New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 110 HNA Test

"What's the matter with Wesley?" Nick Fury asked.

"There is not the slightest problem. An unregistered and notified fighter aircraft is approaching the air carrier. Isn't it normal to respond like this? If it gets closer, then the defensive weapons will be useless. Now its response is reasonable, in advance After locking, accept our scan, and then land in the designated area, I think Elizabeth handled it very well."

"Thank you Mr. Wesley for your compliment. There are certain loopholes in the safety procedures of the helicarrier. I hope the commander will fix it." S.H.I.E.L.D. was the first to use such heavy equipment, so many places lacked a perfect system, and Wesley When writing the program, it draws on the military's security program.

"You borrowed the military's security measures?" Nick Fury asked.

"Of course, S.H.I.E.L.D. is not an army, and I don't have the slightest experience with this kind of equipment, so I can only learn from the military's security measures. Is there any problem?"

"There is a problem, we are agents, not all equipment or personnel are registered, so this situation will happen often." Wesley suddenly realized after listening, no wonder Hawkeye can bring people close to the sky mother so easily The ship, the particularity of the spy organization, but since there is such equipment, it should be changed, and it can't stick to the past.

"Mr. Director, I think it should be changed. If you still run this helicarrier with the thinking of an agent, it is only a matter of time before it will be destroyed."

"how to say?"

"Don't you feel that it's too easy for the fighter plane to approach? It's approaching us now. What if it's a carrier carrying bombs? The security problem is too big. How can unfamiliar aircraft approach?"

"This is a question of the particular composition of the special organization of S.H.I.E.L.D."

"No, this is irresponsible for this warship. Anything can happen. Unfamiliar aircraft without registration and notification cannot approach. This is a very common safety rule. If S.H.I.E.L.D. can't do it, then What is such a big guy doing? Did it blow up for others?"

"Okay, so what will the smart program do next?"

"Elizabeth, tell our Director, common sense of safety."

"Yes, Mr. Wesley, the unfamiliar aircraft will be scanned and tested. If no dangerous objects are found, they will be arranged to land in a designated area and then be inspected by security personnel until it is finally determined that there is no danger."

"What if a threat item is found?" Nick Fury asked again.

"All items that endanger the warship will not be allowed to land. It is recommended to send fighter jets to escort the aircraft to land on the designated land, and then disarm the opponent."

"Are you sure this doesn't affect our work efficiency?"

"The safety of the battleship is the first order of execution. Anything or person that destroys the safety will become the target of the attack." Elizabeth replied, but Nick Fury was not satisfied with this.

"Wesley, we are S.H.I.E.L.D., and we are all in contact with extraterrestrial things. Doing so will affect efficiency."

"I would rather affect efficiency than human life. You must know that there are thousands of people on this air carrier, and I will not put them in danger for a mission. As a commander, you should deploy and register as much as possible. The aircraft is carrying out transport tasks, or is ready in advance, is there any armament on earth that can make this warship use up all its armaments?"

"You and Stark."

"Well, except for the two of us, and besides, we won't attack here."

"Let's continue the test first!" Wesley still insisted, and Nick Fury reluctantly agreed. What followed was another series of tests. It was already dawn, and the air carrier had gone deep into the sea.

"The flight booking project has been tested, and now it is ready to land on the sea for a sailing test." Wesley looked at Nick Fury and said.

"Yes, all personnel are ready to land, and all items are fixed. Elizabeth, prepare for a sea landing."

"Follow Commander! The sea surface is ready to land, the anti-gravity engine begins to reduce the power output, and the altitude drops...close to the sea..."

With another shock, the air carrier landed on the sea surface, then the anti-gravity engine stopped, the wings on the left and right sides began to lower down, and finally submerged under the sea surface. "The landing is complete, there is no abnormality in the equipment detection, and there is no abnormality in the system detection."

"Papapa" was another round of warm applause. At this time, the air carrier can be said to have succeeded, and the rest is a long training. Find the shortcomings in the daily training again, and then record them for future improvement. Or produce a follow-up model.

"Elizabeth, start the sea test, collect sea condition data..." Wesley gave the order again. Although several hours have passed, the test has not stopped. This is also a test for all personnel.

The HNA test is relatively simple, because the experience of sailing can be said to be very rich. Whether it is a warship or not, the ocean is no longer unfamiliar to humans. Compared with the air test, Hainan Airlines is a lot easier, after all, it can be regarded as "down-to-earth".

Wesley continued the test of the host's intelligent program. After this work is completed, it has nothing to do with him. The aircraft carrier will always be outside for flight and navigation training. The hardware test takes time.

Elizabeth is more handy in sailing. After all, the history of human sailing is very long, so Wesley has a lot of experience to learn from, and they are relatively mature. Elizabeth carried out the sailing test perfectly, and Wesley also officially ended his mission. If there is any problem in the future, it can be modified remotely, which is very convenient.

"Mr. Chief, my mission is over."

"It's hard work, come with me!" Nick. Fury took Wesley directly to his office, "I need you to reset the highest authority for me, don't let others know, is there a problem?"

Wesley froze for a moment, then understood Nick. What Fury meant, "No problem, it's easy, but how do you set it up and what method do you use?"

"Retina! It's just this one..." Nick Fury took off his black eye patch directly, and one eyeball that had lost its light and had a white surface was exposed, with scars around the eye socket.

"Well, good idea, scan it now, and then I will enter Elizabeth's final program instructions, no one will know, of course I hope you don't kill me." Wesley made a joke, but Nick F. Ray didn't want to laugh at all.

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