New Professor at Hogwarts

Chapter 200 Mutation

"Charran, you are right about the first one. It depends on the second Beauxbatons warrior." Professor Flitwick roared. The applause and cheers in the auditorium were too fierce-Krum, as the world's most powerful A great Seeker, there is no doubt about his popularity! ——If he didn't yell like this, Xia Ran wouldn't be able to hear what he said.

Xia Ran clapped her hands lightly and saw Krum standing up from the Slytherin table and walking towards Dumbledore listlessly. He turned to the right and walked forward along Xia Ran's staff table. Go and enter the next room through that door.

"Awesome, Viktor!" Karkaroff roared loudly. Although the applause was loud in the auditorium, everyone could still hear his voice. "I know you are destined to be a warrior!"

Finally, the applause and cheers died down, and now everyone's attention was once again focused on the goblet. After a few seconds, the flames turned red again, and a second piece of parchment jumped out of the goblet, propelled by the flames. out.

"The Champion of Beauxbatons." Dumbledore glanced down and read aloud, "It's Fleur Delacour!"

"Xia Ran, you are right again!" Professor Flitwick was a little surprised this time.

Xia Ran clapped her hands and smiled, but suddenly caught a glimpse of Professor Trelawney's frowning expression, and the others also looked slightly strange.

As a divination teacher, Professor Trelawney couldn't predict who the warriors would be. Professor Frémont, a teacher who specialized in combat, made a very accurate prediction. How could this not make people feel weird? Who is the professor of the divination class?

Xia Ran shrugged his shoulders. He couldn't help it. These few people became warriors in the original time and space, and there was nothing that couldn't be said, so he didn't want to talk nonsense.

"Professor Trelawney, I'm sorry." Xia Ran secretly said in her heart, "But I still believe in you! Dumbledore also believes in you!"

Professor Sybill Trelawney, as a divination teacher, did indeed make accurate predictions, and even more than ten years later, they are still effective today.

That is the prophecy about Harry and Voldemort!

"Oh, the other Beauxbatons students are so sad." Hagrid said angrily while applauding.

Xia Ran looks forward to it.

I saw a girl who looked like a Veela stood up gracefully, shook her silver hair, and walked lightly through the gap between the Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff tables.

Several boys looked at her back in a daze, as if they couldn't speak or move.

However, Xia Ran thought that Hagrid put it too lightly. The word "sad" really couldn't describe the disappointment of other Beauxbatons students. He even saw two girls burying their heads in their arms and seeming to whisper. Sob.

When Fleur Delacour also walked into the next room, the auditorium became quiet again. This time the silence was even more fiery, because below were the warriors of Hogwarts!

Who will become the Champion of Hogwarts?

Everyone almost held their breath - Xia Ran might be an exception, but she was still in the mood to take a sip of red wine - looking at the Goblet of Fire expectantly, and the blue and white flames in the cup suddenly turned into red flames, a piece of sheepskin The paper flew out immediately and was caught by Dumbledore gently.

He looked down at the contents on the parchment.

"The Champion of Hogwarts..." Dumbledore raised his head, faced all the students in the Great Hall, and announced, " Cedric Diggory!"


The Hufflepuff table suddenly erupted in cheers and applause. Everyone was cheering and their excitement and joy were beyond words.

Behind the staff table, Professor Sprout, the dean of Hufflepuff House, applauded enthusiastically with the same joy. Looking at her, she seemed to be about to cry with joy.

"Xiaran, you guessed all three correctly!" Professor Flitwick gave a thumbs up.

"Hey, luck, luck." Xia Ran smiled.

At this time, Cedric Diggory stood up from the Hufflepuff table. He smiled brightly and walked towards Dumbledore. All the Hufflepuff classmates along the way cheered and celebrated.

There were still many students congratulating Cedric at the tables of Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin.

Of course, the whining dissatisfaction of a small group of students does not affect the overall situation.

The cheers for Cedric lasted for a long time, and it was not until three or four minutes later that Cedric finally entered the next room and everyone became quiet again.

"There's no moth this time, right?" Xia Ran whispered in her heart, and found no sign that the color of the Goblet of Fire had changed again.

"Okay, the three warriors have been selected." Dumbledore said loudly, "They are Viktor Krum of Durmstrang and Fleur Delacour of Beauxbatons. , Cedric Diggory at Hogwarts.”

"I know that I can completely rely on all of you, including my classmates from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang, and you will go all out to support your warriors! By cheering for the warriors, you will also make a contribution to this event. A great contribution!”

"Now, we……"

Dumbledore was still talking happily.

"There's no problem, that's good." Xia Ran secretly thought, but suddenly felt that it was a pity. If there was a problem, that would be the best. It would just be an opportunity to clear out one or two Death Eaters lurking in. If such a Death Eater If undercover agents really exist.

Snape was a double agent, but he was actually working for the Order of the Phoenix.

At this time, Karkaroff, Ms. Maxim, and two Ministry of Magic officials, Ludo Bagman and Jerome Barton, all stood up and walked into the room behind the door.

Xia Ran did not follow, and there was no need to continue to waste too much time on this. He also wanted to go back early to adapt to the enhanced magic power.

"...Everyone, please go back!" Dumbledore announced the end of the banquet and followed him into the room.

The auditorium suddenly became a commotion, and people were still discussing the three warriors intensely.

Xia Ran stood up and was about to leave the auditorium when she suddenly heard Snape's voice: "Professor Frémont, wait a moment."

He turned his head and saw Snape winking at him. He immediately felt relieved, nodded, and sat back on the chair again.

The other professors were slightly surprised. When did these two teachers have such a deep friendship?

"Hey, look, what is Snape talking to Professor Frémont?" On the other hand, Ron noticed that Xia Ran was talking to Snape and said to Harry and Hermione.

They were almost out of the auditorium.

Hermione said: "They are both teachers. Is it any wonder that they have good friendships? And..." she lowered her voice and said: "Don't forget, Professor Frémont and Professor Snape are both members of the Order of the Phoenix. member!"

Harry didn't pay much attention to Snape. He was still regretting that if he became a Hogwarts warrior, then...

He even raised his eyes and looked around, but couldn't see the beautiful Ravenclaw girl, so he could only sigh.

At this very moment——


Harry suddenly let out a cry of pain and reached out to cover his forehead. A burning pain hit him, as if someone was roaring loudly and stirring wildly in his mind. It made his brain feel like it was going to explode. It was impossible to bear this drama. It hurt, and he passed out instantly.

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