New Professor at Hogwarts

Chapter 170 Champion

"Wizards from the Ministry of Magic intervened." Xia Ran said, and saw wizard officials from the Ministry rushing into the arena one after another, trying to separate the Veela and the leprechaun, but with little success.

The competition in the sky has already reached an even more intense level.

The Quaffle was like a bullet, being passed around by the players almost unseen by the audience. Even the commentator Ludo Bagman only had time to name the players, but could not comment on the game. Explain the situation accurately.

It's not that Ludo Bagman couldn't understand, or that he lacked spoken language when explaining, it was just that the situation was changing rapidly and there was no time to speak.

"Lefsky! Dimitrov - no, Moran - Troy - Mallet - Moran! It's Moran again, she scored again!" Bagman shouted.

However, the cheers of the Irish team supporters were almost obscured by the abnormal noises from other places. The screams of the Veela, the popping sound of the ministry officials' wands, and the angry roars of the Bulgarians. The entire game has been over. It became a mess!

"It's so confusing!" Mr. Weasley shook his head repeatedly.

Xia Ran chuckled and said: "The Bulgarians have no chance, and the game is basically lost. They have to give them a place to vent their anger!"

"The game is back on!" Bagman said at the same time. "Lefsky has the Quaffle now... Oh my God, Krum!"

At this moment, Quigley, the Irish team's batter, used all his strength to hit a flying Bludger towards Crum. Crum was unable to dodge and was hit head-on by the Bludger. superior.

Deafening complaints suddenly came from the Bulgarian audience. Even many Irish team spectators were complaining - there were many Krum supporters - Krum's nose seemed to be broken and blood was everywhere. All, but referee Hassan Mustafa did not blow the whistle.

But we can't blame him. A Veela threw a fire at our referee and lit the tail of his broom. At this time, he was flying dozens of meters in the sky!

Even though most of the people in the top box were supporters of the Irish team, they still hoped that others would discover Krum's injury as soon as possible and stop the game.

Krum is the most exciting player on the field!

"Pause! If this continues, something will happen to Krum. I wonder if he can really see ahead?" Charlie yelled.

The blood had almost covered Krum's face, making it difficult for him to see far.

"Hassan Mustafa probably forgot about the game, but there's no way to blame him," Bill said.

Xia Ran suddenly turned his eyes. Harry followed his gaze and was stunned for a moment. Then he couldn't help shouting: "Look at Lin Qi!"

I saw the Irish team's seeker suddenly swooping down, his eyes fixed on a certain place in front of him. Xia Ran was sure that this was definitely not a fake move by Wronsky, this time it was real!

"He saw the Golden Snitch!" Xia Ran shouted: "Aidan Linzi, if he catches the Golden Snitch, the game will be over!"

At this time, almost half of the audience noticed Aidan Linzi's actions and immediately realized what was going on.

The Irish supporters rose to their feet, creating a green wave and screaming loudly for their Seeker!

But Krum followed closely behind him. He had no time to deal with his injuries, and blood splashed in the air. Could he really see the situation in front of him?

Xia Ran expressed doubts about this.

Krum's flying skills were so good, Xia Ran thought they were at least level 6, or even level 7. Even if there was blood blocking his vision, he still caught up with Aidan very quickly. ·Lin Qi, the two of them were now in a parallel state, diving towards the ground again.

"They're going to fall to the floor!" Hermione screamed.

"No!" shouted Ron.

"No! Lin Qi will do it!" Harry shouted.

Sure enough, Lin Qi fell heavily to the ground for the second time. Even though there was a loud noise in the venue at this moment, it was still possible to hear the loud noise, and everyone seemed to feel the seat under their buttocks shaking.

But almost all the audience stood up.

The Veela and the leprechauns no longer cared about fighting, and they all gathered around him like swarms of swarms.

"Where is the Golden Snitch? Where is the Golden Snitch? Which of the two caught the Golden Snitch?" Charlie Weasley shouted, he just wanted to fly over and see with his own eyes.

"He caught it! Krum, he caught the Golden Snitch! The game is over!" Harry saw the situation over there clearly through the telescope and shouted immediately.

Xia Ran also squinted his eyes and looked over, and saw spots of nosebleeds flashing on Krum's bright red robe. He rose lightly into the air, raised a fist high, and a bright golden light appeared between his fingers. .

That's the glow of the Golden Snitch!

Krum caught the Golden Snitch!

The score on the scoreboard suddenly jumped significantly, Bulgaria: 160, Ireland: 170.

However, the audience seemed to be still confused and did not realize what was going on. Then, people slowly came to their senses, like a jumbo jet accelerating, and the Irish team supporters were talking The sound got louder and louder, the cheers got louder and louder, and finally broke out into countless shouts of extreme joy!

Bulgaria's supporters could only hang their heads in despair.

"The Irish team won the game! In the 422nd Quidditch World Cup, the Irish team won the World Cup!" Ludo Bagman, who likes the Irish team, couldn't help shouting, "Krum caught the Golden Snitch at the last moment, But the Irish team won and won the championship by 10 points. This was a situation that none of us expected...well, not short, the Irish team is the champion!"

"Let's congratulate Team Ireland! World Champions!"

The cheers and applause in the Irish team's auditorium became even louder and louder. People like Xia Ran and others in the top box were also applauding to congratulate the Irish team on winning the World Cup.

"Why did he want to catch the Golden Snitch? As long as he doesn't let Lin Qi catch him, even if he catches the Golden Snitch, Bulgaria still can't win the championship!" Although Ginny jumped up and down excitedly, she couldn't help but Cheers, but still feeling confused.

"Yeah, he ended the game when the Irish team was 160 points ahead. It was really stupid! He could wait a little longer. If they got within 150 points, that's when he caught the Golden Snitch. Best time!" Ron also shouted loudly.

Xia Ran also stood up and applauded, saying: "But Krum knows that the Bulgarian team can never catch up! The Irish team's chasers: Moran, Mallet, Troy, they are all great! The best in the world Chaser! If you continue to wait, the score gap will only get wider and wider!"

"He just wanted to end the game based on his own situation," Charlie said. "It was a really dramatic ending! Krum caught the Snitch, but Ireland won the game!"

"People will talk about this game for many years!" Xia Ran nodded and said.

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