New Professor at Hogwarts

Chapter 255 Hearing

There was no expression on Percy's face. His eyes hidden behind his horn-rimmed glasses were staring intently at the parchment in front of him, with a quill in his hand ready to record.

Ms. Bones looked at Xia Ran and said, "Do you need a chair?"

"I can do it myself." Xia Ran said briskly, took out her wand and waved it, and a soft chair appeared next to Harry's chair.

Ms. Bones nodded and said, "The hearing on August 12th..."

Percy hurriedly started taking notes.

"About the case of Harry James Potter, who lives at 4 Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey, for violating the Act for the Restraint of Minors and the International Statute of Secrecy." Ms. Bones's voice was loud and clear. Then he said in a low voice, "Interrogators: Minister of Magic, Amelia Susan Bones; Director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, Piers Thicknesse; Deputy Director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, Peter Yaxley." Trial Recorder: Percy Ignatius Weasley."

Ms. Bones paused as she spoke and asked, "Isn't Dumbledore here yet?"

"He may have been delayed by something, but I can also serve as a witness for the defendant." Xia Ran replied.

Ms. Bones nodded, clearly satisfied.

""Good, then let's start now. "Ms. Bones said, pulling out a piece of paper from the pile of documents in front of her, handing it to Pierce Thicknesse, the also newly appointed Director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, and saying, "You read it out. "

"I shall obey your will, Lord Bones." Thicknesse said politely, took the piece of paper, and read aloud, "The defendant is accused of the following crimes: The defendant has previously received a written complaint from the Ministry of Magic for similar accusations. Warning. This time, with full knowledge that what he was doing was illegal, he deliberately and knowingly used it at seven o'clock in the evening on July 20th, in a Muggle residential area, in front of a Muggle. A patronus charm.”

"This behavior violates Section 3 of the "Restraint of Minor Wizards Act" promulgated in 1875 and Article 13 of the "International Statute of Secrecy of Wizards."

Thicknesse's voice was very loud, and he looked down at Harry coldly from the top of the parchment, and asked: "Are you Harry James Potter who lives at 4 Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey? "

"Yes." Harry answered.

Xia Ran thought to herself on the sidelines that he had already come into contact with the original text of the "International Wizarding Statute of Secrecy" and obtained a full 500 force points. The force points contained in it are not as high as the "International Statute of Secrecy of Wizards", but it's not much different if you think about it.

A sudden desire arose in his heart, as long as he could touch the original text document of the "Act on the Reasonable Restraint of Minor Wizards"...

Thicknesse's questioning of Harry became more and more urgent.

"You were officially warned by the Ministry of Magic three years ago for illegal use of magic, right?" Thicknesse asked aggressively.

"Yes, but..." Harry wanted to explain, but Thicknesse didn't give him much chance to speak.

"And you used magic to create a patron saint on the night of July 20th?" Thicknesse continued to ask.

"Yes." Harry replied, "But..."

"You know that you are not allowed to use magic outside of school because you are under seventeen?"

"Yes, but..."

"Knowing that you were in a place densely populated by Muggles?"

"Yes, but..."

"Are you fully aware that there was a Muggle next to you at that time?"

"He is my cousin, of course I know that." Harry said angrily, "But I only use magic because we..."

"You were fully aware of your situation and fully understood the relevant legal provisions, but you still chose to break the law and use magic? Do you want to show off in front of your cousin who has been bullying you?"

"No! At that time..."


Xia Ran interrupted Thicknesse's aggressive questioning and said: "Thicknessy, you didn't organize the hearing like this. Now it's time for us, the defendant, to describe the situation in detail." She ignored him and her face changed. The livid Thicknesse said to Harry: "Harry, tell me in detail what happened that night. Don't hide it, and don't add jealousy."

Harry nodded, took a deep breath, and said: "Because two dementors appeared in front of us - me and my cousin - he is a Muggle, and I must stand up to save both of us, otherwise we will definitely... Dementors deserve to be kissed! Everyone knows the consequences of being kissed by a dementor!"

The surroundings suddenly became extremely quiet. It seemed that everyone had lost the ability to speak at this moment. They only stared at Harry blankly.


After a while, Ms. Bones repeated these three words. Her thick eyebrows were raised high, and her monocle seemed to be about to slip off. She said: "What do you mean, child? You should It is clear that the Dementors have escaped from the confines of Azkaban Prison and have taken refuge with the person who cannot even be named, yes, that is Voldemort!"

There was a gasp from behind.

Facing Ms. Bones's gaze, Harry felt calmer and said, "Yes, I can believe it because I have seen Dementors - when I was in third grade at Hogwarts, Dementors Monsters once besieged Hogwarts for half a semester - at that time two dementors appeared in the alley and came directly towards my cousin and me!"

"Ah!" Thicknesse spoke again, making an obnoxious mocking sound, while looking at the hearing wizards in front and behind, who were basically members of the Wizengamot wizarding organization, and seemed to hope that they would take action on this matter. Jokes also get the message, "Yeah, yeah, I knew we were going to hear shit like that."

"The Dementors are in Little Whinging?" Ms. Bones said, her tone full of surprise. "I don't understand..."

"Don't you understand?" Thicknesse sneered, "Let me explain it kindly. He really took great pains - this famous 'Savior', 'Boy-Who-Lived' Harry Potter Special - when he figured out that Dementors could be a great excuse, brilliant indeed! Muggles can't see Dementors, right, kid? Very clever, very clever, and I have to say, I applauded him. ! So there are no witnesses, only your one-sided story, Harry Potter..."

"I didn't lie." Harry argued loudly and angrily, his voice drowning out the renewed whispers in the courtroom, "There were two of them, blocking each other from both ends of the alley, and everything became so dark and cold. , my cousin touched them and tried his best to escape..."

"That's enough, kid, that's enough!" Thicknesse said impatiently, with a very arrogant look on his face, "I'm sorry that I interrupted you from telling your carefully crafted lie, I can bet you a galleon , this is definitely an argument that Harry Potter has rehearsed for a long time! After all, he has a professor beside him, who is also a professor of combat class, right? Of course the professor knows about Dementors."

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