New Professor at Hogwarts

Chapter 185 New Song

Xia Ran looked at the pitiful appearance of the new students and couldn't help but sigh to herself: "Hogwarts is so stingy! They don't even give them a new ship! Well, that's a tradition, so it can't be abolished!"

According to the tradition of Hogwarts, the freshmen got off the Hogwarts Express and took a boat across the lake to the square outside the castle. Because of the bad weather this year, with heavy rain and thunder, all the freshmen I was soaked in the rain and looked like a drowned rat. I was so pitiful that there was no dry place on my body.

It seemed that they did not cross the lake by boat, but swam directly from the lake, and even fought with water monsters on the way.

The reason why Hogwarts has such a tradition is because more than a thousand years ago, the four giants of Hogwarts: Helga Hufflepuff, Godric Gryffindor, Salazar Slytherin and Rowena Ravenclaw rowed a boat across the lake and arrived at the current location of Hogwarts Castle, establishing the oldest magic school in Europe.

Since then, it has become a tradition for freshmen to take a boat across the lake.

When Xia Ran first came to Hogwarts, Hagrid also took him across the lake by boat, but he had better luck. He remembered that the sky was clear and the moon was bright, but there was no such heavy rain. .

The freshmen stood in a row along the staff table, stopped, and faced the senior classmates in the school.

They were cold, hungry, and all nervous and shivering, except for a few children.

At this time, Professor McGonagall took out the sorting hat and placed it on a three-legged stool. The first-year students were all stunned when they looked at the tattered, dirty, and patched hat.

Others in the auditorium also looked at it, and for a moment, there was silence in the auditorium.

Suddenly, a crack near the brim opened like a human mouth, and the Sorting Hat suddenly sang.

A long time ago I had a new hat,

Hogwarts hadn't been built yet,

The four founders of Noble Academy,

Thought they would never part ways.

The same goal unites them,

Each other's wishes are so consistent:

To build the best magic school in the world,

Let their knowledge be passed on and continued.

“We will build schools together and teach together!”

The four friends were very determined.

However, they never dreamed that

One day they will be divided from each other,

What kind of friends are there in this world?

Better than Slytherin and Gryffindor?

Unless you count another pair of close friends——

Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw?

How could such a good thing go wrong?

How could such a friendship be written off in one stroke?

Alas, I witnessed this sad story with my own eyes,

So I can tell you about it here.

Slytherin said: "The students we teach,

Their bloodline must be the purest. "

Ravenclaw said: "The students we teach,

Their intelligence must be superior to others. "

Gryffindor said: "The students we teach,

You must be brave and courageous, regardless of your own safety.”

Hufflepuff said: "I have many people to teach,

And treat them all equally. "

These differences emerged for the first time,

It caused a small quarrel.

Each of the four founders owns a college,

Only recruit the boys they want.

Slytherin recruits wizards like himself,

Pure blood, full of tricks.

Only those younger generations with the sharpest minds,

Only then can you listen to the teachings of Ravenclaw.

If anyone is bold and adventurous,

He was admitted into the academy by the brave Gryffindor.

The rest were taken in by kind-hearted Hufflepuffs,

She taught them all her skills,

In this way, the four colleges and their founders maintain a strong and sincere friendship.

In those many happy years,

Teaching at Hogwarts is enjoyable and harmonious.

But then slowly a split appeared,

And fueled by our shortcomings and fears.

The four colleges are like four stone pillars,

He once held our school firmly in place.

Now they are against each other and have constant disputes.

Everyone wants to monopolize power.

There was a time,

The school seemed to be dying.

Countless noises, countless fights,

Former good friends turned against each other.

Then finally one morning,

The old Slytherin suddenly ran away,

Although the dispute had subsided by then,

He still left us in despair.

Only three of the four founders remain,

From then on, the situation of the four colleges,

I no longer want to be like what I imagined in the past,

Live in harmony and be united.

Now the Sorting Hat is in front of you,

You all know the origin of the matter:

I divide you into each student,

Because my duties cannot be changed.

But this year I want to say a few more words,

Please listen carefully to my new song:

Though I am destined to divide you,

But I'm afraid that's not the right thing to do.

Although I must fulfill my duties,

Divide the new students each year into four parts,

But I worry about such classification,

Would lead to the collapse I feared.

Oh, know the danger, read the signs,

The lessons of history give us warnings,

Our Hogwarts is in danger,

Enemies outside the school are watching.

We must be united internally,

Otherwise everything will fall apart from within.

I have told you plainly,

I have sounded the alarm for you,

Now let's start sorting.

After the hat finished singing, he stopped moving, and there were scattered applause everywhere, mixed with whispers.

Throughout the auditorium, students were whispering to the people sitting next to them, talking in lowered voices. Even the professors seemed embarrassed.

Xia Ran didn't pay much attention and just looked at the Sorting Hat repeatedly. If I absorbed the Sorting Hat's Force points...

The Sorting Hat has a full 150 Force points!

Xia Ran felt that she could definitely use this to push her magic level to level 6, which was the level of the four deans of Hogwarts!

"Alas!" He suddenly sighed secretly in his heart. The Sorting Hat is a magical item with intelligence. What if the Force points are sucked away and the Sorting Hat's ability is affected?

Although according to his research and past experience of absorbing Force points, the absorption of Force points will not have a big impact on the magic item, but this does not mean that it will disappear. Dead objects may not be a problem, such as the Sorting Hat. Such spiritual items still require extreme caution.

"It looks a little different." Professor Trelawney whispered, looking at the Sorting Hat, "The Sorting Hat also has language ability? Or does it know something from the principal?"

"It's not like this has never happened before." Professor Sprout whispered, "More than ten or twenty years ago, when the mysterious man gained power, the Sorting Hat would warn us every year..."

Usually, the Sorting Hat only describes the different qualities valued by the four houses of Hogwarts and its own tasks for sorting new students, and rarely openly gives advice to the school and students.

When this kind of situation occurred in the past, it was when Voldemort was at his peak.

However, the professors had already known about Dumbledore's warning and believed in Dumbledore's words, so they didn't think it was anything. However, the students were greatly surprised.

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