"I want to bring Regulus back!" Sirius said resolutely, with a determined look on his face, "I can't let him stay in that dark place after his death, suffering the consequences of black magic forever. erosion!"

Dumbledore put down the locket and said: "You are right, Sirius, we cannot let the bones of heroes fall to hell forever, and the corpses of innocent people must also be reburied."

Sirius nodded solemnly, looked at the elf aside and said, "Kreacher, I order you to take me to that cave."

"Let's go there together. It's not an easy task to bury so many innocent people who died tragically." Lu Ping said while rubbing his forehead.

Mr. Weasley worried: "I'm afraid the elf's magic power is not enough to disapparate so many of us."

Xia Ran also frowned and said: "Why don't we send two people to follow Kreacher to the destination first, and then we will return to take the others."

"Then let's do it this way." Dumbledore agreed, "Alastor, do you want to go over?"

Moody's magic eyes rolled and he said, "It's okay to go."

"Kreacher, come here." Sirius ordered, grabbing one of Kreacher's palms, while Dumbledore and Moody grabbed Kreacher's other palm.


The elf and the three wizards disappeared in an instant, and used the apparation magic in the tightly protected Blake old house.

"Regulus, I once taught that child's Transfiguration class. Unexpectedly..." Professor McGonagall was filled with emotion, with tears in her eyes.

Lupine sighed: "He is indeed a hero. Even though he was in the Death Eater camp, he still contributed to the fight against the mysterious man."

Regulus is Sirius's younger brother, and as Sirius's good friend, he naturally knows Regulus, but he has never imagined that Slytherin's lean seeker - Regulus When he was a student, he studied in Slytherin House and was also the seeker of the Slytherin House Quidditch team. He was in the same position as Harry - it was surprising that a person could do such an amazing thing.

"Slytherin's locket is also a Horcrux, Voldemort's Horcrux. I think Regulus is the first wizard besides Voldemort himself to discover the secret of his Horcrux." Xia Ran sighed, When he first read the story of Regulus, he was also filled with emotion.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

At this time, except for Sirius, Dumbledore, Moody, and Kreacher were all back.

"Let's go outside the house. The magic in the house still has restrictions on wizards." Dumbledore said, walked out of the room, crossed the hall, and opened the door.

Many people filed out, but some people did not move, staying here waiting for others to come back, such as Mrs. Figg, Mundungus, Hagrid, Snape, and Kingsley.

Kreacher's face looked a little pale, and he probably only had one chance to apparate with the wizard. After all, apparation and apparation are a kind of advanced magic, and the consumption of magic power is also very huge.

"Kreacher, are you okay?" Xia Ran asked with concern.

The elf said in a sharp voice: "Sir, Kreacher can take you there, but you must bring Master Regulus's bones back."

"We will definitely do it." Lu Ping nodded solemnly.


Kreacher apparated with Xia Ran and Lupine, and followed the phantom to a cliff by the sea. Xia Ran felt the sea breeze and the smell of the waves.

Now the sky is getting dark, the sunset on the horizon has already set in the west, and the cold wind is blowing his hair. He is standing on a high black rock above the sea, and the waves are rolling and foaming under his feet.

He turned his head and looked back, and there was a cliff standing behind him. The steep rock wall dropped straight down, and there were jagged rocks, with a few pieces protruding like sharp weapons.

And there were several large rocks, like the one he, Lupin, and Kreacher were standing on at the moment, which seemed to have fallen off the front of the cliff at some time in the past.

Everything was bare and desolate. Except for the vast sea and rocks, there was no green at all. Not to mention the lush trees, not even a single blade of grass could be seen.

With the red light of the setting sun, Xia Ran saw a crack on the cliff. The dark sea water was swirling in it. A figure with disheveled black hair on his head was swimming over. That was Sirius.

Snapped! Snapped!

There were two explosions in succession, and Dumbledore and Moody came over with others, and this tall rock suddenly seemed crowded.

"I think we need a boat, well, obviously there aren't any, the waters here are very dangerous," said Mr. Weasley.

"Let's go there too, ma'am, be careful." Dumbledore suddenly became as agile as a young man. He gently slid from the pebble into the sea water, and like Sirius in front, headed towards the rock surface. Swim through the cracks that intersect light and dark.

He held the wand in his mouth, using a perfect breaststroke position.

Stay strong with old age!

Xia Ran sighed secretly, and followed suit like the others.

It was already November, and it was now evening. The water was extremely cold. Xia Ran felt that it was very uncomfortable to swim in the sea for the first time.

After his clothes were soaked with water, they became bulging and heavy, dragging him down. He took a few deep breaths and immediately smelled the pungent smell of salt and seaweed. He slowly swam towards the crack between the cliffs.

Soon, the crack turned into a dimly lit dark passage, and Sirius had already entered. Dumbledore, Moody, Lupin, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, as well as Professor McGonagall, Tonks, and Kreacher also entered. They have all entered the secret passage, and Xia Ran is at the back.

The mud-covered rock walls on both sides were only three feet wide apart. Sirius in front of him seemed to have landed on the shore, raising his wand high to illuminate the way forward for everyone. After all, the light became dimmer as the dark passage went deeper.

Although it is extremely cold to swim in the sea, the people present are all experienced wizards with strong will. Now that they have decided to come here, they will not retreat because of the temporary cold.

A group of people stood up from the sea one after another. This was a dark cave with steps that seemed to be accessible.

Xia Ran also climbed up the steps, and the water flowed down from his soaked clothes. He finally walked out of the sea, but the surrounding air was still as quiet and cold as ever, and he shivered uncontrollably.

Several ladies were even worse, their faces were extremely pale.

Dumbledore summoned a pile of dry firewood and cast a spell to light it. The warm firelight dissipated the coldness around him and illuminated the deeper places. However, they were all rough and hard rock cave walls. It seemed that the so-called lake and The island is all Kreacher's false words.

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