New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 160 Space Gems

The space carrier exploded, and Wesley's precise barrage directly blew up the space carrier, and the Chitauri army disintegrated in an instant, but Wesley didn't know this. He began to fall down, and his energy was exhausted. The armor was badly damaged, and the last wave of attacks actually hit his armor.

Wesley is also seriously injured now, but he still said in the communication: "Close."

Natasha Romanov pierced the scepter into the shield of the space generator, and then interrupted the energy supply of the universe cube. The space channel kept surging, and finally disappeared, and the sky returned to normal.

"Wesley doesn't seem to be slowing down." Tony Stark hurriedly flew up, and then caught him, Wesley bared his teeth in pain during the collision, but luckily a helmet blocked his expression.

"Multiple fractures, internal bleeding, and more than 20 traumatic injuries." Apple reported on Wesley's physical condition.

"Just don't die, think about how to get the universe cube." Wesley communicated with Apple, Tony Stark carried him and landed them directly on the ground, then took off his mask.

"Hey man, how are you?" Tony Stark asked.

"I'm injured. I won't talk about fractures, internal bleeding, or trauma. Now help me take off the armor."

"Crack" Wesley asked Apple to open the connection part of the armor, but it got stuck in some places. Of course, this was not difficult for Tony Stark. He helped Wesley take off the armor in three or two strokes. It's something to be scrapped anyway.

"His" Wesley gasped, the pain swept through his body, and then took a deep breath, which made him feel a little better.

With a loud "Boom", Hulk jumped up from below, then looked at Wesley, who was covered in blood, curiously, "Haha" with a dull laugh, and then sat down cross-legged.

"Hey guys, did you forget me," Hawkeye called over the radio. "What's going on?"

Steve Rogers responded: "We won, come to Stark Building, we can cheer." After that, he looked down at Wesley, "You did a good job, and the team is also good."

Wesley grinned. The two of them are now comrades Separate from S.H.I.E.L.D."

Tony Stark asked curiously, "Why?"

"Because the Avengers are too powerful, if they are associated with S.H.I.E.L.D., it will make people sleepless, hehe...cough cough" Wesley smiled sarcastically, but it affected the wound, and now he still needs Get the cosmic cube. "By the way, show me what the Universe Rubik's Cube is."

Tony Stark didn't care, he walked directly to the space generator, took out the universe cube, and handed it to Wesley. Wesley directly reached out and took it, and the voice of Apple immediately came, "The purest The energy, the most powerful energy we know at the moment, is absorbing the energy, and your body can recover immediately."

"What do you mean? And the healing function?"

"No, but with the support of this energy, I can directly adjust your body functions to achieve a quick healing effect." Wesley felt after listening, his body was warm, and the fractures and injuries were not in the position. Pain, feel good.

He closed his eyes and enjoyed this feeling, but he didn't realize that his body actually started to levitate, and the people around looked at him with their eyes widened, their mouths widened, and they stared blankly at his changes. .

Wesley's body was floating, completely covered by dark blue light, and he didn't know it at all, the cosmic Rubik's Cube in his hand began to crack, and the cracks got bigger and bigger.

With a "click", the entire universe Rubik's cube was completely shattered, a blue gem floated up, and floated directly to Wesley's chest, and the trauma on his body began to heal.

Except for Sol, everyone here didn't quite understand what happened, and Sol began to marvel, "I really didn't expect that the space gem would admit Wesley."

"What do you mean? Shouldn't this be a Cosmic Rubik's Cube? How did it become a gem?" Tony Stark asked in confusion.

"There are six infinity gems in the universe, and they represent completely different powers. These are space gems. This is the true face of space gems. The universe Rubik's cube is not just a layer of protection. people, then they will return to the way they were," Thor explained.

"Then you mean, Wesley got the gem's approval, but does the gem still have healing powers?"

"No, I don't know why Wesley's body started to recover, but it's true that he got the gem's recognition." Thor also didn't quite understand that gems shouldn't have the ability to heal.

Tony Stark now understands a little bit. He has seen Wesley absorb the energy of the new element reactor. It is estimated that the situation is similar to that at the time. He is really a freak.

Wesley is indeed recovering. Apple controls his body to absorb energy, and then adjusts the body's recovery ability to achieve a rapid healing effect. At the same time, Wesley's body is also being upgraded. The upgrade this time is different from the last time. After all, the energy of the new element reactor is much worse, and it is not pure. The upgrade to Wesley’s body is very limited.

But this time is different. As one of the top energy bodies in the universe, the space gem contains the purest energy and a huge amount. Apple can fully use this energy to strengthen Wesley's body.

"Huh..." It was complicated to say, but Wesley's reinforcement was quickly completed, and with a sigh of relief, Wesley stood up, and the space gem disappeared directly into his chest.

"Huh? Where's the gem?" Everyone asked in surprise.

And Wesley asked with a confused look: "What gem? Huh? My body is better?" Wesley's performance is quite high, mainly because Apple controls his facial expressions. "What happened?"

"You absorbed the universe cube." Tony Stark said.

"Tony, stop joking, how is this possible, that is a cosmic level energy body." Wesley's face, don't be funny.

Sol patted Wesley on the shoulder and then said: "What he said is true, you have been recognized by the space gem, then you can have it, no one can stop it, and God's Domain will recognize that you have space gem."

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