror.

Since Ajax had a good experience of entering the core realms of many smaller worlds, he considered the ancient trading mirror as one of the smaller worlds.

Soon, Ajax's spirit consciousness entered into a place where it was completely filled with mist.

<Hello, new trader. Do you want to create a virtual avatar?>

Just as he was looking at his surroundings while trying to see through the white mist, he heard a crisp voice from the mist.


Since the system had already given him heads-up regarding someone guiding him in creating the virtual avatar, Ajax casually nodded his head.


As soon as Ajax nodded his head, a hologram appeared in front of Ajax that looked exactly like him.

"Is this my virtual avatar?"

Ajax looked at the holographic projection of him and asked while looking into the mist.

<Yes. You can change your facial features, height and size>

The female voice came from the mist.

"I will just go with my face."

Once he heard the female voice from the mist, Ajax didn't think much before saying those words.

Ajax felt there was no need for him to make any changes to his avatar.

< Some traders are greedy and they will hunt you just to get more items from you. So, let me ask you once again. Are you sure about it?>

When the being in the mist heard Ajax's words, she was a little surprised; however, it was not uncommon for the traders to go with their own appearance for the virtual avatar.

"I am sure. If they want to hunt me in the real world, let them come."

While saying that, Ajax revealed an evil smile because the more enemies he had, the more rewards he could get from killing them.

<Virtual avatar is successfully created. What will be your trader name?  The trader must choose an alias other than his real name>

As soon as Ajax confirmed that there were no changes in his virtual avatar's appearance from his original appearance, the person in charge of creating the virtual avatar finalized the virtual avatar.

At the same time, she asked about his virtual name.

"Huh? If I can't use the real name, then I will go with 'Universal Summoner'."

Since he could form contracts with any elemental spirit without any difficulty, Ajax chose a name that suited his profession.

<Universal Summoner….this name is already taken. Please choose a different one>

'Sigh. I will take another name then.'

Ajax shook his head as he decided to take another name and said, "Master of Divine dragon"

<Already taken. Please choose a different one>

'Sacred Astral Healer'

<Already taken. Please choose a different one>

'King of summoners'

'Eternal saviour'



<Already taken. Please choose a different one>

All the powerful names that Ajax chose were already taken because there were so many traders and everyone wanted domineering names.

"Damn it…just show the domineering names left. So I will pick one from them."

Finally, Ajax could not waste his breath as he asked the entity hiding in the mist to show him some domineering names.

<The trader's guide senses the aura of mass killing and destruction of worlds around the trader. So, the trader's guide suggests 'Harbinger of destruction' which is yet to be taken by anyone>

Surprisingly, the trader's guide who was hiding in the mist was able to tell that he had destroyed some worlds prior to coming here; however, Ajax knew she could only sense but she could not see which world or how many worlds he had destroyed.

"So be it. I am tired of picking a virtual name anyway."

Ajax just wanted to make a trade with other traders; however, there is a long process before he could do it. What's more, he wasted quite a lot of time while picking a name.

So, he didn't think much as he chose the name suggested by the trader's guide which was domineering anyway.

<Virtual name 'Harbinger of destruction' is successfully created>

<Please wait for a minute before your spirit consciousness enter the virtual avatar>

Soon, he heard the trader's guide's voice and within no time, he felt his spirit consciousness was sucked into the virtual avatar in front of him.

<You can enter the 'Trading Realm' only once a month and you can only stay for one hour as your trader's level is still low>

<You can't curse, attack or kill anyone in the Trading realm. Please maintain the dignity of a Trader if you want to be a Trader>

<Do you want to enter the Trading realm now?>

The trader's guide explained the rules and other things he needed to know about the Trading realm before asking him whether he wanted to enter the Trading realm.

'Only one hour?'

Ajax frowned; however, he knew he could only increase his Trader's rank to stay much longer in the trading realm.


Nevertheless, he nodded his head as he decided to enter the Trading realm.


New Monthly Target

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