New Professor at Hogwarts

Chapter 133 Resurrection (Part 2)


The liquid in the stone crucible seemed to heat up very quickly. Not only did the surface begin to boil, but sparks also shot out, as if it was about to burn.

The steam became thicker and thicker, and the figure of little Barty tending the flames became blurry.

The bundle began to tremble again, and Voldemort inside seemed impatient.

"Quick! Now, little Barty, the time is just right!" Voldemort's cold voice reminded.

At this moment, sparks flashed on the water in the crucible, as if it were studded with diamonds, and it was like a starry night sky, giving it a dreamy and blurred beauty.

"Yes, Master." Little Barty opened the package he was holding and revealed the contents.

Harry couldn't help but scream.

It's like Barty Crouch Jr. flipped over a rock to reveal a slimy, eyeless ugly thing underneath it... no, it's even scarier than that!

The thing that little Barty was holding looked like a curled-up baby, but the dark red skin, which seemed to be covered in scales, was even more jaw-dropping.

And this baby has a snake face, a flat snake face, with a pair of sparkling red eyes, shining with excitement.

This thing is what Voldemort looks like now.

Voldemort in this state seemed completely incapable of taking care of himself. He raised his thin arms and hugged little Barty's neck.

Little Barty carefully held it in his arms. His hood had fallen down, but Harry did not see any expression of disgust or disgust on Barty's face. Instead, there was one of fanatical admiration on Barty's face. His expression was as if he was holding the most precious thing in the world.

This is a Death Eater who is completely loyal to Voldemort!

Harry understood this immediately.

Little Barty carried the thing to the edge of the stone cauldron, and for a moment Harry saw the sparks dancing on the surface of the potion illuminating the evil flat snake face.


Little Barty put the thing into the crucible, and with a hissing sound, it sank. Harry even thought he heard the soft sound of Voldemort's limp body touching the bottom of the stone crucible.

Let him drown!

Harry thought as the pain in his scar grew almost unbearable.

Please, let him drown!

At this moment, Barty Jr. spoke, his voice was extremely stable, and his tone was even more enthusiastic and excited.

He raised his wand, widened his eyes, and said to the stone crucible: "My father's bones, accidentally donated, can regenerate your son!"

Click! !

The tomb opened at Harry's feet, and he was horrified to see a small plume of dust rise into the air in response to Barty's call, and fall gently into the crucible. The diamond-like liquid surface burst, hissing, and the liquid became even thicker. It turns a bright blue and is poisonous at a glance.

Little Barty's tone became more and more fiery, and he pulled out a long dagger from his cloak. It was shining with silver and the price must be extraordinary.

“The flesh of your servant, given voluntarily, may bring about the rebirth of your master!”

He stretched out his right hand, his slightly old and wrinkled face full of excitement. He held the dagger with his left hand and swung it towards his right hand!

Harry realized what little Barty was going to do at the last second. He immediately closed his eyes tightly, and there was only a dull groan of pain from next to the crucible, and then he heard the sound of something falling to the ground. Barty gasped in pain, followed by another disgusting plop, and something was thrown into the crucible.

Harry didn't want to look, he might know what it was...but the potion turned into a dazzling fiery red at this moment, and the bright light shone into Harry's closed eyes.

Little Barty's heavy breathing gradually became louder. When the hot breath of the heavy breath hit his face, Harry suddenly realized that Little Barty had arrived in front of him.

“The blood of your enemies, forced to give, can bring your enemies back to life!”

Harry's eyes widened in horror. He wanted to dodge and retreat, but he couldn't move to stop him. He was tied too tightly.

He struggled desperately, trying to break free from the ropes that bound him. He saw Little Barty's fanatical look, saw Little Barty holding the shining silver dagger and stabbing it into his arm, blood flowing along the torn The sleeves of the robe flowed down.

Little Barty immediately used magic to create a small glass bottle and pressed it firmly on Harry's arm, just below the wound. A lot of blood immediately flowed into the bottle.

Harry glared at little Barty with angry eyes. He ignored Harry behind him, took the small glass bottle to the crucible, and poured it all in at once.


The liquid in the crucible immediately turned dazzling white, and the fiery red color faded away completely in an instant.

"Healed as before!"

Little Barty completed his task, retreated to the side of the crucible, and touched his injured arm with his wand. The blood had been stopped by him just now. At this moment, the wound healed quickly and the pain dissipated.


The crucible is about to boil, and diamond-like sparks are splashing in all directions, so bright and dazzling that everything around them turns into a black velvet color, mysterious and attractive.

Hope he's drowned!

Harry stared at the stone cauldron. He didn't want Voldemort's plan to succeed, especially since his own blood was used in it, and he felt sick at the thought of it.

Suddenly, the sparks on the crucible went out, and a stream of white steam rose up from the crucible, covering up everything in front of Harry. He couldn't see Barty Jr., and all he could see was a vast expanse of white water vapor, like a heavy fog. of london.

It would definitely not work, he must have drowned!

But what made him despair was that deep in the white mist, a black figure of a man slowly rose from the crucible. He was tall and thin, resembling a skeleton, which made Harry feel a little creepy.

"Give me a robe." A cold and sharp voice said.

Little Barty quickly picked up the black robe he had just used to wrap the bundle, stepped forward with an extremely enthusiastic expression, and put the black robe on his master's head.

The tall and thin man stepped out of the cauldron, still staring at Harry.

Harry saw the face that had often appeared in his nightmares for the past three years. It was paler than the dead, with two big red eyes, a nose as flat as a snake, and two slits in the nostrils. Harry suspected that he really had Respiratory system?

Voldemort, the Dark Lord who single-handedly started the Wizarding War, is resurrected!

"Ah ha, Harry Potter, we finally meet again." He said softly, putting his surprisingly long fingers into a pocket and taking out a wand. He raised the wand in front of his eyes. , with an expression of joy.

"Finally...I finally mastered the wand again and had a real body!"

Voldemort said lazily: "You know? The last time we met was almost thirteen years ago, in Godric's Hollow, where I suffered the most fatal crisis in my life and almost died... Really, I almost died, but many of my preparations seemed to have a good effect, so I survived, even if I lived a humble life, I was worse than a wandering soul!"

"Master, I..." Little Barty seemed to want to say something.

Voldemort waved his hand and interrupted little Barty's words, and said: "I know what efforts you have made, little Barty, Lord Voldemort has seen everything. Now that I am back, you will all receive the gifts and gifts you deserve." Glory! Lord Voldemort is kind, friendly, and considerate of his companions."

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