New Professor at Hogwarts

Chapter 110 Meeting

"Although Voldemort is back, as long as he has not been resurrected, he should not gather Death Eaters in a big way." Xia Ran said, "He knows the roots of his Death Eaters and does not have enough power to overwhelm everyone. Those Death Eaters You may not be willing to follow him, or you may not want to be a guest."

"Are you a Death Eater? They follow Voldemort just for the sake of greater power and to bully Muggles and other wizards unscrupulously. When Voldemort can no longer bring them such confidence, it is normal for them to give up. Just like the situation when Voldemort fell more than ten years ago." Sirius sneered, and he looked at Snape specifically, who seemed to have regained a lot of energy now.

Snape's face remained cold and indifferent, and he only glanced at Sirius with disdain, as if he didn't bother to argue with Sirius.

Sirius groaned.

Everyone else ignored the dispute between the two people and pretended not to notice it as long as it didn't cause a big fuss, because it was so annoying that they would quarrel whenever they met.

Kingsley frowned and said: "Dumbledore, I'm afraid the situation in the Ministry of Magic is very unfavorable. You also know Fudge's attitude. He has now specially ordered the Prophet to make various remarks to smear you. This is all It’s to attack your prestige and reputation in the magical world.”

"Stupid!" Moody said coldly.

"Yeah, stupid, but he's still the Minister of Magic, isn't he?" Kingsley said with a wry smile, "And we must obey his orders, at least not show any intention to refute them openly."

Mr. Weasley added: "Fudge was furious in the ministry. He forbade anyone to have any contact with Dumbledore, and he was a little suspicious of me, but the department I was in was not critical, so he didn't know how to do it yet. Put too much thought into me."

After he finished speaking, he spread his hands with a wry smile.

"I'm sorry, Arthur." Dumbledore said looking a little tired.

Mr. Weasley said hurriedly: "It doesn't matter, I mean...I'm not complaining, I'm just...I'm complaining about Fudge. The facts have been placed in front of him, but he still pretends not to see it, just like the eyes. It’s like being blind.”

"Arthur, you must never say this in the ministry, it will cause big trouble." Mrs. Weasley seemed startled.

"I know that I have been very responsible during this time in the Ministry and tried not to cause any conflicts so as not to attract too much attention from Fudge." Mr. Weasley said.

Xia Ran said: "Our manpower in the ministry is indispensable, especially if Voldemort is really resurrected. Kingsley, Mr. Weasley, Tonks, you must all show an attitude against Dumbledore in order to win Fudge's trust should at least not make him suspicious of you or cause any obstacles for you."

"Yes, you have to do this. At this critical moment, we have to have manpower in the ministry." Dumbledore also said, "Anyway, as long as they don't remove me from the chocolate frog picture, no matter how they criticize me, I will It doesn’t matter.”

Kingsley, Tonks, and Mr. Weasley looked at each other, nodded, and said, "Okay."

"There are also movements in the dark world. Those dark creatures may be preparing to take action after hearing the news that Voldemort may return." Dumbledore pointed out a key point and said, "Voldemort will obviously give them things that we cannot promise. status, such as giving freedom to goblins and supporting werewolves' wanton offensive behavior. Mundungus, Rubeus, and Remus, you may have a harder time in the future."

"We will pay more attention." Mundungus, Hagrid, and Lupin replied. One of them is a sleazy person who is proficient in all kinds of deception, the other is a half-blood giant, and the third one is a half-giant. Werewolves are very suitable candidates to open up the communication channel with dark creatures.

"If you meet a fellow traveler who fits our ideals, you can all join the Order of the Phoenix. I welcome them all. The entire Order of the Phoenix is ​​a big family." Dumbledore added.

Dumbledore looked at the Weasleys again and said: "By the way, Arthur, Molly, Bill and Charlie are all abroad. Please write to them and try to pay more attention to the situation in the wizarding world abroad. If you can win over like-minded people, As for people, that’s the best thing.”

"We will make it clear when we write." Mr. and Mrs. Weasley agreed.

"Okay, that's about it. If there are any changes in the future, we will continue to communicate quickly." Dumbledore said.

Afterwards, everyone talked about some things and discussed some countermeasures in times of danger, then the meeting ended and everyone went back to where they came from.

Dumbledore took Slytherin's locket with him.

Xia Ran did not suggest using the Fire Curse to destroy Slytherin's locket. Hogwarts has the fangs of the Basilisk, which is also a powerful thing that can easily destroy Horcruxes.

"Remus, if you want, you can come over often and take a look. You can live here. There are many vacant houses here." Before leaving, Sirius invited Lupine and said.

Lupine smiled and said: "I will. After all, Hogwarts only has offices, although there are also bedrooms and bathrooms inside."

"Goodbye." Kingsley, the Weasleys and others used Apparition to leave one after another. Dumbledore first sent Mrs. Figg to where she lived - which was actually Privet Drive, where Harry and the Dursleys neighbor - then returned to the gate of No. 12 Grimmauld Place.

Only a few teachers from Hogwarts are left here.


They all apparated to Hogsmeade outside Hogwarts, and Sirius closed the door of Black's old house.

The village of Hogsmeade is dark, and the stars and moon are hidden behind dark clouds. It seems to be a rainy day, and there may be a heavy rain at night.

"Let's go back to school quickly. We'll be in trouble when it rains." Xia Ran said. As soon as she finished speaking, there was a thunderstorm in the sky, thunder and lightning flashed in the sky, and then heavy rain poured down.

Professor McGonagall said speechlessly: "Xia Ran, you are such a crow's mouth."

Xia Ran smiled sarcastically.

Dumbledore conjured up several umbrellas and gave them to Sharon, Professor McGonagall, Snape, Lupine and Hagrid, and said: "I really long for a cup of steaming chocolate milk and a cup of delicious butter." beer."

"Professor, I have some wine that I brewed myself. Do you want to drink some?" Hagrid invited him angrily.

Hagrid's own food?

Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall, Snape, Lupine, and Xia Ran looked at each other, and they all shuddered when they thought of something that could be used as a stone hammer to crush teeth directly. , extremely resolutely rejected Hagrid's kindness.

Xia Ran's tooth hurts just thinking about the food Hagrid cooked by himself.

Several people opened their umbrellas and quickly entered Hogwarts, and everyone returned to their offices.

Before Xia Ran lay down, she also improved her magic level through the accumulated force points.


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