New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 146 Captain America's True Ability

Wesley knew about Iron Man Tony Stark, Hulk Bruce Banner, Thor, but he didn't know about Captain America. In his last life watching movies, many people said that Captain America's ability was improved by the director, otherwise The thing that was instantly killed, but Wesley would not think so.

This is a parallel universe, is a character like Captain America really useless? Now was a good opportunity to observe, to see what the difference was in him, as Wesley stood in front of the rear hatch, watching the two fight.

"Apple, pay attention to analyzing Steve Rogers' combat characteristics and find out his abilities. He has always been a mystery to his combat effectiveness." Wesley communicated with Apple in his mind.

"Understood, but judging from the current situation, his speed and strength are not as strong as when you turned on your ability, so it can be said that he is much weaker."

"Oh? You're really saying that. When I activated my ability, my strength and speed were indeed greatly increased. Others' movements became extremely slow, even bullets, but he didn't seem to be like this. Everything was in normal human beings. Within range." Wesley observed so seriously for the first time.

The battle below was one-sided, Steve Rogers was beaten, and Natasha Romanoff, the co-pilot of the fighter plane, couldn't stand it any longer, "Agent Wesley Gibson, aren't you going to help?"

"I'm observing their combat characteristics." Wesley said without looking back. A very strong reason, but it is very inappropriate to say it now. Natasha Romanov asked the pilot to turn the nose of the aircraft, the lower part of the nose opened, and the revolving machine gun extended.

Loki has been paying attention to the fighter plane above his head. After seeing the machine gun, he directly used the scepter to fire blue rays. The pilot hurriedly avoided it and avoided it dangerously.

Wesley's body swayed with the fighter, and the battle armor immediately adopted the balance mode. His armor was designed for shooting, so it was very easy to maintain balance. Wesley turned back and said: "Pull up and put the rear cabin. The door is facing them, and I don't want to go out first."

Wesley's words were very blunt. The last time the two had eased their relationship, but now it seems to be freezing again. Wesley was very annoyed, he was observing the characteristics of Captain America, what his abilities were, and this black widow acted without notice, knowing that they were all six agents, and this time the operation Wesley was in charge.

If there is no Wesley, then Captain America must be in charge, but now with Wesley, and he is a person from SHIELD, he is naturally in charge.

He turned around and continued to watch, but just in case, Wesley unfolded the sniper rifle of 'Sir Armed' Caitlin, and then aimed, but did not mean to shoot at all.

Captain America got up after being knocked down, punched again and rushed up, and then repeated, "I seem to understand a little." Apple suddenly said.

"You mean he can keep getting up?" Wesley asked.

"Yes, his body has been strengthened, but his speed and strength can't compare with you, although you can't keep that state on all the time. His strength and speed, and his ability to observe dynamic vision are not strong, he is really powerful It's endurance."

"Is it stamina? You can get up every time you get knocked down, like he often said, can he stay with you all day?" Wesley seemed to understand that Captain America's ability is consumption, and he can continue to consume it with you. . On the battlefield of World War II, he faced ordinary people, so he seemed powerful. But now he's facing some superheroes, so he's weak, and the stamina feature is highlighted.

"Interesting, then we can start now." Wesley's helmet opened, his heart began to beat faster, and everything slowed down.

"Bang" the super-long sniper rifle fired, water drop-shaped energy bullets flew out, and a ball of sparks lit up the night sky. Loki held his scepter high and was about to smash down, and then his body seemed to be hit by a speeding train. He flew out and smashed onto the steps behind him.

He wanted to get up, but the second shot hit him again. Even the body of the God Realm was still irresistible. He was not the Hulk. Forget Loki.

Steve Rogers breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't know why Wesley was attacking now, but the task should be completed. He picked up the shield, and then picked up the opponent's scepter. The fighter plane began to land, and Wesley walked away with the gun. down.

Loki raised his hands, his gorgeous shirt disappeared, "I surrender, but your weapon is very interesting." Loki wiped the corner of his mouth, Wesley didn't know if he was really injured, but this one is A cunning, treacherous fellow.

Steve Rogers put him on the fighter plane, Wesley put away his arms, and then the fighter plane took off.

"Why did it take so long to shoot?" Steve Rogers asked.

Loki interjected: "Oh, it seems that there is a lot of resentment...hehe." After he finished speaking, he laughed sinisterly. Wesley knew that this was his plan. He intentionally caused all members of the Avengers to conflict, especially Bruce Banner. As long as he turned into Hulk, the helicarrier would fall into a huge crisis and maybe fall. Not sure.

Naturally, Wesley would not let his plan succeed. Wesley had already planned it long before time began.

He ignored Loki, but said to Captain America: "Captain Steve Rogers, it's really what I wanted to let you fight him, let you clearly understand the difference between the present and the past, you face It's no longer ordinary soldiers, but people as capable as you, even aliens. This guy is an alien, and I'm also observing your abilities."

Steve Rogers asked suspiciously, "My ability?"

"Yes, your ability. But it is not convenient for us to discuss this matter here. There is still an enemy here. Let's go back and talk about it." down.

Loki shrank his neck, and Steve Rogers looked at him and asked, "What's the matter? Are you afraid of thunder?" His sarcasm seemed to be in response to Loki's teasing. And Loki shook his head and said, "I'm not afraid of thunder, but the guy who thunders."

Wesley laughed, "I see, you're afraid of your brother Thor, right?" Wesley walked directly to the rear of the rear compartment, then opened the rear hatch, he was waiting for Thor's arrival .

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