New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 143 Comprehensive Laboratory

In Tony Stark's seaside villa, in the underground studio, three people are having a heated discussion around a holographic projection map.

Wesley shook his head and said, "No, underground fortifications must be built for nuclear prevention. The main body of the comprehensive laboratory should be placed underground, and the ground will be the civilian and living and training areas."

Tony Stark retorted: "Why do you want to do this? I like to work at high levels. Underground is not my style. What's there to be afraid of? We can build an air defense system, and then focus on studying the Iron Legion first."

Bruce Banner looked at the two of them speechless. Are you going to start a war? "You two, we're not going to fight a war, are you thinking off topic?"

"No, no, we didn't deviate from the topic. This is very important. We have concentrated the research results of three geniuses here. Even a little bit is enough to drive others crazy." Tony Stark's remarks were still narcissistic.

And Wesley is not. "Although I agree with Wesley's point of view, we still have to build underground. You two should have a deep understanding of what the US government and military are like."

"What happened to Tony's military industry in the end? You were also affected by it, and the hearing, have you forgotten? Bruce, you don't need to mention, help the military experiment, you know the result yourself, In the end, I was chased all the way. Now the temptation of the three of us together is I hope you think clearly, they are likely to drop nuclear bombs on our heads."

Tony Stark said speechlessly: "Are you sure we are so attractive?"

"Not sure, but just in case, know your electrical engineering and physics; Bruce's nuclear physics and my artificial intelligence, it's an almost irresistible temptation to destroy if you don't control it, it's not normal for me to think so ?"

"So from the beginning we stopped their thoughts and let them have no way to start."

The other two thought for a while, and finally nodded in agreement, and then began to study the necessary facilities.

"We should adopt a dual system model, dual energy, dual ventilation, dual isolation, etc." Wesley said first.

The other two didn't understand, and Bruce asked, "What is a dual system, I understand the energy, what about the others?"

"Jarvis, prepare a holographic image as I said. It doesn't need to be too specific, just an outline." Wesley ordered.

"Understood, Mr. Gibson."

Wesley then began to explain his point of view, "At the bottom of the base, we set up two energy supply systems and use them in turn. Didn't Tony just complete the prototype of pure energy? We can install two here, whether it is an experiment or a modification. Or it can be upgraded, and when necessary, we can come with the three of us."

"The reason why the ventilation system needs dual systems is not only for safety, but also for internal problems. If a certain laboratory encounters a danger, such as an explosion, we will close it, and then use a ventilation system to discharge the impact of the explosion, and then open it up. The other one for ventilation."

"Your Iron Legion and my 'Sir Armament' are also separated. We also need two supercomputers, one for Jarvis and one for my Elizabeth."

Tony Stark interjected: "Elizabeth? The one you designed for S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

"Yes, that's just a simplified version. I'm still constantly upgrading, so the system uses two, divided into two areas. When necessary, you can control the other half or defend the other half. What do you think?" Wes Leigh asked, and Jarvis generated a rough outline.

Tony Stark nodded, "There is no problem with security, and it is very challenging. We seem to have a lot of research work to do from the beginning. What about going up?"

"Further up is Bruce's territory, and his research requires a lot of large equipment, and he has to be given an absolutely sturdy room."

Bruce asked curiously, "Why?"

"Use it when you let him transform. You have to learn to control it. Remember the tea I showed you? You can get it when you have nothing to do. It will help you meditate, and it is much better than practicing yoga."

"It's impossible to control the Hulk. If you just practice controlling your emotions and heartbeat, you may be able to." Bruce Banner's confidence is obviously insufficient.

"It's wrong for you to think so. You separate the Hulk into an individual, which is not correct. You are the Hulk, the Hulk is you, you are one, but you represent different you. One is... cowardice, you don't mind if I say that, but that's how you feel to me, you are brave in matters of right and wrong, but you can't handle other things at all."

"Really?" Bruce Banner's voice was full of doubts.

"In other words, you and the Hulk belong to two extremes of reference. You are powerless, and the Hulk is invincible; you are humble and polite, and the Hulk is violent and irrational. You are so extreme, but you Not separate, but one."

Bruce Banner looked at Wesley in disbelief and said, "You actually say that the two are one with such extreme contradictions?"

"Yes, you share one brain, one heart, and one body, how can you be two different individuals. I have studied your information, even if your father inherited some things from you, those things are at most for you It's impossible to have something, instead of recreating a creature. It's just amplifying something, all you have to do is communicate and control, and I think it will always succeed."

When the phone rang, Wesley picked up his phone and took a look. He had a hunch in his heart, and he picked up the phone and answered, "Hello, I'm Wesley Gibson."

"Wesley, in an emergency, you need to go to the helicarrier. Where is your current position? I'll send a Kun-style fighter to pick you up." Phil Coulson's voice sounded a little impatient? "By the way, we need the help of Dr. Bruce Banner, bring him along, and Mr. Tony Stark is also invited by you, and then send me the location coordinates."

Wesley didn't have time to speak, and the other side hung up the phone, not giving Wesley a chance to ask questions at all.

Frowning, Wesley called again. Phil Coulson picked it up. Maybe he understood Wesley's character. If he didn't answer the phone, Wesley would have been calling endlessly. .

"Any questions?" Phil Coulson asked cautiously.

"I said Phil, you always have to tell me what happened, how can I tell them when I'm so clueless?"

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