New Order of Azeroth

Chapter 75 Gianna and Vanessa

The middle-aged woman gave her a flat look, and Vanessa quickly showed a flattering smile. The other person curled her lips and turned around, and she breathed a sigh of relief.

Jaina not only cheated her father, but also cheated passers-by like herself!

Aegwynn! The most powerful guardian of the Tirisfal Council, the most powerful mage in the history of Azeroth, and the one who is said to be closest to God, Aegwynn also came with him!

Aegwynn's record is amazing. At his peak, he killed the projection clone of Sargeras. As the strongest Titan and the boss of the Burning Legion, Mr. Big Demon cannot directly enter Azeroth. This world is too small for him.

He planned to rely on the projection clone to push Azeroth, but who would have thought that he would encounter Ms. Aegwynn, a fool. Sargeras's projection clone was severely beaten, forcing him to lurk and wait for the opportunity.

In the end, Mr. Big Demon King undoubtedly outdid himself and successfully opened the Dark Portal, ushering the world of Azeroth into a new era. It seemed that the result was satisfactory, but in fact this was definitely not his original intention. He had never expected that there would be such a powerful mage as Ms. Aegwynn on the continent of Azeroth.

This lady is not a night elf or a lich. She is still essentially a human. However, she has lived for thousands of years relying on the magic power in her body. Her current strength is not as good as one-tenth of what it was at her peak, but she is still not something that mortals can resist. characters.

Vanessa estimated that in Aegwynn's eyes, legendary powerhouses such as Old Chen and Bolvar were just small figures who could be killed instantly. Warchief Sal could probably defeat her in two moves, but it was only a matter of two moves.

Jaina knew very well what was in the east that Aegwynn was looking at. She was very polite to this nominal advisor and said softly: "Master, do you want to go and take a look?"

Aegwynn pondered for a few seconds: "Let's talk about it in a few days, the time is not right now...Little girl, where is the wine? Aren't we going to hold a wine festival? If it doesn't taste good, I will be angry?"

Vanessa quickly asked someone to serve wine to this grandma. When she learned that Jaina was coming, of course she would prepare the best wine. Even if it was not as good as the old Stormstout, she would rush it from Ironforge. Arrived by air.

She entertained according to Gianna's specifications, but I don't know if she could satisfy this grandma's wishes.

Fortunately, Aegwynn is very Buddhist now. He nodded while drinking, and waved his hand to indicate that they could do whatever they wanted without having to entertain her specifically.

How could she not actually care? She stayed with him for a long time, and it wasn't until this person claimed that she was drunk that she and Gianna left the guest room.

"As you can see, the master is not a mortal, and I don't understand many of her ideas. Even the magic that I am proud of is just a beginner in her eyes, haha."

Jaina smiled self-deprecatingly, and while drawing the relationship between the two parties, she also raised Aegwynn's image infinitely to prevent Vanessa from having a grudge.

I have to say that the heirs trained by the royal family from childhood are very understanding of people's hearts. They don't use magic. They just say a few words and make people feel comfortable. Not to mention that Vanessa knows Aegwynn. Even if she doesn't, after such a horizontal comparison, She will also be much relieved.

Legend-level archmages are all scum in the eyes of this grandma. It’s not strange at all to treat you, a junior druid, as a passerby.

I took Jaina around Sentinel Ridge. The archmage's identity was very embarrassing and the sources of information were limited. Vanessa had sent many thieves in all directions. The mixed intelligence coupled with her prophetic advantage , there are few things she doesn’t know.

The two chatted while walking, and the topics ranged from the Alliance to the Horde, from Dalaran to the Cenarion Circle. Although Vanessa had been suppressing herself, and many of the information she gave was very one-sided, it still made Jaina little He was surprised, and became more and more certain that she was related to the Kingdom of Storm and MI7.

This meeting was much more friendly than the last time, which was all about hiring and being hired. Gianna was polite on the surface, but she didn't necessarily take Vanessa seriously.

Now they were chatting, and Vanessa's ability to pull off big flags and use them as tiger skins was about to turn into a talent. When she spoke, she was the Archdruid, and when she was silent, she was the Regent. Jaina found that simply judging from the people they came into contact with, the relationship between the two of them was The levels are almost the same. Walking on the land of the western wilderness and seeing the respect the people showed to the clerk gave her some new ideas.

Theramore is the only human city on the continent of Kalimdor. The geographical relationship between this port city and Orgrimmar is a bit like Cuba and Old America. This is a bridgehead that humans dream of. Occupying this place, whether it is attacking tribes or Defense has huge advantages.

As the ruler of the city, Jaina should have received countless praises, but she allowed the Horde to kill Admiral Daelin Proudmoore, causing her reputation to plummet.

You said this is my father and I can kill him at will? That's not the case! While he is your father, the admiral is also the national leader of Kul Tiras. It is true that you are a daughter, UU Reading, but you are also a subject of this country.

Jaina's behavior is actually similar to regicide, that is, all human countries are in chaos, and there are external threats from tribes and undead, otherwise she would have been taken down long ago.

Vanessa's wine festival was nothing, but Gianna saw her energy in the event.

Theramore is a port city isolated overseas. I don’t know if it will survive in the future. There is no trans-oceanic trade at this stage. The distance between the two continents is too far. The Alliance is a bit resigned to Jaina. All kinds of support have long been cut off. The tribe is willing to provide material support, but the lower-level human soldiers and people are still hostile to the tribe, and everyone's wishes cannot be ignored. It can be said that Jaina, the leader, has a difficult job.

After seeing Vanessa's energy, she wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to see if she could transport some supplies back from the Eastern Continent. It would be even better if she could become a long-term trading partner.

In the half-built Westport, Jaina saw Vanessa's dreadnought, which strengthened her thoughts.

"Is this your ship? This ship is completely capable of long voyages!" She sounded a little excited. She was originally worried that there were no long voyage ships on the Eastern Continent, but she found that the giant ship in front of her was no worse than the sunken ship. Daelin Proudmoore's flagship, the King of the Sea, at the bottom of the sea.

Thinking of the ship, her mood suddenly became a little gloomy. She shook her head slightly to eliminate distracting thoughts and focus on what was in front of her.

"Voyage?" Vanessa asked, not knowing what she was thinking.

"Yes, I think we can definitely start trade. The continent of Kalimdor is a treasure house. The products there are extremely rich. If they can be transported back, it will definitely change the poverty situation in the Western Wilderness." Jaina knows the art of speaking very well. , these words are entirely from Vanessa’s perspective.

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