New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 148 Try to absorb

Wesley stopped the enraged Thor. If his hammer really had a deterrent effect, then Loki would have repented long ago, and this will not happen now, so all the problems are still unresolved.

In fact, Wesley should have been dispatched directly and intercepted at the Stark Building, but he didn't want people to know that he could see ahead, he had a lot of secrets that he couldn't share, even his best friends and relatives, he could only let Things are developing slowly. However, he believed that everything was under control, and it was this kind of thinking that cost him a lot.

The fighter plane landed on the air carrier, and a group of people escorted Loki into it. Wesley held Loki's scepter in his hand, and the apple was also running. It was testing whether the energy of the scepter could be turned into himself. use.

"Apple, can you absorb the energy emitted by the scepter?" The first step is the absorption of energy, which is very important. Wesley did not expect to get all the six Infinity Stones. His greatest wish was to get one or Two are enough.

Wesley is very self-aware of this, even if he gets one, it is good, because there are only six in this universe, and all of them have unlimited energy. Infinite is relative, because energy cannot have infinite existence, the law of conservation of energy is not in vain, and the universe Rubik's cube also draws energy from the outside world.

"It can be absorbed, and the quality is very good. This should be the top energy source in the universe, and there is a... It should be said that there is magic." Apple's words made Wesley stunned and slowed down a bit. Sol looked back at Wesley strangely, "What's wrong?"

"Sol, you go in with them first, I'm going to store the armor, otherwise I won't even have a place to sit." Wesley responded instantly.

"Oh, no problem, hurry up and get back, I have a lot to tell you." Saul turned around and followed Natasha Romanov in with a carefree personality. Steve Rogers didn't change his clothes. Thoughts, Wesley sometimes really wonder why he likes tights?

Leaving the crowd, Wesley continued to communicate with Apple, "What does magic refer to?"

"The energy released by the scepter is a little weak, but if someone manipulates it, after the release increases, it will affect the human nervous system. As for other abilities, it is unknown now, and experiments are needed."

"Then can it be put into my body space?" Wesley asked eagerly.

"No, it... refused." Apple's answer shocked Wesley, and he would refuse. Is this alive?

"Is it a living thing? Or is it intelligence?"

"No, or I'm not sure. Its coding is different from that of the computer, but it can be used for reference. It is even more different from my coding. I have insufficient data reserves and cannot analyze it, but I can learn from some things, which will help us improve Elizabeth. help."

"There's no time, it seems that this time intelligence gave up the wisdom gem, and Loki is still controlling it, right?"

"Maybe it has something to do with me. My composition is currently unique. We guess that it may be composed of elemental languages. This may be too complicated for the Marvel universe, so we can't get its approval. "

Hearing Apple's words, Wesley felt a chill in his heart, "Then the space gem won't work either?"

"Not necessarily. Wisdom protection wants to use what needs to be connected to the brain, but the space gem does not need it. Your body space has a great possibility to attract it."

"Well, everything is unknown, I can only do my best." Wesley came to the equipment room prepared for him, took off his armor, and then let Apple absorb as much energy as possible. The energy of wisdom gems is very important to Apple. It is a big supplement, but the time is too short.

Holding the scepter, Wesley came to the command center, where everyone concentrated, they were watching Nick Fury lock up Loki. And Nick Fury's seemingly threatening words made Wesley very speechless. He even explained the operation process, "If you move around, you will fall below 9000 meters. I hope your body can bear it. Originally, It's for a guy even scarier than you."

His words embarrassed the insiders who were sitting, and Wesley covered his face speechlessly. Now the scepter has not been activated, because Loki needs to wait for someone, Miss Natasha Romanov.

Loki got a lot of information from Hawkeye, including the members of the Avengers. He relied on his own wisdom to design this arrest drama, and then waited for the black widow to gather information and let the other party in his words. Felt threatened by Bruce Banner. When everyone is drawn together, he activates the scepter, using that special ability to rupture the precarious relationship within the Avengers.

Wesley is waiting. At that time, Apple can absorb a large amount of this energy. To what extent, Wesley does not know, but it is good to study it.

Nick Fury finally returned here, but the atmosphere here is a bit strange, "What's wrong? Didn't you study anything more?"

"Research on what? How do you want to lock Bruce up?" Wesley said angrily, after all, Bruce Banner was invited by him. "You didn't just explain how to operate that cage, you embarrassed Bruce, and now we're in an awkward atmosphere."

Nick Fury glanced at Bruce Banner apologetically, and then said: "Sorry, Dr. Banner, but I think you can understand our preparations. This is something that can't be helped. When the situation can no longer occur, And we were helpless.”

"Okay, let's change the subject and talk about Loki's problem." Dr. Bruce Banner waved his hand, he didn't want to continue this topic.

Nick Fury did not continue to struggle, and changed the topic instantly, "Loki's behavior confuses me, he doesn't behave like a prisoner, and I feel that he is the most willing to stay on the helicarrier, What do you guys think?" Nick Fury looked at Sol after he finished speaking.

Thor shook his head and said, "No one can guess what Loki thinks. I have never been able to see through him." It's ridiculous to analyze Loki's thoughts.

However, Sol is a man of God's Domain after all, and he still has some information. "Loki has an army under his command, and the army of the Chitauri is under his command, and the reward is the universe cube."

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