New Professor at Hogwarts

Chapter 236 Fight against Voldemort

"Avada Kedavra!" Voldemort's high-pitched, cold voice echoed through the halls of the Ministry of Magic along with green lights.

Xia Ran flashed his body. Fortunately, his flying skill had reached level 5 and he could keep up with Voldemort's speed - after all, he was in the air, and the space for moving around was large enough - and his magic skills were at level 6 (medium). With level 6 (elementary) magic power, he can be called a top wizard, but he can already fight against Voldemort.

"Armor protection! Avada Kedavra!" In addition to defending, Xia Ran also used Avada Kedavra, one of the three unforgivable spells.

Voldemort raised his wand, and a green light flew towards Xia Ran, the disguised Voldemort.

Xia Ran twisted her body, her big black robe suddenly swung around, and she disappeared. When she reappeared, she was on the right side of the hall, waving her wand towards the statues in the fountain.

The statues suddenly came to life, as if they were sentient beings, and they rushed towards Voldemort without saying a word. Voldemort fired spells one after another, smashing the stone statues into pieces. At the same time, he also disappeared, and then appeared next to the pool in the center of the hall. Endless water gushes, blocking Xia Ran's sight and covering those few dazzling green lights.

A statue of a centaur rushed forward, blocking the green light of Avada's Kedavra, but it was also broken into countless pieces and scattered on the ground.

So strong!

All wizards in the hall, whether they were officials from the Ministry of Magic, Death Eaters, or other members of the Order of the Phoenix, were shocked.

Both the real and fake Voldemort are so strong!

In particular, the members of the Order of the Phoenix knew who Voldemort was when he appeared at the beginning. He was clearly Sharon Frémont. When did he become so powerful? !

A group of people were stunned and stunned, almost forgetting that this place was still in the middle of a fierce war.

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way! Everyone...get out of the way!" Lu Pinglian shouted.

They didn't expect that at this time, the real Voldemort would suddenly appear. At this moment, Xia Ran started fighting with him. Both of them had extremely strong magic power and their magic knowledge was at the master level. The scale of the battle was huge, magic was intertwined, and spells were shot randomly. No one could hold back - Voldemort was cruel and did not value the lives of others. Xia Ran was already at a disadvantage, but relied on the terrain and powerful spells to temporarily resist Voldemort. ——Many magic spells that are insignificant to them are deadly to others!

The crowd seemed to be waking up from a dream and even fled in panic. The entire hall of the Ministry of Magic turned into a chaotic place, with no trace of the original order.

Moody leaned on crutches, waved his wand, and directly joined the battle.

He knew that Xia Ran alone was by no means an opponent of Voldemort - in the Order of the Phoenix, except for Dumbledore, no one else could be an enemy of Voldemort when fighting alone - he had to help Xia Ran.

"Catch those Death Eaters, Sirius." Moody said solemnly.

"Don't worry, they can't escape!" Sirius found his cousin Bellatrix Lestrange.

Bellatrix laughed crazily and said: "Sirius, are you looking for death? Oh, I am your sister, so I will fulfill your request. Avada Kedavra!"

Her wand shot out a green light, and her face was crazily twisted. More than ten years of prison life in Azkaban had a great impact on her.

"There are many obstacles! Yes, I am looking for death, but I think you will die before me." Sirius said politely, with a smile on his face.

"Sirius, be careful!" Mundungus said suddenly, "Armor for protection!"

A green light was blocked by the Armor Curse, and it was Barty Crouch Jr. who fired the Avada Kedavra.

"Thank you, Dunge." Sirius's heart skipped a beat, and he calmed down his playful mood.

"Your opponent is us!" Kingsley, Tonks and other Aurors, as well as Amelia Bones, Mr. Weasley and other Ministry of Magic wizard officials also joined the battle group, and the white wizard camp Suddenly took advantage of numbers.

However, a large part of the largest number of wizard officials in the Ministry of Magic are hiding and hiding, regardless of the chaos outside. A small number of wizards have directly rebelled, merged into the Death Eater camp, and counterattacked their original colleagues.

The whole situation became increasingly chaotic.

The Dark Lord disguised by Xia Ran fought against the real Voldemort, and Moody soon joined the battlefield.

"It would be foolish to come here tonight, Voldemort." Moody said solemnly, "Dumbledore will be here soon!"

"By the time I'm done, you'll be dead too!" Voldemort said viciously, suddenly frowning, "It seems like you know Alastor, this arrogant wizard who dares to pretend to be me?"

"A trick from the Order of the Phoenix?"

Voldemort's eyes flashed with scarlet light, and he said viciously: "It seems that the great Lord Voldemort is still too kind!"

"Avada Kedavra!"

He fired another killing curse at Xia Ran, but it missed. Xia Ran dodged it and hit the security guard's table. The table suddenly ignited flames and expanded in an instant, as if it was hit by a fire curse.

It seemed that in his eyes, this Order wizard who had disguised himself was the one that annoyed and annoyed him the most.

Xia Ran waved the wand gently, and the spells he had learned, the magic that could be used in battle, were released according to his will.

The spell cast by the wand was so powerful that even though the wizards hiding nearby were protected by buildings, they still felt as if their hair stood on end when the spell passed by.

Moody's magic was no weaker than Xia Ran's. Magic lights flashed one after another. Voldemort was one against two, but he had to be serious.

He conjured a shining silver shield out of thin air, like an indestructible shield. When Xia Ran and Moody's magic struck it, the silver shield only made a low, gong-like trembling sound. This strange sound was frightening.

As the battle between the three became more intense, the surrounding buildings were almost destroyed. Even other members of the Order of the Phoenix, Ministry of Magic Aurors, and Death Eaters had to retreat to a corner of the hall to avoid the aftermath of the three's battle. Spread.

"Ah!" A building was blown to pieces, and several figures hiding behind screamed. From the corner of Xia Ran's eyes, she saw a witch in pink clothes, who looked like a toad, and the Minister of Magic, Kang Nai, Lee Fudge also let out a scream again.

"These people...heh, it would be best if they died!" Xia Ran secretly sneered, but Fudge, Umbridge and others are terrible, so it doesn't matter if they die, but most of the other wizard officials in the Ministry of Magic are innocent people, Xia Ran Of course I don't want them to be affected.

"We have to move the battlefield!"

Xia Ran's eyes flashed, and she suddenly cast a fierce fire spell. This was black magic, and it could be considered a black magic that Xia Ran was very proficient in.

Voldemort's expression changed slightly. He didn't think his silver shield could withstand the fierce fire.

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