New Professor at Hogwarts

Chapter 126 Return to school

After Christmas, the Order of the Phoenix meeting had not yet been held - there were no useful clues worthy of holding a meeting to discuss - and Hogwarts was still on holiday. Xia Ran and others had nothing to do, so they simply cleaned up the old Black mansion.

This house has not been inhabited for more than ten years, and dangerous creatures live and breed in many places.

But time is limited, even if they go out together, and Kreacher helps - this time because Regulus's bones were recovered and a memorial service was held, the relationship between Sirius and him has improved greatly - —The old Black house has not been completely cleaned up yet, and it is already the last day of the holiday.

When Xia Ran was having breakfast in the kitchen, the whole room was bustling with activity. On the contrary, he, Lupine and Sirius - Mr. Weasley had already gone to work at the Ministry of Magic - looked a little idle. , gathered around the dinner table and chatted.

"Man, you guys are so comfortable." Fred picked up a piece of bread from the table and wolfed it down.

"Fred, come here quickly and take your things away, or mom will get angry!" George shouted outside.

"It's really troublesome." Fred muttered, rolled his eyes, pulled out his wand, and recited a spell on his luggage to make them fly over automatically.

"Oh, be careful, Fred!" Lupine looked back and shouted immediately.


Fred's luggage hit Ginny, sending her flying against the wall with a thud. Ginny had a bloody head and fainted instantly.

"Dirty bastard, defiling the house of my ancestors..." At this moment, Old Mrs. Black's curses started to sound again, but no one paid attention to her. Anyway, it was so noisy in the hall that she would always be cursed again. Wake up.

"Ginny, are you okay?" Fred panicked and ran over quickly.

Xia Ran, Lupine, and Sirius also walked over quickly. At this time, Mrs. Weasley came down. When she saw this, she immediately shouted: "You will make her seriously injured, you two idiots!"

"Mom, it's Fred," George argued.

"Healed as before!" Xia Ran pointed the wand at the wound on Ginny's forehead. Blood flowed non-stop. The wound that almost covered Ginny's entire forehead slowly healed, and the blood stopped flowing out.

"Recover quickly!" Xia Ran recited another spell, the magic power on the tip of the wand flickered, and Ginny suddenly woke up. She touched the blood on her forehead. Not only did she not scream in fear, but she showed curiosity. The look comes.

"By the way, I forgot." Xia Ran slapped her forehead and said, "Clean it up!"

The blood stains on Ginny's body suddenly disappeared and she looked like a normal person again.

"Thank you, Xia Ran, thank you!" Fred said.

"Ginny, are you okay?" Harry asked, followed by Mrs. Weasley downstairs.

Ginny said nonchalantly: "It's nothing, Professor Frémont has cured me."

"Okay, stop chatting idle, hurry up, boys and girls." Mrs. Weasley said hurriedly, "The train is about to leave, and we will probably miss the train."

Percy, Ron, and Hermione all came down. Fred carried his luggage and didn't dare to chant random spells anymore.

"Okay, let's go." Sirius said briskly.

"Um, Sirius, are you going too?" Harry was slightly surprised.

Sirius grinned and said, "Harry, you need a bodyguard, and I will be your bodyguard."

"Okay." Harry said happily and impatiently. "Although I don't think Voldemort will hide behind a trash can and wait for me to pass by, but... it's still good anyway."

"Stop chatting, have you brought everything?" Mrs. Weasley said, unscrewing the door handle and walking out into the wind and snow.


The strong wind roared by, almost blowing people away.

"Be careful!" Mrs. Weasley could only roar loudly.

A group of people filed out.


The door was closed again, and Old Mrs. Black's curses were shut inside the door and could no longer be heard.

"I got a car and I'll drive you there." Sirius said as a car parked in Grimmauld Place flashed its headlights.

Xia Ran said: "Let's go back to school first."

With a wave of his hand and two loud bangs, he and Lupine disapparated at the door.

Sirius drove a group of young wizards to platform nine and three-quarters. The platform was also covered with snowflakes. The train was almost covered in snow, but it was filled with the hooting of owls, people talking and saying goodbye. Voice.

Before getting in the car, Harry whispered to Sirius: "Sirius, uh... can I... I mean, I don't want to go back to the Dursleys anymore. Can I... come to Gerry during the summer vacation?" Are you coming to Mo Square?"

Sirius immediately smiled and said: "Oh, of course, welcome, Harry, Black Mansion is your home."

Harry boarded the train happily. He finally had a place worth looking forward to where he could live for a long time. The Dursleys had never given him anything to look forward to.

But he is destined to never live in No. 12 Grimmauld Place forever, because when Voldemort attacked the house more than ten years ago, the person who cast magic was his mother Lily, and the Dursley family is the only one with the same blood. The place.


Xia Ran and Lupine Apparated to Hogsmeade Village, just outside the Pig's Head Bar.

Unlike the Three Broomsticks pub on the other side, the Hog's Head pub is not so bright and clean. It has only a small, dark and very dirty room with a tattered wooden sign hanging on a rusty bracket on the door. It depicts a severed wild boar head, with blood soaking through the white cloth wrapping it.

Therefore, the wind and snow were too strong at the moment, the north wind was howling, and all you could see was flying snow. The pig's head sign was blown by the wind and creaked loudly.

It seems that due to the weather, there are very few people in the Pig Head Bar. There are only three or two people. One person is sitting at the edge of the bar, tightly wrapped in a thick cloak, and his whole head is wrapped in a dirty gray bandage or turban. Something, but still able to pour cup after cup of a smoking, flaming substance through a gap in the bandage on his mouth.

In addition, there were two hooded figures sitting by the window. If she hadn't heard their muffled voices, Xia Ran would have thought they were two dementors having a party.

Even though the dementors might not be happy with this kind of thing.

At this time, the door of the Pig Head Bar opened, and a figure that Xia Ran and Lu Ping were very familiar with came out.

"Oh, hello, Xia Ran, Remus, are you having a good New Year?" The familiar old man smiled gently, "Would you like to come in for a couple of drinks?"

It was their headmaster Dumbledore.

"Well, the environment of the Pig's Head Bar is too bad. Maybe you don't like it. We can go to the Three Broomsticks." Dumbledore said with a smile.

An old man's voice came from behind him, shouting: "Go out and close the door. Don't block it and affect my business."

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