New Staff of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 165 New 'Black Sir' (500 orders plus more)

Wesley was surprised. The initial release was so weak that it could have so much energy. Wesley was extremely careful because of his fear, but he did not expect so much.

"Yes, it's mainly due to the energy level. After converting into electricity, there is indeed a lot, and relatively speaking, it may not be as fast as the gem itself replenishes. According to the density of energy diffusion just now, a large part of it is absorbed by the gem. Yes, it should be like this, but we didn't find out how it was absorbed." Bruce Banner added on the side.

"In addition, when charging Thor's space generator, the energy output at this time is quite large, and at the same time, the energy dissipated around is reduced very quickly, and the greater the output, the faster the absorption." Shawig The doctor also said.

Wesley nodded, he could understand this point, "Although I can establish a connection with the space gem, it will not explain the principle to me. It is estimated that it will be difficult for us to figure out its secret, but now it is time to It's clear, I can make an energy controller and install it on the armor, and I want all the weapons to be independent."

Tony Stark asked, "How do you go out independently? No more missiles?"

Wesley shook his head and said: "No, the weapons of the armor itself are still retained, but some minor changes are needed. I think the miniature missiles are very easy to use. The miniature missiles are placed on both shoulders, and thirty missiles can be placed on one side. "Because Wesley's armor is bigger than Tony Stark's, so you can put a few more, exactly thirty, and the two sides add up to sixty.

"What about the arms? Or put armor-piercing bullets?" Tony Stark asked.

"Well, put an armor-piercing bullet on the left and right, and laser cutting is also required, and then you don't need it. These weapons are enough. I plan to not put the 'Jazz Armor' on the battle armor, and all of them will be independent." Wesley said at Start the operation on the hologram and remove the 'Jazz Armament'. "This time, we can study the weapons of the Chitauri, and then design a new weapon. I still like pistols, and design a pair of energy guns according to the appearance of pistols, while sniper guns need to be more powerful."

Tony Stark said with some jealousy: "I sometimes envy your shooting talent. You are so accurate without using intelligent assistance."

Wesley patted him on the shoulder, "I also envy your flying talent. If you let me fly basically in a straight line, I really don't understand why I fly so badly?" Iron Man is a combination, steel A piece of armor plus a new element reactor, and then Tony Stark, the three together are Iron Man. Tony Stark's talent for quick solutions to problems is essential.

"So where is the energy preparation? Energy transmission and conversion are also issues that need attention. At the same time, how do you charge your weapon?" Tony Stark responded quickly.

"This is simple, just put it on the chest, but it doesn't need to be very obvious. It just fits a gemstone, and it's built-in, so it doesn't need to be exposed."

"So low-key?" Bruce Banner asked in surprise.

"I'm not Tony, and my armor is 'Black Sir'. It's best not to see in the dark. I'm a hidden assassin." He and Tony Stark all used armor to fight , but the ways of the two are completely different, Wesley is more concerned with using weapons to shoot.

"And do you still need your spinning axe? You didn't use it this time around in New York."

Wesley was helpless if he didn't use it. After all, the flying axe was too domineering. The Chitauri could basically split it in half with an axe, which was too bloody and violent. The Battle of New York attracted worldwide attention. If Wesley used it, there would be more people who would hack them, so Wesley was useless. At the same time, the throwing axe was placed in the body space, and he could not blatantly take it out.

"The rotating flying axe is to be reserved. An electromagnetic device is placed on the back of the armour's hand, guided by infrared signals, and docked with the axe handle of the flying axe. Relying on the electromagnetic levitation force, there is a certain distance between the axe handle and the back of the hand." Wesley manipulated the hologram as he spoke. "As for the sniper gun, it needs to be bigger and its power needs to be increased, especially the electromagnetic gun. Now it should be called an electromagnetic gun."

"Oh, you might as well deploy a nuclear bomb." Tony Stark said jokingly, feeling that Wesley's armament was too strong.

"If it wasn't on Earth, I would be willing to deploy one, but I can't use it on Earth." Wesley really doesn't mind bringing a nuclear bomb, especially when there will be a big guy like Thanos coming, but in the future He can't use it on Earth, that thing is a taboo.

"Okay, except for the weapons, is this basically the same? Then we will make the main body first, and then study the weapons according to the proportion, especially the dual guns and sniper rifles you need. This is a lot of difficulties, and energy storage and other issues need to be Take it slow."

"Okay, I'll give you $100 million in a while, it's not enough."

"You only have 200 million left. Has the project with Gilson Marbury started?"

"Well, it has already started. Although he is reluctant, he has no choice. By the way, the neural connection system from the last time will also be added to see if it can reflect my ability through the equipment. Is there any result from the material comparison? ?"

The last time the research on the alien ring had not been completed, Wesley went to monitor Bruce Banner, and then the Battle of New York followed, and there was no time to communicate.

"It's a bit of a result, you see, this is the molecular structure of the alien material, and the molecular structure of the material on the earth has been compared, but I can't find a substitute for the acquaintance, so I can only carry out molecular recombination, hoping to find a synthesis Good quality, but hope is a little slim."

Looking at the molecular structure, Wesley suddenly had some inspiration, and hurriedly communicated with Apple, "What does your code look like, is it the same as the molecular structure?"

"Huh? You said that you know a little bit, I need to compare it." After Apple finished speaking, it fell silent.

Tony Stark is instructing Jarvis to give birth, "Wesley, are you sure about the neural connection? You know it's easy to damage nerves."

"Don't worry, you can do it like this. I have no problem. I can disconnect the neural connection when necessary, and this time I will use Elizabeth. Although it is not fully intelligent, there is no problem in operating the armor."

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