New Professor at Hogwarts

Chapter 172 Attack

Xia Ran asked in a low voice: "Is nothing wrong?"

"No." Lu Ping shook his head and said, "A few of us were in a group. We happened to be near here. Nothing happened. There were too many people celebrating, so we just came over and had a drink."

"Haha, we also support the Irish team." Sirius smiled and took a cup of hot chocolate milk, "Thanks, Bill."


When Harry saw his godfather, he stood up and hugged him heavily.

Mundungus looked regretful and said: "Oh, it's such a shame that I couldn't see the Irish team win the championship with my own eyes!"

He gave Moody a reproachful look.

After Moody sat down, the blue magic eye continued to move, looking at everyone passing by. He said: "Don't be careless. Night may be a good time for them to take action."

At this moment, a group of people had begun to discuss the game just now. Regarding the issue of collision fouls, Mr. Weasley and Charlie had a heated argument, while Sirius and Mundungus sighed repeatedly.

They really wanted to see the Quidditch World Cup with their own eyes, but it was very frustrating to think that they were patrolling outside the stadium when the game started.

Xia Ran asked Moody about a magic spell. "Mad Eye" Moody can be called a legendary Auror. His magic power has reached level 6, which is indeed one or two levels stronger than the current Xia Ran. .

From the other side of the camp, loud singing and strange crashing sounds were heard, echoing in the night sky for a long time.

"It's so lucky that I'm not on duty." Mr. Weasley muttered. "If I were to ask the Irish to stop celebrating their victory, it would be unimaginable and it would cost lives!"

Xia Ran smiled and said: "You won the game, World Cup champion..."

He suddenly stopped talking and looked up at the camp on the other side. Vaguely, he felt that something was wrong.

Moody Yi stared straight in that direction and said, "You also noticed it, Xia Ran?"

"What's wrong?" Mr. Weasley asked doubtfully and looked up, but found nothing.

Lu Ping narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "There's something wrong. The night is so dark in that place!"

A group of people looked over and saw that the direction Xia Ran and Moody were looking at seemed to be blackened, and almost no light could be seen. However, the place just now was still brightly lit, and countless supporters of the Irish team were celebrating. victory.

"Hold your wand, something may have happened." Xia Ran said, taking out the wand from her arms, "A few children are here, Bill and Charlie stay and watch them, the rest of us go over and take a look."

"No!" Fred and George said eagerly, "Let's go there together!"

"No!" Mr. Weasley flatly refused and said, "You can't go over, Charlie, you stay and look after your brothers and sisters, Bill, you..."


A cry for help came from where they were looking, and then several silvery-white lights lit up, and were soon swallowed up by darkness.

At this moment, the sounds in the camp changed, and everyone noticed the abnormal situation in that direction. The crowd began to commotion, and some people began to run in panic, just to stay away from that dark area.

Xia Ran recognized the silver-white object that lit up just now. He couldn't help but said in shock: "That's... the patron saint?! Dementors attacked the World Cup camp?!"


Everyone else was shocked, and Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny looked at each other with lingering fear. The scene when the Dementors searched the Hogwarts Express and guarded the Hogwarts Castle last year, they still feel... Unforgettable.

It feels like falling into an ice cellar, with your soul almost frozen. Just thinking about it makes you want to give up.

"Why did the Dementors who guarded Azkaban Prison end up at the Quidditch World Cup camp?" Lupine asked in confusion.

Bill said: "I'm afraid the prisoner escaped, a large-scale prison break!"

Several people suddenly realized, yes, what does the Quidditch World Cup have to do with Voldemort? He took this opportunity to help his Death Eaters escape from prison, and escaping from Azkaban Prison was the most likely thing to happen!

"But Dementors are different from wizards and cannot be bribed. How could..." Mr. Weasley couldn't help but say.

Xia Ran sneered and said: "How can an Azkaban prison compare to the Quidditch World Cup where a hundred thousand wizards gather? You know, dementors live on the happiness of wizards, and those prisoners have long been tortured It’s almost done.”

"The festive atmosphere of the Irish is the dementors' favorite delicious food!" Sirius also said.

Several people suddenly realized that this might be the place where Voldemort promised to hunt dementors.

"Let's go there quickly. If someone is kissed by a dementor..." Xia Ran said and shook her head, hoping that such a thing has not happened yet.

Everyone's expressions were solemn. The Dementor's kiss was a fatal attack, swallowing up the wizard's soul. From then on, he was as dumb as a living dead.

"Charlie, take care of your brothers and sisters." Mr. Weasley instructed, and Charlie nodded. Although he was determined to follow everyone to the dark area, drive away the dementors, and save the besieged wizards, Fred, George, as well as Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny, had low magic power and had no ability to resist when facing the dementors. He could not leave.

This time, brothers Fred and George didn't ask to go together. After all, they had come into contact with Dementors and knew how powerful they were. They couldn't deal with them.

"Follow me." Charlie said, leading a few minor wizards away, trying to stay as far away from the dark area as possible.

Xia Ran and the rest of the group held magic wands and headed towards the dark area.

Along the way, countless wizards looked horrified and ran towards the woods farther away from the dark area in order to avoid the spreading dark area.

Xia Ran crossed the crowd and quickly arrived at the edge of the dark zone - in fact, the dark zone was spreading rapidly, no slower than his speed. The two sides charged at each other - the tip of his wand lit up, and just at a glance , couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

"So many dementors!" he said in shock.

I saw countless tall figures in black cloaks floating all over the sky. The faces of all the dementors were completely hidden under their hoods. Countless hands stretched out from under the cloaks, gray and white, and shining eerily, as if It was covered with viscous liquid, and there were many spots like death spots, just like a corpse rotting in the water after death.

The dementors floated in the air, taking a long and slow breath, making a gurgling sound in their throats, as if they had sucked in more than just the surrounding air.

A biting chill swept through Xia Ran, just like the twelfth lunar month of winter. Standing in the ice and snow wearing only a single coat, he almost felt like he was out of breath. The cold penetrated into his body and began to invade him. Chest, heart and even brain and soul.

"Calling the Gods to protect you!" Xia Ran read loudly, and pointed out his wand. A milky-white light jumped out of his wand, and he got down on all fours, carrying a large silvery-white glow, and rushed towards the attacking soul-hunting soul. The strange group also dispelled the infinite chill in his body.

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