New Professor at Hogwarts

Chapter 152 Hurtful words

Mrs. Weasley went upstairs.

Mr. Weasley sat down on a chair angrily, his brows furrowed, and it was obvious that he was particularly angry. Harry and Hermione had never seen him so angry.

Several Weasley children, Bill, Charlie, Fred, George, Ron, and Ginny, all showed dissatisfaction with Percy. They more or less guessed the reason for the dispute between their father and Percy. reason.

After all, Percy has been quarreling with his family more than once in this period of time.

Xia Ran also knew the reason and the inside story, but she was determined not to tell it openly. This was also to protect Percy.

"What's the matter, Dad? What did Percy say again?" Bill asked, pouring a glass of water for Mr. Weasley.

"Leave him alone, Dad, he will understand the bad behavior of the Ministry of Magic after a while." Charlie also advised.

"I'm sorry, Xia Ran, for letting you see the joke, and Harry and Hermione..." Mr. Weasley smiled reluctantly.

Xia Ran looked puzzled - he knew the real story - and asked: "Mr. Weasley, what are you and Percy..."

"Hmph!" Mr. Weasley was extremely angry when he mentioned Percy Weasley and said in a deep voice, "Let him go! Let him do whatever he wants. It's enough to give birth to him and raise him. Whatever he wants to do in the future, then It’s all his business!”

"He still surrendered to the Ministry of Magic for his ambition?" twin brothers George and Fred asked in disbelief.

Mr. Weasley said nothing and nodded silently.

"What?" Harry and Hermione looked a little unbelievable.

Ginny meowed like an angry cat.

Xia Ran secretly sighed that Percy's situation as an undercover agent was indeed better than Snape's, but the pressure he faced from his family and the inner torture he faced were even worse than Snape's.

"Oh, Percy, Percy, mother has something to say to you..." At this time, Percy and Mrs. Weasley came out of the house. Percy dragged a large suitcase and an owl cage with an expression on his face. He was so gloomy and terrifying that he turned a blind eye to the people at the door and walked outside.

"Stop! Where are you going?" Bill grabbed Percy's arm.

"Didn't you hear mummy trying to talk to you, Percy?" the twin said angrily.

Percy suddenly stopped and turned his head. His face looked extremely scary, showing an expression that was unfamiliar to everyone. He said: "I have nothing to say to you. From now on, I will part ways with you." , each went his own way, as if he had never known each other before!"

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Bill was also angry. He pulled Percy over and sat at the table, saying, "What's going on? What are you thinking? Your ambition is so big. Could it be that the news of the mysterious man's return is... Is it fake?"

Percy sat on the chair, looked at Mrs. Weasley, glanced around, and saw the anxious, angry, and worried looks of everyone in the room. Finally, he fixed his eyes on his father and said, "I I have said it, I have said it many times before, I want to enter the Ministry of Magic..."

"No one will allow you to enter the Ministry of Magic!" Charlie said angrily, "Dad works in the Ministry of Magic. Kingsley and Tonks also work in the Ministry of Magic. If you want to enter the Ministry of Magic, this is what you have always wanted to do." Your hopes and wishes, none of us will stop you!"

"Ha!" Percy laughed contemptuously.

George got angry and said, "What's your expression?"

"Oh, Percy, you want to enter the Ministry of Magic? It doesn't matter, we all support you, and as your family, we will support you." Mrs. Weasley said, wiping away tears.

Hermione and Ginny, two little girls, comforted Mrs. Weasley.

"Don't you understand yet?"

Percy glanced contemptuously and said, "It's because of you that I can't enter a better department, hold a higher position, and become a truly top official in the Ministry of Magic!"

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Bill frowned. "As a graduate, you have just entered the Ministry of Magic. What important position can you hold? What kind of top official can you be? That will be at least ten or twenty years later."

Percy sneered: "Is that really the case?"

"What do you mean?" Ron asked angrily.

"Isn't my meaning clear enough?" Percy said with a cold smile, "Because of you!" He pointed at everyone in the Weasley family and continued: "Do you really understand what the Ministry of Magic stands for? Won't you come out? No, you have seen it, but you are unwilling to comply! The Ministry of Magic requires all employees to sever ties with Dumbledore, but what about you? But you have a very important connection with Dumbledore, or the Order of the Phoenix a member of!"

"Please, with a family like you, how can I really get into the heart of the Ministry of Magic? Do I have to be like my father, an ordinary employee all my life, and have to save and save even daily expenses?"

"I've had enough of life without money!!" Percy yelled.

Quiet, it's so quiet in the Burrow, you can almost hear a pin drop.

Several Weasley children, Bill, Charlie, Fred, George, Ron, Ginny, including Harry and Hermione, all looked at Percy with disbelief, as if this was the first time they had met each other today. Same as Percy.

How dare could he...

Mrs. Weasley wiped her tears sadly and burst into tears.

Mr. Weasley pursed his lips tightly and trembled slightly, as if he had a lot to say, but in the end he didn't say a word.

Xia Ran sighed secretly in her heart. It was the most difficult moment to break up with her family like this, especially when Percy didn't really think so. Maybe he did have similar thoughts sometimes, but they were forgotten in the blink of an eye and never really took it to heart. .

It is so sad to say this kind of words!

He wondered if Percy was bleeding inside.

Percy still said coldly: "The mysterious man has returned? So what if it's real or fake? Has it affected us? We are pure-blood wizards and are not within the scope of the mysterious man's cleaning. What are we afraid of?"

He deliberately avoided Hermione when he spoke. After all, he had a very good relationship with Hermione when he was at Hogwarts. This was a friendship between top students.

"Dad, if you want to become a real core official of the Ministry of Magic, you can't do it without following the minister's footsteps and ideas!"

Percy sneered and said, "Dumbledore? He is so powerful, why doesn't he hold the position of Minister of Magic? Who knows what he is thinking in his heart? What have you gained by following Dumbledore, Dad?"

"Money? Honor? Or status?"

Percy said with a cold smile and said, "No! You didn't get anything!"

"We don't follow Dumbledore for these reasons, we follow Dumbledore for the same ideas and ideas!" Mr. Weasley said angrily.

"But what if you follow the Ministry of Magic, Dad? Money, honor and status are not easy to come by?" Percy smiled and said, "We have different ideas. From now on, we will no longer have a father-son relationship, and I will cut off all contact with you. Contact us!"

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