New Professor at Hogwarts

Chapter 103 The Story of Kreacher and Regulus

"Okay, let's talk, Kreacher, tell us your story with Regulus."

Seeing that the elf no longer hurt himself, Xia Ran stood up and sat back on the chair nearby.

The elf took a few big breaths, sat up from the ground, curled up into a ball, put his wet face between his knees, and began to rock back and forth. When he spoke, his voice was low and muffled, but he could be heard quite clearly in the quiet kitchen.

"Master Sirius ran away, and it would be better if he left, because he is a bad boy, and his unruly behavior broke my mistress's heart. But Master Regulus has self-respect, and he knows that the name Black and his What does pure blood mean?”

Snape seemed to have a mocking smile as he listened, but he did not interrupt the elf's story.

The elf continued: "For many years, he often talked about the Dark Lord, who wanted wizards to stop hiding and come out to rule Muggles and their descendants... When Master Regulus was sixteen, He was so proud, so proud, so happy to join the Dark Lord's organization, to be able to serve..."

"A year later, one day, Master Regulus came to visit Kreacher in the kitchen. Master Regulus has always liked Kreacher. Master Regulus said...he said..."

The old elf's body shook and trembled even more violently as he spoke.

"...He said the Dark Lord wanted an elf."

Xia Ran sighed secretly. After all, he had known the story of Kreacher and Regulus for a long time. Now that it was told by the elf himself, he still felt emotional and mixed emotions when listening to it.

"House elf?" Everyone present looked at each other.

"Voldemort wants an elf? The Dark Lord has always looked down on any other creature, even if he promised them many conditions in exchange for their support." Moody's magic eyes stared at the elf.

"What does he want the elf to do?" Sirius frowned tightly and turned to look at the others. Most of them were as confused as him, with the exception of two people, one was Dumbledore and the other was Xia Ran. .

Xia Ran said softly: "Kreacher, keep talking."

"Oh, yes." Kreacher looked very painful and said, "Master Regulus contributed to Kreacher, this is an honor, Master Regulus said, it is the honor of himself and Kreacher. Kreacher Must do whatever the Dark Lord wants him to do and then go... home."

The elf shook faster, and his breathing turned into sobs. If Sirius hadn't given him an order not to allow self-mutilation, Kreacher would have immediately banged his head against the stone wall again to punish himself. .

"So Kreacher went to the Dark Lord. The Dark Lord didn't tell Kreacher what he was going to do. Instead, he took Kreacher to a cave by the sea. It was a big cave with a big black lake in it..."

"...there is a boat..."

"There is a small island in the center of the lake. There is a stone... stone basin on the island, filled with magic potion. The Dark... Dark Lord asked Kreacher to drink..."

The elf was trembling all over now.

"Kreacher drank, and saw many horrific scenes while drinking... Kreacher's internal organs were on fire... Kreacher called Master Regulus to save him, and called the mistress, but the Dark Lord just laughed, He forced Kreacher to drink all the potion. He threw a locket into an empty basin and filled the basin with potion..."

Xia Ran's eyes flashed, and the locket was his target. Judging from Ravenclaw's crown and Gryffindor's sword, Slytherin's locket must also contain a lot of Force points. .

"Then the Dark Lord got on the boat and left, leaving Kreacher on the island..." the elf said intermittently.

Everyone can almost imagine that scene.

In a dark and deep cave, Voldemort's pale snake face disappeared at the entrance of the cave, leaving only the arrogant and wild laughter echoing. On the small island in the center of the lake inside the cave, an elf was rolling all over the ground in extreme pain. He may be in danger, but he should be able to return to Black's old house safely in the end.

But how did he come back?

Everyone was puzzled.

Since Voldemort hid something very important to him in the cave, he probably wouldn't want to let the elf leave. This can be seen from the fact that he did not take the elf with him when he walked out of the cave.

How can an elf resist Voldemort's magic?

"Kreacher was in great pain and scared, but Kreacher was too thirsty. He climbed to the edge of the island to drink the water from the black lake...many hands, many hands emerged from the lake, dead hands, from the water It stuck out and dragged Kreacher into the water..."

"Oh my God!" The four female wizards, Professor McGonagall, Mrs. Weasley, Mrs. Figg, and Tonks, couldn't help but cover their mouths, tears rippling in their eyes.

Even the other wizards looked extremely heavy.

Where did the bodies in the lake come from? They had been slaughtered by Voldemort. Although they knew that Voldemort was crazy and vicious, they still couldn't help but tremble when they thought of a lake full of corpses, and they could only feel the burning anger in their chests.

"Severus, do you know the potion in the stone basin?" Dumbledore asked.

Snape said slowly: "There are some guesses, but I am not sure. I need to see it with my own eyes to distinguish."

"Kreacher, how did you escape?" Lupine asked.

Kreacher immediately glanced at Lupine with disgust, and hid back with an unusually obvious movement. He kept mumbling: "Oh, my God, the dirty wolf bastard talked to Kreacher. Kreacher didn't allow it. If the mistress knew What would she say?"

"I won't allow you to say words like werewolf again!" Sirius roared, but the elf had already begun to punish himself. He fell to the ground and hit the floor with his head quickly, making a violent thud.

"Stop him quickly, Sirius." Lupin said.

Xia Ran went over and held down the elf, and Sirius yelled again: "Stop, I order you to stop!"

The elf was lying on the ground, with a big swelling on his forehead, and his eyes were even more red, swollen and bloodshot, and filled with tears.

"How did you escape, Kreacher?" Dumbledore asked softly.

Kreacher raised his ugly head, looked at Dumbledore with bloodshot eyes, and said, "Master Regulus said that Kreacher should go home."

Dumbledore frowned slightly, then showed a look of surprise on his face.

"I know, but how did you leave the lake?" Sirius asked confused.

Kreacher acted as if he didn't understand the question and continued to repeat: "Master Regulus said he wanted Kreacher to go home."

"I know, but..."

Xia Ran interrupted Sirius's question and said, "It's very simple. He left the cave through apparation."

"But would Voldemort not have thought of this? How could he allow his secret to be known to the house elves?" Lupine asked.

Xia Ran said: "But the magic of elves is different from the magic of wizards, right? We cannot apparate in Hogwarts because we are restricted by the protective magic of Hogwarts. House elves obviously do not have this problem. of."

There was a moment of silence, and the room fell into a deathly silence, except for the sound of the elf sobbing.

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