New Age Of Summoners

Chapter 1176 - Angry Universal Summoner





The last lightning flash from the tribulation cloud was very fast that Ajax and the other two elemental spirits barely saw before it hit the divine dragon.

The moment it landed on the divine dragon, there was a huge explosion and the impact from that explosion blasted away Ajax and his two elemental spirits.

'What the hell?'

Ajax didn't expect the tribulation cloud to release the last lightning flash at such an incredible speed as he hurriedly rushed towards the divine dragon the moment he woke up.

He was very sure that Prophis and Cerauno didn't use their skills to reduce the impact of the lightning flash. So, he was worried about the divine dragon.


Ajax shouted as he searched for the divine dragon using his senses as he could not see through the smoke.

'He is in that direction.'

Once he sensed the location of the divine dragon, Ajax rushed in the direction as he slipped into a crater created by the last lightning flash.

In the center of the crater, the huge divine dragon was sleeping with all his scales half-broken along with a huge injury on its back.


Looking at the dust-covered sleeping divine dragon in front of him, Ajax felt his heart ache with pain.

Ajax had never seen the divine dragon in such a condition as he was used to seeing it playful all the time.


Congratulations to the host's divine dragon for successfully surviving the lightning tribulation.


The host's divine dragon is now an official summoner who needs to enter the elemental spirit world to form contracts with the elemental spirits.

Note:- A spirit beast that became a summoner can form a single official contract with the elemental spirits for every two ranks.

Just as he sat beside the divine dragon to check the condition of the divine dragon, Ajax received system notifications.

"Twilight, congratulations on becoming an official summoner."

With tears filled eyes, Ajax congratulated the divine dragon as he used his Sacred Astral Energy to heal the injuries of the divine dragon.

', Master.'

In a weak voice, the divine dragon transmitted his voice to Ajax.

Even though the voice was very weak, Ajax could sense the excitement behind the world.

'If he was not injured, then he would have roared to his heart's content.'

This divine dragon's favourite thing was to roar at the sky. No matter whether it was excitement, anger or sadness, he would do it.

So, Ajax thought about it and looked at the divine dragon before shaking his head.

'Don't worry, Twilight. I will heal you in no time.'

Since the Sacred Astral Healer was an ancient and powerful profession that heals almost any injury, Ajax poured the Sacred Astral Energy into the divine dragon to heal his injuries.


Soon, the severe injury on the divine dragon's back started healing at a visible rate and within no time, the divine dragon's physical injuries were healed.

However, the divine dragon was still weak as he didn't try to stand up as he knew he didn't have enough energy.


The host used 100 units of the Sacred Astral Energy to heal the divine dragon.


The capacity of the Sacred Astral Space has increased by 100 units and reached a total capacity of 641 units.


Remaining Sacred Astral Energy:- 249 units.

'100 units of Sacred Astral Energy is a little too much; however, in front of Twilight, it was nothing.'

Ajax cared for his contracted spirit beasts and the elemental spirits. So, he didn't mind spending his entire Sacred Astral Energy to save him; instead, he would be more than happy to spend.

Looking at the system notifications in his head, Ajax nodded his head and patted the divine dragon before saying, "You will be alright now. Why don't you eat something?"

After saying that, Ajax summoned a silver demon king's corpse and placed it in front of the divine dragon.


Even though the divine dragon was tired, he started eating because it was also his favourite thing other than shouting.

Nevertheless, he was very slow in eating.

"Summoning master, sorry for not helping much when the divine dragon needed us the most."

Soon, the two elemental spirits rushed towards Ajax as they hurriedly apologized.

"There is no need to apologize. You did what you could do."

No one was expecting the tribulation cloud to surprise them on the last tribulation. So, Ajax asked them to not apologize.

"You can go and take a rest now."

After saying that, Ajax sat beside the divine dragon as he rested his back against the divine dragon which was busy eating.


In the trading realm.

'Damn it. Damn it. Damn it.'

An old man dressed in exquisite robes cursed in his heart.

If he was not in the trading realm, he would curse as loudly as possible because he was not allowed to curse openly.

As for why he was very angry was because he sent a gift box to the wrong person.

"My granddaughter is going to kill me if she finds out that I sent the gift box to the wrong person again. Looks like I have to keep it a secret and prepare another gift box for her birthday."

It took a while for the old man to calm down and he suppressed his anger towards the wrong person deep in his heart and decided to hide it from his granddaughter.

Even though he was in the wrong, as a frustrated old man, he didn't want to admit his mistake and entirely blamed the person he mistakenly sent the gift box.

' is a pity that her dragon missed a chance to become an official summoner.'

Still, there was some regret in the old man's eyes as he thought about missing the Special summoner stone.

Even though it was not his first time sending the items to the wrong person, this time was different because he sent a valuable item.

But he was sure that he would not get the item back.

'Harbinger of the destruction. If  I ever see you in real life or in the trading realm, I will make you regret receiving my gift box.'

The old man clenched his fists as he muttered to himself.

These are just the words of an old man who was frustrated for losing the special summoner stone but deep down, even the old man knows that he can't do anything to that person in the trading realm.

As for doing something in real life, he didn't even know the facial features of the virtual avatar, much less the facial features of the person in the real world.

'I should stop thinking about him; otherwise, I will die because of this anger.'

The old man tried his best to stop thinking about it; however, he was still unable to forget it.

'Anyway, I will just find something even better than the special summoner stone.'

Soon, he went to trade for another good item to gift his grand daughter for her birthday.


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