New Professor at Hogwarts

Chapter 179 Interview

Xia Ran said it very rudely.

But looking at the expressions of everyone on the sidelines, they all nodded in agreement, except Mr. Weasley who was a little helpless.

"So Professor Frémont, do you think Fudge's response and the Ministry of Magic's approach are wrong?" Mr. Lovegood's quills were flying.

"Do I still think so?" Xia Ran sneered, "I'll bet - a thousand gold galleons - that more than 80% of the wizards in the magic world are interested in Cornelius Fudge and The Ministry of Magic under his leadership has very strong opinions!"

"Dangerous creatures like dementors can easily appear in the Quidditch World Cup camp, so where will they appear next? Diagon Alley? Hogwarts? Hogsmeade? Or St. Mungo's? Hospital?"

"That's right!" Mr. Lovegood nodded and said, "That's what I think. Fudge is a wizard with strong ambitions - oh, of course, I'm not saying this is wrong - Fudge has always been planning Take over Gringotts and control the flow of money in the magical world..."

"Sorry." Bill said in surprise, "You mean Fudge wants to control Gringotts Wizarding Bank?"

"Bill is a curse-breaker at Gringotts," Mrs. Weasley added.

"Bill Weasley, the excellent wizard, I know you, Shaggy, sorry, that was your nickname in the Daily Prophet." Mr. Lovegood said.

Bill frowned and said, "I know, it's all the fault of that terrible woman, Rita Skeeter..."

"Seriously, son, your hair is too long. Rita Skeeter never does good deeds and only catches the wind, but I think she is right about this." Mrs. Weasley stroked her hand in a friendly manner. His own magic wand, "As long as you let me do something with your hair, it will be completely solved with just one touch, and you will have no worries at all."

"Mom, I don't know how to cut it." Bill said helplessly. Ever since he came home, Mrs. Weasley had been forcing him to cut his hair.

Ginny supported Bill and said, "Mom, you are so out of date. Dumbledore's hair is longer than this."

"Mr. Lovegood, why do you think so?" Billian changed the subject, "By the way, I am the Curse Breaker of Gringotts in Egypt, but I am planning to apply to be transferred back to Gringotts in England. Fudge has this An idea... You know, apart from us curse breakers, Gringotts mainly has goblins making the decisions. Will they agree to Fudge's request?"

"So Fudge is the goblin killer!" Luna said in a dreamy and ethereal tone.


Everyone was shocked and then confused. Fudge was a goblin killer. Why had they never heard of such rumors?

Xia Ran secretly smiled. The strange tempers and words of the Lovegoods could always shock people, whether they were acquaintances or strangers.

Of course, the whole thing about Fudge Goblin Killer is a lie. After all, he is the minister of the Ministry of Magic. How can he do such a thing of killing the lives of other races?

However, the consequences of many of Fudge's behavioral decisions are no better than if he had done it himself. For example, the Quidditch World Cup camp was attacked by a group of dementors. If he had taken Dumbledore's warning to heart, I don’t say that this incident will definitely be prevented from happening, but at least there won’t be as many casualties as there are now. There are only about thirty wizards whose souls have disappeared, and hundreds of other wizards whose souls have been traumatized!

During this time, the medical staff at St. Mungo's Hospital of Witchcraft and Wizardry worked overtime every day and hated Fudge to death.

"An insider from the Ministry of Magic said that Fudge was always discussing how to deal with goblins, and was also loudly showing off how he killed some poor goblins, threw them into the water and drowned them, pushed them from tall buildings and fell to their death, and fell down. Some were poisoned to death, some were baked into pies, and it is said that Fudge even ate a few." Mr. Lovegood said calmly.

"Inside the Ministry of Magic?" Mr. Weasley was a little uneasy. "Can you tell who it is? Sorry, I shouldn't ask, but I think... Fudge hasn't reached this stage yet, right?"

"Really?" Mr. Lovegood raised his eyebrows and said, "If you knew all the bad things Fudge had done, would you still think so?"

"Of course, many people think that The Quibbler is talking nonsense, but every article we publish has a scientific basis and has been carefully studied and considered."

Mr. Lovegood said proudly: "I dare say that the Daily Prophet is not as dedicated as the Quibbler!"

Harry, Ron, and Ginny had strange expressions and seemed to be suppressing their laughter.

Hermione and Mrs. Weasley frowned and wanted to say something to refute Mr. Lovegood's remarks, but gave up after thinking about it.

"Uh, Mr. Lovegood, let's get back to the interview." Xia Ran said helplessly.

"Oh, yes." Mr. Lovegood said as he woke up from his dream, "Professor Frémont, what kind of wizard do you think Dumbledore is? Will he be a good wizard leader in the magical world? Please Forgive me, Fudge is not the leader of the wizarding world in my opinion, Dumbledore is."

"I agree with you on this point." Mr. Weasley nodded immediately.

Xia Ran pondered for a moment and said: "Dumbledore is the most powerful white wizard in the contemporary era. Whether he wants it or not, he is a flag in the magical world and a flag against dark wizards! He is also the only person who is feared by the mysterious man. Fudge can't compare to this alone."

"The leader of the wizarding world is not necessarily the strongest, but he can't fall out of the top five, right? Fudge? He can't even get into the top fifty!"

Xia Ran smiled and said: "Fudge is the most failed Minister of Magic!"

It seems that the final conclusion has been reached.

Later, Mr. Lovegood talked with Xia Ran about other topics, such as the topic of molesting flies. Mr. Lovegood always believed that molesting flies existed.

"Professor, the mole fly must be 100% real! It is an invisible little creature that floats into people's heads and confuses their brains. Fudge is probably poisoned by the mole fly!" Lovegu Mr. De stands by his statement.

Xia Ran smiled bitterly and said: "Maybe, harassing flies? It is indeed possible that it really exists."

After all, harassing flies is something that cannot be falsified.

"Okay, Luna, say goodbye to your friends. It's time for us to go back." Mr. Lovegood stood up and shook hands with Xia Ran.

Mr. Weasley invited: "Let's go after dinner, Xenophilius. Your family doesn't live far anyway."

The Lovegood family and the Weasley family both lived on the outskirts of St. Catchpole Village, but in different directions.

Mrs. Weasley was already busy in the kitchen at this time. She stuck her head out and shouted: "And Xia Ran, you can stay and eat too."

Xia Ran smiled and said: "Mrs. Weasley, I won't be polite. You invited me and I agreed."

"Welcome, Sharon." Mr. Weasley said, "Children, hello Luna. Sharon, Xenophilius, let's go in and chat. Bill, make us a pot of tea. Charlie, go help your mother. ."

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