New Professor at Hogwarts

Chapter 155 Digory and Son

"George! Fred!" Xia Ran said sternly, "Okay, stop talking! Eat quickly, we will set off after eating!"

George and Fred also knew that they had said something wrong, but they still could not forgive Mrs. Weasley's behavior. After all, it was the result of their whole summer. The twin brothers buried their heads and drank their porridge in silence without saying a word.

Mrs. Weasley's face turned pale, and she did not follow up with any words of admonishment.

In short, when Xia Ran and his party left the Burrow, the atmosphere was not very friendly.

Mrs. Weasley still kept a straight face as she kissed Mr. Weasley on the cheek, but the twins took an even more sour attitude, slinging their rucksacks onto their backs and walking out without a word to their mother.

"Goodbye, and have a good time!" Mrs. Weasley said loudly, and finally she shouted at the twin brother's leaving figure, "Behave yourself!"

But the two brothers neither looked back nor answered.

"I'll send Bill and Charlie on their way at noon," Mrs. Weasley said to Mr. Weasley.

"Xia Ran, please take care of the children." She looked at Xia Ran and said.

Xia Ran smiled and said: "It's nothing, I was their professor. Okay, Mrs. Weasley, goodbye, we are leaving now."

With that said, Sharon, Mr. Weasley, Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny walked through the dark courtyard, walked out of the Burrow, and set off following Fred and George.

Although it was late summer and early autumn, the air in the early morning still seemed a bit cold, and the moon still hung high in the sky, casting its cool moonlight.

What was Harry thinking about the Quidditch World Cup? How many wizards will arrive? What extraordinary abilities do those Quidditch players who have reached the finals have?

"Mr. Weasley, Professor Frémont, you just said, what kind of thing is a portkey? How to use it?" Harry asked curiously.

"Portkey, that's a very inconspicuous thing." Mr. Weasley replied, "The function of this thing is to transport wizards from one place to another within a specified time. If necessary, If so, it can even transport a large number of people at once. Because of the Quidditch World Cup, the Ministry has placed more than two hundred door keys across the UK. The closest one to us is on the top of Stoat Mountain, and we are now Where to go.”

Mr. Weasley pointed ahead, where a large shadow rose behind the village of Ottery St. Catchpole, on the outskirts of which the Burrow lay.

"What kind of thing will the portkey be? A wooden door? A cave? Or something else?" Harry asked curiously.

"There are all kinds of things." Xia Ran chuckled, "Of course, the first point of the door key is that the item must be something that looks inconspicuous, so that Muggles will not pick them up because of their excitement. It’s just thrown around randomly. They will mistake it for trash that has been thrown away carelessly!”

While they were talking, the group of people had already walked along the dark and damp path in the direction of the village. There was silence everywhere, and they could only hear their own footsteps and the footsteps of others.

As they passed through the village, the sky gradually became brighter, the dark night gradually receded, and the morning sun was dimly visible on the horizon.

However, the hands and feet of several children seemed to be frozen, and Mr. Weasley kept looking at his watch to confirm the time.

Xia Ran walked silently.

No one spoke, especially when climbing Stoat Mountain. The dark, sticky grass blades caused a lot of trouble for several people. They often slipped when they stepped on them, and they had no extra energy to speak.

After walking for a while, everyone finally stepped on the flat ground. Hermione was the last one to reach the top of the mountain. One of her hands was tightly holding the skirt of her clothes.


Mr. Weasley took a deep breath, took off his glasses and wiped them with his jersey, and said, "Yes, we arrived on time, with ten minutes left. We are not late and missed the allotted time."

"Now we need to look for the door key - the Flying Curse does not work on the door key - they are not big, they are all inconspicuous gadgets. Let's go look for them together." Xia Ran said.

Everyone spread out and searched separately. However, they had only been searching for less than two minutes when they heard a shout piercing the silent night sky.

Xia Ran knew who that person was, or who those two people were, and it was also reflected in the original time and space.

"Here, Arthur! Come here, son, we found it!"

On the other side of the mountaintop, two tall figures stood out against the starry night sky.

"Amos!" said Mr. Weasley, laughing and striding towards the man who called him, followed by the others.

Mr. Weasley shook hands with a red-faced wizard with a short brown beard, who held something in his other hand that looked like a moldy old boot.

"Oh, Xia Ran, are you there?" the red-faced wizard said, and shook hands with Xia Ran.

Xia Ran had worked in the Ministry of Magic for nearly eight years. This person was almost a colleague of his, so they knew each other.

"Amos, long time no see, how are you doing?" Xia Ran asked with a smile, greeting.

"Fortunately, everything is fine! It's just that those magical animals have been more active recently and the workload is heavier." The red-faced wizard smiled.

"Come on, let me introduce you all! This is Amos Diggory." Mr. Weasley said. "He works in the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures at the Ministry of Magic. This is his son Cedric Diggory." Gorey, I think you all know each other, right? You are all classmates at Hogwarts."

Cedric Diggory, a student of Hufflepuff at Hogwarts, is about seventeen years old. He is a very handsome boy. At Hogwarts, he was also the Quidditch of Hufflepuff House. The captain and seeker of the strange team, he also led Hufflepuff to defeat Gryffindor last year.

In the original time and space, Cedric was still a warrior at Hogwarts that year, participated in the Triwizard Tournament, and was one of the final winners.

Harry was thrown into the Goblet of Fire by Barty Crouch Jr., who was disguised as Moody - using magic to confuse the Goblet of Fire, causing the Goblet of Fire to think that there were four schools participating - so Harry did not exist The school's warrior, but Cedric is the true warrior of Hogwarts.

"Hello, Professor Frémont," Cedric said, turning to look at his classmates and smiling, "Hi, hello."

Ron, Harry, Hermione, Ginny, everyone said "Hi", but Fred and George didn't say anything, just nodded.

Several others knew it because the Hufflepuff Quidditch team led by Cedric defeated the Gryffindor Quidditch team last year.

A few more pleasantries followed, and Mr. Amos Diggory was surprised again on Harry's account - Harry was already used to this - and defeated Harry Potter for his son. I feel extremely proud.

This embarrassed both Harry and Cedric.

"The time is almost up."

Xia Ran said quickly, interrupting Mr. Amos Diggory's proud words and letting others get out of this embarrassing situation.

"Do you know who we are waiting for? Apart from the Weasley family and the Diggory family, are there any other wizarding families nearby?"

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