"Okay, Mad-Eye, I'm just sighing. After all, the Quidditch World Cup is right in front of you, but you can only hear the voices of the commentators and the cheers and applause of the audience, but you can't see it with your own eyes. It's always a It's a pity, isn't it?" Sirius spread his hands.

Moody's blue magic eyes rolled, without comment, and said in a deep voice: "Cheer up! This is not the time to regret!"

Sirius shrugged.

"Should we divide into several teams and patrol separately?" Lupine asked.

"You can arrange it, Mad-Eye. The Director also said that we can obey your orders. You are the Auror hero after all, aren't you?" Kingsley said with a smile. He also brought an Auror team with him. It looked like more than ten people.

Most wizards have bought tickets to watch the World Cup, and a small number of wizards on duty are also inside this huge stadium.

These Aurors were all brought back from vacation during emergencies.

Looking at the circle of wizards and witches around him, Moody nodded and said: "It is necessary to separate! We are divided into two teams, Kingsley, and your Auror team, patrol from the left. We Others patrolled from the right."

"By the way, sending a red signal means encountering an enemy; a blue signal means everything is normal; a yellow signal means there is something unusual and requires further investigation..."

"Get your wands out, don't keep them in your pockets!"

Moody gave a final sweep and everyone took out their wands, their expressions solemn.

Kingsley led his team of Aurors onto the road under the magnificent golden wall. They all held their wands tightly and were always paying attention to the movements around them. However, the noise in the venue was too loud, which affected their judgment and keen perception.

All the Aurors couldn't help but frown, but they could only overcome it.

"See you later." Tonks followed the Auror team. She was originally a member of the Auror Office of the Ministry of Magic.

Lu Ping's eyebrows moved slightly, but he still looked away.

"Okay, let's stop procrastinating, be careful and focus." Moody said, using crutches and started walking along the right side.

Sirius, Lupine, and Mundungus looked at each other and followed Moody's footsteps. Their eyes were like hawks, scanning the woods where light and dark lights alternated.

At this moment, there was a deafening sound in the venue.

Xia Ran estimated the time and guessed that Moody and the others should have started patrolling the area around the venue. Among the 100,000 wizards in the venue, there were many white wizards from the Order of the Phoenix camp and many dark wizards from the Death Eaters camp.

The Malfoy family behind him are still Death Eaters, but they have not completely fallen, and there are still opportunities for "rescue".

Ludo Bagman, Director of the Department of Physical Education and Sports at the Ministry of Magic and commentator for the Quidditch World Cup Final, has begun introducing the mascots of the two countries.

"Okay, without further ado, please allow me to introduce... the mascot of the Bulgarian national team!" Bagman's voice was extremely loud, and it spread throughout this super stadium that can accommodate 100,000 people.

On the right side of the stands was a neat bright red square formation, and loud cheers suddenly erupted.

"Mascot show?!"

"I wonder what they brought?"

Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny all looked very curious.

Even the adult wizards in the top box, except for a few officials from the Bulgarian Ministry of Magic, all looked curious.

However, Xia Ran is an exception. He knows what the mascot of the Bulgarian national team is.

"Huh? Veela!" Mr. Weasley suddenly took off his glasses and wiped them hastily on his robe.

"What is a Veela?" Harry asked loudly, having to shout as loud as he could because the noise in the arena was so loud.

"What a strong charm ability!" Xia Ran exclaimed, and saw a hundred Veela sliding towards the arena. They were all women - of course they had to be women - their skin was as bright and soft as the moon, and their Even if there is no wind, their hair is flying behind their heads. Each of them is the most beautiful woman in the world...

And this charming ability reached its peak in an instant when Veela started dancing!

The male wizards around Xia Ran looked obsessed, as if they had seen the most beautiful thing in the world. As long as they could keep seeing the Veela, it seemed that they would be allowed to pay any price.

Only the witches and wizards looked dissatisfied and frowned.

"Professor Frémont, are you not affected?" Xia Ran heard a voice that seemed to come from a distant place, it was Hermione speaking.

Xia Ran shook his head, like a pug trying to shake off water droplets on his body, as if this would get rid of his obsession with Veela.

However, after all, his magic power is strong, reaching level 5 (advanced level). He has also experienced reincarnation, and his willpower is stronger than other wizards. Therefore, although he is also affected by Veela, it is still within a controllable range. , not as ugly as other wizards.

"It's okay, it's okay." Xia Ran rubbed her forehead and said. Veela's ability to charm is innate and innate, almost as good as a love potion.

"No wonder the wand made of Veela hair is special..."

Xia Ran no longer stared directly at the dancing Veela in the arena. She would wait until his magic power became stronger again.

"Huh, these people are really..." Ginny pouted, looked at Harry Potter, and even made a move to dance. It looked like he wanted to jump directly from the box into the stadium, and compete with those Veela dance together!

Several witches in the second row also looked dissatisfied.

Finally, the Veela stopped dancing, the music stopped, and they retreated to the edge of the field.

But the stadium was filled with angry roars. People didn't want the Veela to leave. They wanted to continue watching the Veela dance and enjoy the ultimate joy, pure joy. Nothing in the world mattered, as long as they could keep watching. Just Veela.

"Harry, what are you doing?" Hermione asked.

Harry blinked blankly as he stood with one leg propped up against the wall of the box. Next to him, Ron even made a gesture as if he was about to dive from the springboard, and stayed there motionless.

The other wizards who came back to their senses also looked slightly embarrassed, deliberately not looking at the faces of other people around them, as if they didn't know.

Many wizards even took off their Irish team badges, Ron was one of them.

Mr. Weasley took it and smiled: "You will need this later after the Irish team's performance."

"Huh? Huh!" Ron snorted, still staring at the Veelas with his mouth open, and they were already lined up in a corner of the field.

Hermione made a loud smacking sound, stretched out her hand to pull Harry back to his seat, and said, "Oh! Why are you doing this?!"

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