New Professor at Hogwarts

Chapter 139 Percy’s decision

After Harry fell asleep, Madam Pomfrey returned to her room and urged several people to leave quickly so as not to disturb the patient's rest. Xia Ran, Lupine and Hagrid went to the outside of the great hall, leaving only Harry. Nap was still waiting here, and the other professors had gone back to their rooms to sleep. After all, it was very late, and no matter how tense the situation was, life had to go on as usual.

Snape glanced at Lupine and snorted coldly. He was an old enemy in his student days. Even though he later became an alliance colleague, he was still disgusted when he met him. The same was true for Sirius. Only Lupine was slightly better. The look on his face was that he was not surprised. Perhaps he had become accustomed to this kind of treatment over the past ten years.

"Do you think Dumbledore's visit to the Ministry of Magic to meet with Fudge will achieve any results?" Lupine asked.

Xia Ran shook her head and said, "I'm looking at Xuan."

In the original time and space, Voldemort was truly resurrected and returned, accompanied by the death of Cedric Diggory, but Cornelius Fudge still turned a blind eye?

Xia Ran felt that violence was needed to deal with people like Fudge. Reasoning alone wouldn't make sense. Or, if verbal reasoning didn't make sense, physical reasoning would.

He doesn't believe it and is stubborn?

That's easy, just give him a beating. When his life is threatened, people like Fudge can change his tune in the next second.

But Dumbledore is not this kind of person, and Fudge is confident.

At this moment, Dumbledore would come, his expression solemn, and even more likely to be mixed with a trace of anger.

Xia Ran could tell at a glance that Dumbledore's trip was not going well.

"Professor Dumbledore, how is the situation?" Hagrid took a step forward and asked.

Dumbledore shook his head slightly and sighed: "Fudge is still stubborn and thinks that I am announcing the news of Voldemort's return just to become the Minister of Magic."

"That bastard!" Hagrid punched his palm with his fist, his face looking very annoyed.

"We can only speak out in newspapers from all sides to alert the wizarding world and notify the wizards we can contact. We hope they won't think we are joking." Dumbledore sighed.

"What about tomorrow's exam? Continue?" Snape asked.

Dumbledore thought for a while and replied: "Go on, Voldemort has just returned from resurrection and will not come to Hogwarts. The students should try their best to protect him."

"By the way, Remus, you may want to inform Sirius. In two days, I am going to hold a meeting of the Order of the Phoenix at Grimmauld Place. We must discuss follow-up countermeasures and arrangements." Dumbledore looked again Said to Lupine.

Lupine nodded.

"Xia Ran, how is the elf doing?" Dumbledore asked.

Xia Ran replied: "I'm afraid I'll be comatose for two days after being hit by the Imperius Curse, but other than that, I have no other problems."

"You all should go and rest first. I will also write to contact well-known wizards in the magical world, hoping that they can come forward... Oh, Connelly..." Dumbledore said and sighed.


Hogwarts held exams as usual the next day, which made many students cry and howl. They thought that after yesterday's incident, the last two exams today could be cancelled.

"Hey, why are they so arrogant? They don't consider the endurance of our students. It's good to have a few days to slow down." Ron said while drinking milk listlessly.

Harry had been discharged from the hospital and sat back at the Gryffindor table. He nodded in agreement: "I think exams are useless, as long as we really learn the knowledge ourselves."

Hermione snorted.

"Hey, Percy, what's wrong with you? You were dumped by someone, that Ravenclaw prefect?" George asked with a smile. Percy had a distracted expression on his face. He didn't look like he was taking an exam. .

Percy waved his hand casually, ignoring his two naughty younger brothers. This made everyone around him stare. Usually, Percy would give a warning in the name of the President of the Boys' Student Union. What happened today? Is it so quiet?

"Hey, Percy, are you stupid?" Fred asked carelessly.

Percy still ignored it and finished his breakfast hastily before packing up and heading to the examination room.

A group of people at the table looked at each other.

However, Percy found Xia Ran after finishing the exam.

"What's the matter, Percy? How was the exam? I heard that you want to enter the Ministry of Magic. The requirements for exam results are a bit high." Xia Ran smiled, sat behind her desk and put down the pen. He was writing just now. A little something.

Percy seemed a little embarrassed, and closed the door of Xia Ran's office with his backhand, and said hesitantly: "Oh, that's it, Professor Frémont, at Christmas time, you - you, Professor Dumbledore and Si Professor Knapp—didn’t he intend to let me enter the Ministry of Magic as an undercover agent? I think...well, I think...I may have this idea."

Xia Ran stopped her smile and said in a deep voice: "Have you really thought about it clearly, Percy? Being an undercover agent is not an easy task. If you want to gain Fudge's trust and stand in a high position in the Ministry of Magic, you must Separate yourself from us, or even turn against your family, to win Fudge's trust, do you think you can endure so much criticism and strange looks?"

Percy gritted his teeth, nodded and said: "Professor Frémont, I have thought clearly. Yesterday Harry was captured and the mysterious man returned from the resurrection. I think we need one person to really break into the Ministry of Magic, not more or more." Those who are more or less will always be suspected, and my father and others were even severely suspected."

Xia Ran stared at Percy. Undercover work is never an easy job. Even if the undercover Ministry of Magic is not as dangerous as Snape's undercover Death Eater organization, always walking on the edge of the cliff, the requirements for Percy are very high and the test is very high. big.

"Okay, you come with me to see Dumbledore and Professor Snape, he may be able to teach you something." Xia Ran said, Snape is a perfect undercover, and the magic that an undercover should be proficient in - - Occlumency, Snape is a true master, even more powerful than Dumbledore.

The principal's office on the eighth floor.

"Percy, are you sure?" Dumbledore came around from behind the table.

Percy said firmly: "Professor, I have decided that I am willing to do my part for the Order of the Phoenix to fight Voldemort."

"Okay, Percy, you..." Dumbledore seemed to want to say something, but finally paused and did not say anything. Instead, he looked at Snape and said, "Severus, most of the back Months, you try to find time to train Percy, you know, Occlumency..."

"Okay." Snape said with a smile on his gloomy face, "I will train him well."

Percy couldn't help but shudder.

"Percy, after you joined the Ministry of Magic, you found time to cut off from us, the kind of irreconcilable one. The person you will contact in the future will be one of the three of us. It is best for others not to know your identity. "Dumbledore warned.

Percy nodded, and from now on, he was going to take another path.

Xia Ran said: "Don't contact us unless necessary in the future, so as not to reveal your secret identity, especially in this situation where Voldemort is hiding in secret."

Snape's expression suddenly changed.

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