New Professor at Hogwarts

Chapter 124 Percy’s mission?

Mrs. Weasley wiped the tears on her face with her hands, her eyes were still red, and she couldn't help but smile bitterly: "Sorry, Xia Ran, I just...just...I'm so stupid...Dumbledore , there is Mad Eye, what should we be afraid of?"

"I can understand." Xia Ran expressed her understanding and nodded. "When a war occurs, no one can guarantee that they will survive in the end. Even we can't guarantee that we will win this war."

Xia Ran conjured a handkerchief and handed it to Mrs. Weasley, who blew her nose.

"Harry, Hermione, I'm so sorry, what will you think of me?" Mrs. Weasley said with a trembling voice, "Just chatting... nothing happened yet, just..."

"Stop talking nonsense." Harry and Hermione said in unison. Harry especially remembered the woman's scream he heard when the dementor approached him. He knew that it was the last sound of his mother's life.

But Harry was only a one-year-old child at that time, but now he is thirteen years old. If his friends and companions die at the hands of Death Eaters, and the Weasley family, when he sees them What would he be thinking when he saw the dead body? sad? anger? Hatred?

Harry quickly stopped his divergent thinking, not daring to allow himself to continue thinking.

"I'm just too... too worried." Mrs. Weasley said with sobs, tears rolling down from her eyes again, wetting the handkerchief, "Everyone at home... is in the Order of the Phoenix, unless We will only escape death if a miracle occurs... Fabian and the others were dead in the first place... What if the mysterious man returns completely and Arthur and I are killed? Who will come... who will take care of us Where are Ron and Ginny? They're still so little."

"Mrs. Weasley, that's enough." Xia Ran said decisively, "This is different from last time. We have got more intelligence information - you know, including the cause of Regulus' death - this time we have The opportunity to kill Voldemort completely without giving him another chance to come back. We now have a good start, knowing that Voldemort is already planning his resurrection."

Mrs. Weasley let out a scream of horror when she heard Voldemort's name.

"Mrs. Weasley, cheer up, he is our enemy. We must call him by his name and not be afraid of him." Xia Ran said solemnly, "We cannot guarantee that that person will not be harmed, but We will definitely do our best to fight against Voldemort and the Death Eaters. Before all of us adults die, you don’t have to worry about the comfort of the children. Besides, do you think we will sit back and watch Ron and Ginny be lonely and hungry all day long?"

Mrs. Weasley forced a smile.

"Yeah, it's so stupid." Mrs. Weasley whispered again, wiping her eyes with a handkerchief, "Don't tell Arthur, I don't want him to know that I'm so stupid."

"By the way, Percy, come with me." Xia Ran said, he came up just to call Percy away.

"Me?" Percy was stunned for a moment and pointed at himself.

When he saw Professor Frémont nodded, he immediately looked confused. Why did Professor Frémont come to him specifically?

"Okay, Percy, go down with the professor," Mrs. Weasley said.

Percy followed Charan downstairs confused.

"Okay, kids, let's work, don't be lazy!" Mrs. Weasley clapped her hands and said, regaining her usual energy.

Ron muttered in a low voice: "I wonder who is lazy?" Then he felt a burning gaze staring at him, and his heart immediately trembled. He quickly stepped forward, put on his gloves and started to prepare. Clean dirty houses.

"Ron never knew Mum was too much to mess with at this time," Ginny whispered.

Harry and Hermione immediately smiled softly, straightened their expressions and stepped forward before Mrs. Weasley looked at her seriously.


There was no one in the kitchen, except for Dumbledore and Snape. Everyone else had left the Black Mansion one after another, including Mr. Weasley and Lupin who were temporarily living here, as well as the owner of the house. Sirius followed Moody to other places to find out information.

"Professor Dumbledore, Professor Snape." Percy entered the kitchen and conference room.

Dumbledore said gently: "Sit down, Percy. Sharon, please close the door."

Xia Ran closed the door and sat down on a nearby chair.

Percy was a little nervous and asked, "Um, Professor Dumbledore, I wonder what you want from me?"

"Oh, that's it." Dumbledore said softly, "We have a plan, but we lack a candidate who can execute it. Severus, myself, and Xia Ran all agree that you are the most suitable candidate."

"Thank you for your trust." Percy said first, then hesitantly asked, "Can I ask what it is?"

"Undercover!" Snape spoke slowly, his eyes strange. After all, he himself was an undercover agent of Dumbledore, but he was lurking in the Death Eaters organization.

"Undercover?!" Percy was slightly shocked.

Xia Ran nodded and said: "Yes, there is no chance of Fudge stepping down for the time being, so we hope to place an undercover agent into the Ministry of Magic. A real undercover agent, not like Mr. Weasley, Kingsley, or Tonks, must we You have great trust in the top management of the Ministry of Magic, and we even hope that if Voldemort returns completely, you can continue to lurk in the Ministry of Magic, climb to high positions, hold very great power, and give secret help and support to the Order of the Phoenix."

Percy was stunned for a moment and asked, "Why did you find me?"

Xia Ran looked at each other with Dumbledore and Snape, and said: "Sorry, maybe it's a bit blunt, but the reason is that you desire power, which can win the trust of others."

This is why they found Percy. Although Percy loves his family and friends, he also desires power and gets ahead. He has always behaved like this, and his performance can help him gain the trust of the Ministry of Magic. If you were to change it to someone else, it would definitely not work because there is no reason that can be explained.

"Only three of us know about this matter, including you, four." Snape said, "We will not reveal your identity."

Dumbledore said: "Percy, you don't have to rush to give us an answer. After all, you still have one semester left to graduate. You should think about it carefully in the next semester. After you think about it, you can come directly to me, or Severus, or Xia Either way."

"By the way, don't tell your parents about this, don't tell anyone, because the fewer people know about this, the better. Only the four of us know." Xia Ran added.

"Okay, I'll think about it." Percy said uneasily. He hadn't fully recovered yet, and he still looked confused until he returned upstairs.

"Percy, what happened? Did you get scolded?" Fred said with a smirk.

Percy shook his head, put on cleaning gloves, and started cleaning silently without saying a word.

Xia Ran and the other three also started a discussion downstairs.

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