New Age Of Summoners

Chapter 1169 - Clearing Law Fruit

In his world-conquering mission, Ajax fought some high-level demon kings and he got the legend grade weapons from them.

As for the heaven-grade weapons, he had his share of 50 high-level heaven grade weapons from the grey dwarf world.

Even though he had 50 high-level heaven grade weapons, Ajax tried to bargain a little because he never knew what kind of item would catch his eye while trading other items.

"Thanks for the trade."

Soon, both Ajax and Night ranger traded the items within no time and shook their hands with happy smiles.

"In the future, I want more heaven-grade primitive stones and bestial laws."

Before coming out of the store, Ajax said what items he would need in the future.

"Sure. But, this time, I want more low-level legend grade weapons."

Night ranger also said what he was hoping from Ajax, to which, Ajax nodded his head.

Since they were added as friends through the trading realm, they could contact and chat with each other in the trading realm no matter how far they were from each other.

'There are still 30 minutes left. I think I should search for the items that develop the normal world.'

Ajax didn't waste any more time as he went to the section where the items related to the development would be sold.

Developing a world didn't mean just increasing the grade of the world.

It should be rich in the essence of nature.

It should be able to produce few natural treasures, plants, and cultivation resources.

It should be filled with various metals for weapon refining, spirit stone vein and other things.

Last but not least, the laws in the world should be as clear as possible. So that, the inhabitants could cultivate good laws of all kinds like cultivator's laws, bestial laws, elemental laws and profession laws.

'Thinking of laws, I need to focus on clearing the profession laws in the grey dwarf world.'

That's right!

There were other types of laws and it was called Profession laws.

Unlike the other laws, these profession laws don't need one to cultivate their strength; instead, they just have to focus on their profession.

For example, Grey dwarves. Even though they didn't have an ounce of cultivation, they could cultivate a profession law called 'Weapon refining law'.

It was very hard for anyone from a smaller world like the grey dwarf world to give enlightenment into it; however, things have changed as it was no longer a smaller world.

'Even though it was a normal grade grey dwarf world, it would take a lot of time for the laws in that world to get clear. So, I have to speed up the process.'

With that thought in his head, Ajax entered a shop that was maintained by a Primeval ent.

"What do you want, young trader?"

Seeing that someone entered his store, the Primeval ent opened his eyes and asked in a rough voice.

Since it was not his first time seeing a primeval ent Ajax was able to maintain calm and asked, "I am looking for items that could develop a normal world at a faster pace."

The Primeval ent, he saw before, was the King of the Spirit beast kings in the inner section of the cursed wilderness who was currently training Geron and Gaimont.

However, compared to him, the Primevela ent in the store looked very small but he had a variety of leaves on the branches moving out of his head.

"Huh? So, is it a recently evolved normal world? Or an old one which you want to develop?"

The primeval ent looked at Ajax for a moment before asking those questions.

"Why? Is there a difference between them?"

Ajax asked with a confused look on his face.

"Of course, the items which you used depends on the world whether it was a recently evolved one or an old one."

The primeval ents are peaceful spirit beasts from ancient times as he started explaining in a calm tone, "If the world is just upgraded, then you need fewer cultivation resources to see more changes in your world; however, it will be opposite the longer you delay the development of the world."

"Oh. There is such a thing."

Ajax got a new revelation about the worlds and their development as he replied, "It is a newly upgraded normal world."

"Haha...I have the right things for a newly upgraded normal world."

With a light chuckle, that primeval ent nodded his head as he picked three fruits from many fruits hanging on his branches.

"These fruits will be sold together for the owner of the newly upgraded normal world."

The primeval ent slowly pushed those three fruits at Ajax and explained about them.

'System, appraise.'

While listening to the primeval ent's explanation of the fruits, Ajax asked the system to appraise the items.

Even though the primeval ents are peace-loving spirit beasts and always lived righteously, Ajax didn't want to take the risk of getting scammed when he had the ability to check the information on the items in front of him without the other party noticing him.


Item name:- Essence gathering fruit (Green colour)

Effect:- If a world core consumes this fruit, the world's essence gathering speed will be increased to that of a normal world's essence gathering speed within 10 years.

Note:- If it is natural, it will take a newly upgraded normal world 100 years to fully gain the normal world's essence gathering speed.


Item name:- Talent blessing fruit (Blue colour)

Effect:- If a world core consumes it, the world will give birth to great talent in its inhabitants for every 10 years or less than 10 years.

Note:- Without the fruit, a newly upgraded world can only give birth to a great talent every 100 years or less than 100 years.


Item name:- Clearing law fruit (Red colour)

Effect:- If a world core consumes it, the laws in a newly upgraded normal world will only take10 years to make the laws as clear as the laws in an original normal world.

Note:- Without the fruit, a newly upgraded world will need 100 years to become a true normal world.

Soon, the information about the three fruits appeared in front of him.

Even though the grey dwarf world is a normal world, it is not a perfect normal world and it needs some time to be a perfect normal world.

Currently, only its size matches the size of the normal world; however, there was nothing inside it that was better than a normal world that upgraded a few centuries ago.

'These fruits are awesome and he was telling the truth.'

After seeing the information about the three fruits, Ajax confirmed that they were original goods and decided to buy them.

'For worlds. 100 years will be completed in a flash and with these fruits, I can make the newly upgraded normal world to the perfect normal world within 10 years.'

Ajax was happy that he entered the trading realm; otherwise, he would be clueless about all these things.

"So, what are you going to trade these fruits for?"

The primeval ent asked Ajax with a slight smile on his face.


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