New Age Of Summoners

1398 The battle goes on...

Actually, only six demon apostles were supposed to fight Elder Boron; however, they were unable to do anything against him.

What's more, one of them got killed by Elder Boron, making the rest of the demon apostles come back to fight him.

They decided that they should just kill Elder Boron as soon as possible and then take control of the Purple stone world.

With an Emperor realm cultivator, no matter how many king realm cultivators the Purple stone world had, they could not do anything against them.

The three golden demon apostles joined with the other demon apostles, leaving the monstrous Daen alone with his fight against the merged elemental spirit, to fight Elder Boron.

Even when 13 demon apostles worked together to fight against Elder Boron, they were unable to kill him; instead, another one of them got killed by him.

Until now, Elder Boron had killed three of the demon apostles reducing their number to 12.

'As long as I mock them, they won't bother to attack others. I just need to stall for some time until the high-level demons and mid-level demon kings get killed by others.'

Even though Elder Boron seemed to be doing just fine, he knew that he could not last for much longer.

Actually, killing three demon apostles was already out of his expectations as he realized today how powerful he had become during the past 16 years.

'Brat, if you have any more trump cards, just use them all and clear these demons.'

Elder Boron silently transmitted his voice to Ajax and asked him not to hide any more trump cards under his sleeves.

'There is another one I will be using soon.'

With a slight smile on his face, Ajax replied to Elder Boron as he asked, 'How many demon apostles have you killed so far?'

'Three. Aren't you proud to have such a powerful grandfather?'

Elder Boron bragged about killing three demon apostles; however, Ajax wasn't interested in his bragging.

Instead, he asked, 'Then, why don't you feed them to one of my devourer eagle kings?'

'Sure. Ask them to come to me.'

Elder Boron knew that Ajax was planning to feed the mid-level king realm devourer eagle king and help it a breakthrough in its cultivation.

'If it could become a high-level spirit beast king, then he could take care of two or three demon apostles on its own.'

Elder Boron was looking forward to the breakthrough of the mid-level king realm devourer eagle king.



Elder Boron flashed a couple of times as he collected the three corpses of the demon apostles and threw them into the sky.


Before the demon apostles could realize why Elder Boron threw the corpses of the three demon apostles into the air, they saw the largest devourer eagle king among the newly appeared devourer eagle kings fly towards them and caught three corpses before disappearing into the distance.

'This speed….it is faster than my speed.'

It took only two a couple of seconds for Alder, the mid-level devourer eagle king, to travel such a long distance because of its 'Advanced acceleration' beast soul.

The speed was much faster than Elder Boron, who was invincible among the low-level emperors.



Once, Alder caught the three corpses of the demon apostles in his beak, he used his devouring beast soul and started devouring them.

Soon, a large amount of demonic energy came out of the three corpses; however, the devouring beast soul converted that demonic energy into pure essence energy.

'Alder, how long do you need for your breakthrough? Or do you need more demon apostles' corpses?'

Since Ajax had formed the spirit contract with Alder, he was able to communicate with it through the voice transmission even though it was very far away from him.

'Master, I think I have enough energy to become a high-level demon king in a couple of hours; however, if I can get another two corpses of the demon apostle, I can become a high-level spirit beast king right away.'

Alder hesitated a little before saying that if he wanted to become a high-level spirit beast king right away, he needed another two corpses of the demon apostle.

'Another two?'

Ajax raised his brows for a moment when he heard those words.

Even though Ajax knew that the devourer eagle kings were greedy, right now, he was sure that Alder was not greedy and simply stated the fact.

Because they don't have the luxury to wait for another two hours to let Alder become a high-level spirit beast king in two hours.

'Grandpa, for an instant breakthrough, Alder needs two more demon apostles' corpses. Can you get them ready?'

In front of Elder Boron, Ajax didn't mind acting shamelessly as he asked for another two more demon apostles' corpses.

'What? Do you think I am cooking or what?'

Elder Boron shook his head and looked at the devourer eagle king in the distance and shook his head before saying, 'Give me a few minutes, I will try to get them.'

As the guardian of the Purple stone world, Elder Boron should do anything and everything to protect the world from demons.

'Why I try to get you what you want, why don't you order Westin to help the three protectors. With the help of the protectors, the protector spirit beast will heal faster.'

Elder Boron saw that the protector spirit beast was still healing its injuries while the merged elemental spirit was fighting Daen on equal terms.

So, he asked Ajax to help the protectors, who could, in turn, help the protector spirit beast.


Hearing that Eler Boron agreed to his request, Ajax could not help but reveal a slight smile on his face as he ordered Westin.

'Westin, stop the high-level demon kings from attacking the three protectors.'

'Yes, master.'

Westin nodded his head as he rushed towards clearing the high-level demon kings surrounding Elder Boron.


There is only one minute left before the host's bloodline 'Elemenental spirit merger bloodline' gets deactivated.


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