New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 120 Charity Reception III

The charity reception was held at Gilson Marbury's villa. The villa was located by the sea and the environment was good. Wesley drove to the entrance of the villa by himself, drove in the car directly, showed the invitation at the villa's main entrance, and then walked in.

The banquet hall of the villa is not small. If it is not for people who like to party, they will not prepare such a large banquet hall. The reception is in the form of a buffet. There are no restrictions. You can walk around and have a look, then chat with someone you know, or chat with a beautiful woman. There are very few people who have been eating all the time. Wesley is an exception.

Alone at a table full of food, carrying a plate, Wesley began his fight. Taste each food a little bit, and then identify which ones are delicious and suit your appetite. Wesley can say that his mouth is very mouth-watering now. He doesn't care whether the food at home is good or not, but he pays great attention to the food outside. This is the result of eating with Maria Hill for the first time.

After a French feast, Wesley completely fell in love with food. Everyone likes delicious food, but due to economic conditions, different people pursue different things. Wesley now has the conditions to pursue high-quality food. Life, then he naturally wants to pursue it. He used to always eat hamburgers and drink Coke, but now he wants to come because of the reasons in his previous life.

There is a special restaurant at the SHIELD headquarters for those engineers and scientists. They often forget to eat as soon as they start their research, so it is open 24 hours a day and can go to eat at any time, and the food is very delicious. Wesley is very enjoyment.

Looking for a few kinds of food that suits his taste, Wesley began to put it on the plate. One plate would definitely not satisfy him, but because of the temperature of the food, he only loaded one plate, and then chose a juice and took care of himself. He sat down to the side, and then took a big mouthful to eat.

He doesn't look good at all, and he doesn't care what other people think of him, so he eats a lot and quickly. People passing by will give him a different look, and then walk away with contempt, but some people won't say anything. what.

"Why are you eating here by yourself?" Wesley looked up and saw Tony Stark standing at the table with his arms still in his arms. Who wasn't Black Widow? Unexpectedly, she ran to find Tony Stark, relying on his invitation to enter here.

"Of course I'm hungry, have you eaten?" Wesley swallowed the food in his mouth, asked casually, and continued to stuff the food into his mouth.

"I wasn't hungry, I was hungry when I saw you eating. Wait, I'll go get the food, Natasha, what would you like?" Tony Stark still asked his daughter today, if today If Natasha didn't ask him for help, he wouldn't be here.

"No, I'm full when I see him." Black Widow said unceremoniously, but she didn't leave, but sat directly opposite Wesley, staring at Wesley with big eyes.

He raised his head and glanced, and then continued to lower his head to eat without caring. Wesley's actions made Black Widow's forehead burst into blue veins. In the face of this beautiful woman, you actually bow your head and eat like this. Does he really think that I am not beautiful?

Black Widow, who has always been very confident in her beauty, is now a little skeptical. She relies on her beauty to complete countless tasks, and now it is useless in front of Wesley. Is there any problem with his eyes?

When Tony Stark came back with the plate, he saw the black widow staring at Wesley who was eating and drinking, a strange picture.

"Wesley, why are you here? Didn't you not attend various receptions before?" Tony Stark sat down and asked.

"I have a mission, and I won't come here without a mission, but the food is good, and I'll work when I'm full!" Wesley replied casually.

"Mission? You two are a mission? Then why don't you come together?"

"Hehe, what did you say you forgot?" Wesley looked at him with a smile, this guy slipped his tongue and sold himself. Tony Stark also remembered instantly. He wanted to find something to talk about with Natasha, but he accidentally said what Wesley said, especially the sentence that the nose occupies a large proportion of the face, which is too lethal. big.

Tony Stark stopped talking, and started to eat frantically. Their table attracted the attention of others, and many people looked over.

"Mr. Stark, it's my honor to have you here." A fat man swayed over and said loudly when he was only a few steps away. The loud voice could be heard in the entire banquet hall. .

Tony Stark had to put down his knife and fork, dipped his mouth with a napkin, and then stood up with a smile, "I'm glad to be able to participate in the charity reception."

"Yes, but I know that Mr. Starka is very keen on philanthropy. He just donated art that he had collected for many years not long ago." Gilson Marbury is a fat man, Wesley looked up, and then Continue to eat. "Oh, is this beautiful lady Mr. Stark's girlfriend? I really envy Mr. Stark, always surrounded by beautiful women."

"Hehe, you can lose weight, too." Tony Stark's words made Wesley almost squirt, but he still held back.

"Forget it, instead of losing weight for beautiful women, I might as well eat more." Gilson Marbury didn't care about Tony Starka's ridicule at all, but directly admitted that he liked to eat.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Gilson Marbury, I heard that your real estate business is doing very well." Black Widow began to take advantage of her femaleness, which made Wesley understand that if there is a beautiful woman who takes the initiative to approach You, then you must be more careful.

But Wesley then thought that he is a handsome guy. Isn't it normal for beautiful women to approach? Only fat people should pay attention, right? Oh, handsome is very troublesome!

"Oh, this is Mr. Wesley Gibson, right? I didn't expect you to be here too. I'm full of brilliance here!" The fat man's eyes were small, perhaps because of his fatness.

Wesley wiped his mouth, then got up and shook hands with him, "Yes, it's the first time I've attended such an occasion. To be honest, I'm not very used to it, but the food you have here is good and it suits my appetite."

"It seems that we have common hobbies, and we have time to share our experience. I have eaten a lot of food from all over the world. We can exchange information with each other to enrich our table."

"Of course if you have a chance." Gilson Marbury didn't stay for a long time. After all, he just met. He knows how to master the skills of conversation. It's enough to meet him today. If he is too enthusiastic, it will be disgusting.

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