New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 156 Battle of New York III

Tony Stark didn't say a word, he flew straight into the sky, Wesley hurriedly flew out of the building, and then stopped at the top of Stark Building. This is the highest point of Stark Building, the closest to the space passage. .

"Apple, fixed the turret attack mode." Wesley knelt down halfway, his left leg bent, the foot armor began to deform and fixed on the ground, the right leg kneeled down, and the same deformation was fixed, and the red 'Jazz Armed' Kate on the right back Lynn's sniper rifle unfolded.

"Open the helmet!" Wesley wanted to use his ability to give Tony Stark the most accurate cover.

"It's too dangerous." Apple disagreed, they were now living together, and Apple needed to take care of Wesley's safety.

"Open it, Tony needs my cover, he must be kept safe, and at the same time, those who slip through the net cannot be rushed down, we need time, if it is too dangerous, don't put it on too late." Wesley's words are orders, Apple only The helmet can be turned on.

"Plop plop" Wesley's heart began to speed up, everything around him began to slow down, and the super-long sniper rifle was aimed at the sky.

Tony Stark continued to lift off, and the Chitauri pioneers began to pass through the space channel, and they began to dive in small aircraft. The Chitauri's small flying machine is like a flying motorcycle, and there is a hanger behind it, and a Chitauri soldier stands.

The speed is fast enough, and it can be considered flexible. If it is faced with fighter jets, it does have a great advantage. If it does not have the same equipment, it is really difficult for the military to deal with it under normal circumstances. Even with a BVR attack, the effect is weak, after all, the Chita Swiss soldiers use energy weapons. Energy weapons are indeed powerful enough in terms of anti-missile, launching fast enough and powerful enough.

Tony Stark directly greeted him, his palms continuously fired energy cannons, and the explosion of "Boom" sounded in the sky. However, two fists are no match for four hands, and several aircraft have missed him. These aircraft ignored Tony Stark and wanted to rush into the city.

"Huh..." Taking a deep breath, the first aircraft was put into the scope by Wesley, his finger pulled the trigger, and the drop-shaped energy bomb shot up into the wind, and then hit the front end of the aircraft, "Boom" With a loud bang, the aircraft exploded in the air.

The sniper rifle moved slightly, the finger pulled the trigger again, and then another aircraft exploded. What is Fixed Turret Mode? Stable on one point, continuous bombardment, this is the true meaning of the treadmill, Wesley's 'Jazz Armed' is an independent energy source, whether it is the energy gun on the left arm or the sniper gun on the right shoulder, there is a separate new element reactor Provides energy and recharge time is minimized.

Looking from a distance, Iron Man bravely charged forward, and behind him there was a continuous stream of energy bombs rising into the air, the Chitauri vanguard was completely unable to break through the blockade of the two.

After all, the entrance to the space passage is limited, and it is impossible for the army to press on at the same time. The Chitauri sent vanguard troops to clean the surrounding area of ​​the space passage, but they did not expect to be directly blocked at the entrance of the passage.

Far away on the top floor of the central apartment in the south of Central Park, Carlos was wearing a dark steel armor. This is the original version of 'Black Sir' left by Wesley, but without the assistance of an intelligent system, it is not powerful enough. Hannah sat on the sofa, her eyes fixed on the huge TV, and she was focused on the news. Mindy was holding Annabelle with a look of excitement, and there were two pistols beside her, and she was still muttering in her small mouth, "Annabelle, you see there are aliens, if they rush over, we will make more moves. Bar."

Annabelle let out a nonchalant cry, "Meow" and then waved her small paw, as if these aliens were not worth mentioning at all. Carlos called Wesley, because on the news he saw his son's 'Black Sir' in a cool outfit.

"Hey, does Wesley need me to come over?" Carlos wanted to kill him for the safety of his son, but how could Wesley agree? Without the assistance of the intelligent system, it can only be operated manually, and Carlos can't exert much power in the armor.

"Don't worry, there's no problem, there will be support in a while, you just need to protect Hannah and Mindy at home, our family should not be affected, you can just be in case." Wesley While shooting and talking on the phone, the hands never stopped.

"Okay, contact me immediately if you need support." Carlos hung up the phone immediately, and now he can't affect Wesley too much. Although their father and son are talented and have the ability to be top shooters, distraction is still a big no-no.

"Dad, shall we kill it?" Although Mindy is now a little girl in school, don't underestimate her violent factor. The super-killer is a decisive character.

"No, Wesley told us to stay at home, then we stay at home and can't distract him." Carlos said seriously.

Mindy let out an 'oh' in disappointment, and then continued to watch the live broadcast on TV with Annabelle in her arms. American media reporters were very crazy, and they were still thinking about the news in such a dangerous situation.

"Annabelle, it seems that we don't have the chance to play. My brother will kill all the aliens. Alas, we have no chance." When Mindy muttered, Tony Stark ushered in another wave the enemy, the enemy began to speed up the speed of dispatching troops.

The right shoulder of the steel armor opened, and rows of small missiles were exposed, and then launched. This kind of miniature missile has a very short range and is a melee weapon, but it is very useful against these small aircraft. A series of explosions temporarily curbed the opponent's offensive momentum.

"Wesley, my ammo is almost exhausted... Hey, man, here comes a big guy." Tony Stark was about to talk to Wesley about the ammunition, but a big guy rushed out of the space channel .

Wesley sees it very clearly. Some people call this thing an 'iron armored dragon'. Its huge body can swim in the sky and carries a large number of infantry inside. Wesley is not very sure whether the Chitauri army is a living body or something else. What, although this big guy looks only huge, but the destructive power is very terrifying in the city.

"You're out of ammo?" Wesley asked.

"Yes, there are also laser rays and two armor-piercing bullets." Tony Starkal said, "What are you going to do with this big guy?"

"Do you have spare armor?" Wesley didn't answer, but asked instead.

"There is a set." Tony Stark didn't say what was still in the test, what is it for now.

"Empty the ammunition, then go back and change gears, I'll deal with the big guy, and ask when the others will arrive."

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